Louisiana Woman Tells it like it is – BP

[vsw id=”h3bzypjTIWg” source=”youtube” width=”510″ height=”410″ autoplay=”no”]

Quoted on PBS today in one sentence. Hear the horrors of the front lines and behind scenes workings of the BP Gulf Oil Spill Catastrophe. This Venice LA local has been granted security clearance to see it all.

Beautiful comment on DMT post.

Straight from the heart comment on DMT post several days ago. Beautiful.

I have only tried dmt twice, the orange crystal version which I believe is highley potent and goes by the name of “Dream Time”. I must have and learn more!! These two amazing experiences plus a long course of LSD have healed and opened my mind about WHATS REALLY GOING ON in the universe and how EVEN THOUGH this world has alot of negative energy and we are all brought up on a system based on money(something that does not need to exsist), control of the masses and power to a select few, I’ve come to realise what I’ve always known deep down in my soul or should I say pineal gland lol, we are all connected in a beautiful harmony and proccess and no matter how hard this system will try to keep its control, IN THE END I believe we are all headed towards a NEW WAY OF LIFE, awakening and freeing of the mind!!

We are all connected and the same!! Our bodies and the way they look, colour of skin ect are meaningless, they are just vessels for a consciousness to exsist and its the mind that truly matters. Infact I believe the mind is the true final frontier, what we can acheive by gaining a higher awareness of the inner workings of a conciousness is TEN FOLD to that of any scientest searching space and the universe using university smarts and a high IQ

You may be highley intelligent and yes that gives the building blocks and potential to walk the path but no matter how much knowledge you may have due to academic studies, UNLESS you have started the journey to break free, heighten your sense of reality by becoming aware of the delusions in your perception of reality you never realised or “logicly” thought you had, gaining true control over your mind while developing  peice of mind and travelling or at least taking baby steps to a form of spiritual enlightenment, YOU like most humans in exsistence shall remain only PARTIALLY CONSCIOUS. But…
Its the dawn of a new age, people are starting to wake up and see a clearer version of reality around them. I’m not saying that these people are better or above the rest or know the TRUTH of everying and know everything, trust me even though I preach to you all I’m only at the begining of my own awakening and still have sooo much to learn, all I’m saying is that these people are more intune and connected to whats surrounds them and whats inside of them and YES more and more people everyday are becoming aware without any sort of major influence that “SPIRITUAL” ways of living, thinking and breathing I do not at all refeer to any of the major religions even though yes they endorce positive thinking and if followed correctly might of stopped humanity killing millions of its own people over opinion and I mean come on people if you take every story and rule in religion back to basics, back to the core I am sure you will come to the conclusion that in the end we all believe the SAME THING in a HIGHER POWER of the spiritual sense, screw the stories, screw the rules your ‘meant” to live by because in the end they acctually SEGRAGATE people and brainwash them to kill each other in “holy wars”…..How can those two words even go together wtf.
I’m talking about living spiritualy in the sense of just knowing, truly KNOWING there is a higher power or forces at work what ever you want to call it, a proccess in motion that is slowly but surley opening the doors to DIVINITY. Its the complete loss of ego and sense of self and the drive to live by “WHAT CAN I GET FOR MY SELF” which infact is now becoming “WHAT CAN I DO FOR US AS A WHOLE”  that is leading us to divinity. The sense of self and getting as much as you can for your self is a caveman survival instinct to me and completley unnecessary, warped and deceitfully encouraged in our system of money and power. In the end I hope I will see a random stranger and to be honest I’m teaching my self now, to see someone I’ve never met before as my blood brother  just because they exsist along side me, life is not to be taken for granted or into some mechanical i’m a robot under control routine and waste your life away. Life is, well I have no words to describe what I feel about it but in the end I believe everything is about connection and another word for connection to me…..if you really think about it on a describing level … LOVE mother bleeping LOVE

I tell you all, that as of three months ago I did not believe or even percieve ANY of what I’ve just explained infact as of three months ago my mind was not only closed and narrow, my mind had HUGE ailments like a lack of confidence, extreme fear of everything especially confrontation, extreme anxiety, paranoia and a bleak outlook on life SERIOUSLY I was messed up and didnt even know how to handle it. Now some educated brainwashed hacks would say go see a doctor and maybe take some meds. Well I was already on meds for years and they said I’d have to take them for life….haha SO here is the miracle!!!

DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING FROM THE MEDIA OR THE GOVERNMENT OR DOCTORS OR THE PROPAGANDA THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE BELIEVE ABOUT ACID!!! LSD!!! ITS NOT TRUE (the only thing that is true is heavy use over a long period of time can cause brain damage, but you only need to take a course of it, then your free, dont have to keep doing it :P)

In fact when people have a BAD TRIP(scariest thing ever!!) and or have had them more then once they immeadiatly think “ok acid is NOT meant for me, I’m never taking it again!” WELL in actual fact and there is not a force on this planet that can convince me otherwise that if you bad trip, its not the acid doing it haha its acctually the negative ailments in the trippers mind thats causing it. It may be hard to detect and very subtle on some but a person who bad trips even if only some times, has something going on upstairs, either a negative way of thinking leaning towards dissconnection or deep seeded emotional issues that need to be worked out and no amount of therapy or medication will be able to TRULY FREE YOU from it, maybe help you live with it but not free you. I have….sorry LOL HAD!! Paranoid schizophrenia my whole life and was medicated daily for it, if I missed more then two doses of medication it was straight to crazy land, when I first started taking acid and seriously the next ten times I took it, I had bad trips, they were so scary and messed up, I’ve never felt fear like that……ever plus I only had bad trips. I never had a good one BUT just like I’ve done with many other things in my life that scared me to death for some reason I felt an extreme urge to continue with it…. like every bad trip I had was some sort of lesson…. or proggression not at all realising what journey I was actually undertaking.
And that was the journey to in every sense of the word OPEN AND FREE MY MIND OF THE MENTAL CHAINS HOLDING ME DOWN HAHA!!!! WOOOOO sorry ok….. people who are anxious, shy, down on them selvs or get upset easily or have low self esteem are prone to having bad trips, because of those exact problems I just stated SOO muahaha if you have a mental problem, no matter how big or small or if there is something you wish you could be better at mentally but cant seem to find the way AND you have bad trips on acid! Well listen up. Against everything anyone will ever tell you about this, even people who take acid all the time have told me to stop and that Im not meant for it (except the enlightened few hehe) you see what people dont realise is that in a SAFE enviroment having a BAD TRIP is, well your not gonna believe this BUT its GOOD FOR YOU MUHAHAHA there is a reason WHY you bad trip and its having those bad trips and going through them time and time again that will acctually heal you!! See if you keep taking acid and I know its the hardest scariest thing in the world BUT if you man up and tackle those bad trips HEAD ON, I cant give an exact number of how many bad ones you have to endure (mine was around the 10 mark) but eventually not only do the bad trips stop all together, forever I might add BUT I noticed almost straight away something was different with me, my speech changed, my thought paterns became less negative and more at peace AND my paranoid thoughts are GONE, self esteem issues and self worth issues GONE, lack of confidence not believing in my self GONE,  and my faveourite NO MORE SCHIZOPHRENIA I havnt taken my meds since. Now for those who dont bad trip at all and never really had a bad one GREAT you are already strong willed, yes you may have problems in your life, I’m not saying acid is lifes miracle cure its the MINDS miracle cure. Now when I take acid all I feel is a special connective sensation to the universe and spiritual realms, I acctually tripped so hard once I hit a divine state of synchronicity every acid users DREAM TRIP, very rare, while in a state of synchronicity to the untrained mind some people(my friend Martin who also hit this state a month after me lol) think they are talking to or comunicating with something within their eye sight or surroundings like a tree or window blind which makes the trip nothing compared to what is actualy possible…….All I can say is when in that state, where every question you have is instantly answered and coincidence after coincidence keeps happening and it feels like EVERYTHING makes PERFECT sense, your so connected your mind cant even register just HOW connected you actually are! Even random noises and things that dont have anything to do with each other seem to flow together in harmony. Its the higher conciousness veiw of reality I realised I was seeing,(personal belief) where NOTHING is insignificant, it is the  higher divine mind hidden within all of us!  You just have to access it! A higher state of being while still also connected to your lower more unaware self! You see my friend martin thought he was talking to a tree….BUT everything that tree said would happen happened right then and there, every question martin was asking was instantly answered its like he could ask his higher self(or tree) whats about to happen he would be answered THEN it would litterally happen! I wittnessed this with my own eyes as martin told the imeadiate future just before it actually happened, he also witnessed my state which was a month earlier but I wasnt asking about the future, I was more spiritual trying to teach my current consciousness accension. I comunicated using my lower state of conciousness…and my higher conciousness f#$king talked back! My lower self had trouble trying to understand what was happening but the one thing I remember the most about this state, well I asked my higher mind and enlightened self what the meaning of us exsisting was, whats the point?? I was answered with a feeling, NOT any word in any language was spoken, instead I was given a feeling, a sense or non spoken understanding!! Not only that but I’ve been feeling this feeling very strongly since my rebirth in the past three months.

I am a man reborn into this world at the younge age of 23, its bin three months into my new life and I swear I’m loving every second of it. If I can conquer acid in the face of all those people, doctors and mates who told me im wrong and to give up and stop doing it…..I can do ANYTHING
I am open to the idea that everything I’ve said is completley wrong or half true or mistaken or what ever. But without going into specifics !!”I BELIEVE”!! in what you ask?? Dont ask just believe…. My name is Theodore Wilson Aplin and I am a paranoid schizophrenic who was told by preffessionals I would be mentally ill for life and if I ever touched acid theres a strong chance of entering a psychosis and never leaving who instead beyond belief of the “normal folk” had his condition CURED by taking a long scary yet self empowering course of ACID!!!! I may still have the chemical imbalance which is a natural elevated dopamine level but the crazy and bad that went with it MUAHAHAHA all gone. I have alot to learn but my mind is open, I am truly free and have peice of mind. The magic feeling I had towards life was stripped of me at a young age when I developed schizophrenia, looks like I got that magic feeling back. Thank god….no wait thank LSD and DMT.

We will NOT be chipped.

If you are serious about wanting to stop the human micro-chipping agenda, you will need to contact your local representative government officials and let them know exactly how you feel about it. The time for surfing the internet and researching this rapidly approaching plan is over – its time to take action!

Some people find it hard to formulate an official sounding letter and many others simply have difficulty motivating themselves to take the first step. This is the site that places the power into your hands and explains in detail the necessary steps that will help us stop this controlling agenda from coming to fruition. You will find all the necessary contact addresses and/or phone numbers you could possibly need to catapult you into direct communication with the very people that are meant to be representing our interests!

  • Step 1: Finding your Mail Recipients & How to contact your local Government Representatives
  • Step2: How to compile your email & include facts.

Only two simple steps, extremely necessary steps that will launch you to the front lines in this never ceasing and constant battle. Remember, the huge corporations that are pushing this enslaving agenda upon us have near unlimited funding and do not sleep. We need everybody to get behind this movement and dig your heels in. No matter how small your action, it all counts.

We the people will not be Chipped.

Source: http://www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com/action/

My unexpected discovery. The Hollow Earth Theory.

As you have probably heard of the hollow Earth theory before, as it is a topic that found its way to ATS a few many times before…
I’ve run into a little problem. I wanted to make a thread… on the hollow Earth thing… Yes, really
Now because of it being a topic before I will have to make a greater effort to make it worth your while, so to say…

Which I will !

I will present to you, the theory and arguments, that “Proof” a hollow Earth is an absolute “fact”.
Now don’t click away…
I’m also presenting the arguments that say “it is a HOAX” . I’m writing this before I’ve started to gather anything and my personal opinion, ( at the time of me typing this ! ) is that it is a hoax .

Please… Follow me in the world that might be hollow, on a quest to discover what there really is to know ?

The Hollow Earth.

Let your eyes slide by this picture, and, for a moment, try to imagine it is real.

Whooo ! Not so fast. Imagine it is real until you read it is not. Or click that little x on the left top of the screen. No…! don’t do that just yet, just play along will ya.

These “facts” are confirmed by explorers of the poles, and are really presented as facts . I’m not kidding, really.

1. There is really no North or South Pole. Where they are supposed to exist, there are really wide openings to the hollow interior of the Earth.

2. Flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the Earth through these polar openings.

3. The hollow interior of the earth, warmed by its central sun (the source of Aurora Borealis), has an ideal subtropical climate of about ’76 degrees in temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.

4. Arctic explorers found the temperature to rise as they travelled far north; they found more open seas; they found animals travelling north in winter, seeking food and warmth, when they should have gone south; they found the compass needle to assume a vertical position instead of a horizontal one and to become extremely eccentric; they saw tropical birds and more animal life the further north they went; they saw butterflies, mosquitoes and other insects in the extreme north, when they were not found until one is as far south as Alaska and Canada; they found the snow discolored by colored pollen and black dust, which became worse the further north they went. The only explanation is that this dust came from active volcanoes in the polar opening.

5. There is a large population inhabiting the inner concave surface of the Earth’s crust, composing a civilization far in advance of our own in its scientific achievements, which. probably descended from the sunken continents of Lemuria. and Atlantis. Flying saucers are only one of their many achievements. It would be to our advantage to contact these Elder Brothers of the human race, learn from them and receive their advice and aid.

6. The existence of a polar opening and land beyond the Poles is probably known to the U.S. Navy, in whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and which is probably a top international secret.


I will get back on each and every single one of them.
You will find these further on, where it seems as if they could really have some weight.

Fun Fact :
The home page of the site I started my quest, also talks about “The Polar Shift”. I can imagine that any shift of the pole would be more devastating for the hollow Earth inhabitants then us.

The next quote is a piece of an article I found.

our world is hollow, with the crust of the earth being 800 miles thick. There exists two openings at the North and South Pole, each hole having a circumference of 1400 miles wide. At the center of the earth is not a molten core but an inner sun which is six hundred miles wide and is 2900 miles from the Inner Surfaces. The diameter of the lip at the opening at the poles is 1200 miles long, thus a person can not see the other side of the opening.Therefore, there exists three worlds on our planet, the outer surface, where we live, the middle earth which purportedly is lined with many caverns, tunnels (made by someone), Inner Cities and people who live there and lastly the Inner Surface. How Gravity works then is the following. For the people who live on the outer surface, Gravity holds them down. For the people that live in the middle earth, the closer they get to the center of the crust (i.e. – 400 miles down), the less effect gravity will have upon them. In the book, “Etidorhpa”, when this individual traveling down into the earth reached the center of gravity, i.e. where there is no gravity — he was able to move by the power of his mind, his heart stop beating and he didn’t need to eat. He described gigantic vegetation that lives under the earth as this lesser pull of gravity allows things to grow larger. Lastly for the people who live on the inner surface, they would also feel gravity pull on them to walk on this surface


I never could understand why they would take a plane as high as possible only to make it ( nose first ) fall as fast as possible to the ground.
Although it is easier to get a few miles up, then it is to get 400 miles down. That’s for sure.
A picture where they show a cross section of the hollow Earth and how the inner sun shines within.
(Sorry about the bad quality. It is a gif image.)

Here is a much better one.

They explain

That when a planet is formed it is first just gas which is rotating. He said that the heavy particles eventually expand out and create the planet’s surface and the lighter particles contract to form the central sun.

One name kept coming up. The name of Admiral Bird.
Apparently an American hero, Admiral Bird bearer of the medal of honor, left a secret diary.
You can read, at least a part of it, here.
Bird’s diary.

A you tube link with a recording from Coast to Coast.

YouTube Link
Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole in 1926 and over the South Pole in 1929. he referred to Antarctica as “The Land of Everlasting Mystery”. In reference to the North Pole he wrote: “I’d like to see that land beyond the North Pole, it is the Center of the Great Unknown.”In his diary, Byrd allegedly tells of entering the hollow interior of the earth, along with others and traveling 17 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing tremendous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving through the brush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization. The external temperature was 74 degrees F.

His airplane was greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing area where he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew, were taken to meet the king and queen of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that they worried about the safety of planet due to he bombs and other testing done above the surface by governments. After the visit Byrd and his crew were guided back to the surface of the planet.

Byrd stated that the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the Earth. He also wrote about seeing a sun below the Earth.

A hollow Earth has got to have places to live, right ? To my surprise I’ve ran into 4 of them.
Bonus: The location and the number of inhabitants are given.

Capitol Cities
Primary Atlantean outpost, located beneath the Mato Grosso plains region of Brazil. Population: 1.3 million.

Refuge of the Uighur culture, a branch of the Lemurians who chose to form their own colonies 50,000 years ago. Entrance is guarded by a Himalayan lamasery. Population: 3/4 million.

Remnant of the surface city of Rama, India located near Jaipur. Inhabitants are known for their classic Hindu features. Population: 1 million.

Remnant of the northern migration of the Uighurs. Located on the border of Mongolia and China. with a small secondary city in Mt. Lassen, California. Telos translated means “communication with Spirit.” Population: 1.5 million.

I assume they are advanced and act like it. So they will probably not breed like rabbits as we do on the surface. If they do exist, you can take these numbers as they are. They have probably found a balance somewhere in the past.

There are also a number of entrances which are:

Cueva de los Tayos (Cave of the oil birds), Ecuador
Gobi Desert , Mongolia.
Great Pyramid of Giza
Iguazu Falls , Argentina and Brazil
Mammoth Cave , Kentucky, USA
Manaus , Brazil
Mato Grosso , Brazil
Mount Epomeo , Italy
Mount Shasta , California (the Agharthean city of Telos)
North Pole
Rama , near Jaipur, India
South Pole
The Well of Sheshna in Benares, India (the Agharthean city of Patala)


So much for the hollow Earth story. You can find everything you want to know, and what there is to know, with one small click on the links above and at the end of this thread.
There are more stories out there then there is room to post. I think I’ve provided the essentials. I hope you will agree

Now, for the second part of this thread I will present you with the “So called” evidence , arguments and counter arguments, on the big “]Fact or Fiction” question.

Fact or Fiction

I’ll start with the “ facts” that proof the hollow Earth, and I will provide the counter argument below the individual claim.

The Aurora Borealis. ( Imagine for a sec. the aurora australius. Which is the same thing , but only at the South Pole. )

In the late 17th century, British astronomer Edmund Halley proposed that Earth consists of four concentric spheres and “also suggested that the interior of the Earth was populated with life and lit by a luminous atmosphere. He thought the aurora borealis, or northern lights, was caused by the escape of this gas through a thin crust at the poles.”

We all know the aurora borealis or the northern light is a result of high energy particles that radiate from the sun. They come in collision with the Earth’s magnetic shield and a part is guided to the poles, where they finally reach the atmosphere and, well… explode, releasing a photonic discharge. Resulting in the aurora borealis. The color depends on the element it reacts with.

A few pictures. Small to save room and keep it orderly.:p

And the most beautiful.

Wiki link.

So the first score : 0-1 in favor of the skeptic team.

The secret diary of Admiral Bird. Does it exist ? Is it real ?

According to the following it is probably not.

This strange belief seems to be based on nothing more than the fact that Byrd referred to Antarctica as “The Land of Everlasting Mystery” and once wrote: “I’d like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great Unknown.” Such evidence apparently suffices for the alternative scientist.

Strangely enough you don’t read anything about it on his wiki page either.
Wiki link. Admiral bird.

It is looking bad for the believers. Score: 0-2

Gravity ?

According to the theory, the Earth’s surface has two sides. The outside ( where we live ), and the inner side ( home of 12 tribes from which 6 use to live on the outer side and even a few alien species are mentioned. They say the Earth in between is 800 km thick.

The answer :

Massive objects tend to clump together gravitationally, creating non-hollow spherical objects we call stars and planets. The solid sphere is the best way in which to minimize the gravitational potential energy of a physical object; having hollowness is therefore unfavorable in the energetic sense. In addition, ordinary matter is not strong enough to support a hollow shape of planetary size against the force of gravity.Someone on the inside of a hollow Earth would not experience an outward pull and could not stand on the inner surface; rather, the theory of gravity implies that a person on the inside would be nearly weightless. This was first shown by Newton, whose shell theorem mathematically predicts a gravitational force (from the shell) of zero everywhere inside a spherically symmetric hollow shell of matter, regardless of the shell’s thickness.

A tiny gravitational force would arise from the fact that the Earth does not have a perfectly symmetrical spherical shape, as well as forces from other bodies such as the Moon. The centrifugal force from the Earth’s rotation would pull a person (on the inner surface) outwards if the person was traveling at the same velocity as the Earth’s interior and was in contact with the ground on the interior, but even at the equator this is only 1/300 of ordinary Earth gravity.

The mass of the planet also indicates that the hollow Earth hypothesis is unfeasible. Should the Earth be largely hollow, its mass would be much lower and thus its gravity on the outer surface would be much lower than it currently is.

But because our understanding of gravity could be wrong.

I call it a tie.
Score : 1-3

I guess it would be wise for team skeptic to get a few beers in the fridge. It seems they are going to need them, while they celebrate their incoming victory.

The following picture is supposed to show the hole at the pole. Photograph from orbit.


Well, I’ve got to be honest. The second pic. does look like it shows a hole. I call this one in favor of the believers.
Score: 2-3

Do I see some tension on the horizon ?

I told you I was coming back on the very first list of 6 “facts”. The time is now.

1. Well… On Google Earth I found something that looks like a huge dome, that covers the South pole center. The North, I see nothing but blue.
2. and 4. and 5. are IMO a figment of someone’s imagination. Or they just not backed up by proof.
3. Is proven wrong , as we know what creates the aurora borealis.
6. I think you can pretty much assume, late Admiral Bird did not keep this secret. As he never spoke the exact words that say the hollow Earth really does exist.

So, that leaves us with 2 points for the believers and 4 or the skeptics. Number 1 I could not proof. Number 6 I believe is unlikely, but plausible.
Score: 4-7

Seismic Information

Although not visually observable, the core of the Earth is observable via vibrations (primarily from earthquakes) passing from one side of the planet to the other. Using this method, geologists have been able to establish the structure of mantle, outer core, and inner core known today. A hollow earth would behave entirely differently in terms of seismic observations.

Obvious one for team skeptic.
Score: 4-8

Visual evidence.

The deepest hole drilled to date is the SG-3 borehole which is 12.3 km (7.6 miles) deep, part of the Soviet Kola Superdeep Borehole project; thus, visual knowledge of the Earth’s structure extends that far.

Well that is just a ridiculous argument. This is claimed as actual evidence.
1 point for the believers.
Score: 5-8

I was going to call for a winner right here… Was I not introduced by a web page with tons of info, in favor of the hollow Earth theory.

Really I didn’t expect to find what I will post next…

The evidence in favor of the hollow earth theory.The following I’ve found on : United States Patent and Trademark Office. ( Looks official to me. )

Patent Number: US001096102

On November 25, 1912 Marshall B. Gardner of Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, USA, submitted his discovery application to the United States Patent Office.
18 months later, on May 12,1914, this federal agency granted Mr. Gardner United States patent 1096102, the second most important scientific document ever issued. Its scientific significance is exceeded only by the mechanical flight discovery of Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903.
For reasons which even Mr. Gardner could not have fully anticipated in the early 1900s, and which are now abundantly clear, his discovery soon became the most highly classified military secret of all time. In 1913 Gardner wrote his original book proving beyond any doubt that our Earth is a hollow sphere. So voluminous was the evidence which he continued to amass from studies of astronomy and Polar exploration, that he expanded his book to 450 pages in 1920.

Link to page 1 of 3. To patent.

Link to patent front page.

There is a lot of info placed so I will only post the points that are used as evidence. The rest is up to you and your curiosity.

By far the three most significant categories of evidence proving the validity of United States patent 1096102 are:1) warmer climate in Polar region
2) eccentric behavior of the compass
3) the peculiar polar lights known respectively as the Aurora Borealis and, in Antarctica, the Aurora Australis

Although the brevity of this article prevents all but a cursory examination of the voluminous available evidence, there are several other categories of proof as well. These include:

4) a dramatic increase in plant and animal life at the far north, also extreme northward bird migrations at the onset of Winter
5) stones, wood, dust, pollen, and mud found both on and imbedded in ice bergs
6) anomalous radio wave behavior in polar region
7) gravitational increase measurable at the Polar Curve, sufficient to cause a significant segregation of salt water and fresh water
8) strange situation of the far north Eskimo, a people with a completely unique language and whose oral tradition states that they originated from much farther north in a warm land of perpetual daylight
9) polar sea depth and strong south-going current in the high Arctic
10) the perfectly fresh mammoths found encased in the ice

A) if, as the official government position postulates, these elephants died during a climate shift from tropical to frigid, it is logical to inquire why didn’t these shivering elephants simply ’pack their trunks’ and move south? or
B) if this alleged climate shift happened suddenly, then why aren’t these ’flash frozen’ pachyderms found alongside the inevitable ’flash frozen’ thousands of acres of forest in which they lived?

11) the peculiar chemistry and mathematics of ice bergs, enormous objects composed of fresh water and which, although there is almost no annual precipitation with which to replace them, travel by the thousands slowly southward to melt every year

The compass has been trying to indicate the true configuration of the Polar regions ever since man first employed this instrument in his quest for those mythical poles. Instead of smoothly leading would be conquerors of the pole to the fabled 90* latitude point, as it must if the official description of the Earth’s geology is correct, the needle starts to perform in an agitated and indecisive fashion in high latitudes. After reaching approximately the 80th parallel, an extraordinary thing begins to occur—the needle starts vertical movement! It is at that stage that the conflicting forces of magnetism and gravity are manifesting themselves.

Concerning the compass, Russian explorer Snegirev writes:
“…the magnetic pole…makes some kind of tricky curve…inconvenience of traveling by compass alone. The arrow would point northward, then suddenly it would veer to the west, and then almost reluctantly it would return to its former position.”

The above is found along with several eye witness testimonies, complete with dates and sources.
From that same page I will add. some info. on the aurora borealis. The reasons why it can not be explained by the current theory. I’m not in a position to confirm these points.

My question to you : Can this be confirmed or not ?

1) electricity and magnetism do not move haphazardly about in enormous curtain shapes
2) the Aurora is noticeably affected by local weather changes
3) the Aurora displays a significant variety of colors, often concurrently
4) the magnetic needle functions even at the equator, but the Aurora is almost exclusively polar
5) actual electrical phenomena, such as lightening, are noisy, yet the Aurora is silent
6) particles from the Sun are mainly hydrogen, yet very little hydrogen is recorded in the spectograph’s analysis of Auroral light
7) If caused by a perpetual flow of electrons from the Sun, then why are Auroral displays sometimes present and sometimes absent?
8) the most powerful refutation is that Auroras are often experienced on-site with no affect upon the magnetic needle!

The last thing from this page was this :

The large number of witnesses grew dramatically when NBC TV aired their April 20, 1992 report by Pentagon correspondent Fred Francis at the edge of perhaps the most highly classified military base in the world Area 51. After an eventual full disclosure and subsequent public exploration of the Interior Earth, Interior Mars will be even more fascinating.

How about that !?
Can anyone recall they have seen this ? Does anyone know it is a proven HOAX ?

And more…


Here a link that provides secondary evidence, along with, according to them, a scientific fact, which is ignored by the so called “experts”. ( Under the title, The Poles Explained.)

Impact crater evidence indicates…Hollow Planet Structure.

An ancient Egyptian map of Antarctica ? The location for Atlantis ?

The map.


I’ve done this topic Atlantis /Antarctica. Never heard about an Egyptian map before tho.

All there is to find about Admiral Bird. ( Rockefeller ?)

Mysteries of the Inner Earth.
Where you can find the standard theory and the hollow earth theory at one page.
Easy for comparing the two. Along with two explanations of why our standard understanding is wrong. On gravity and Seismology.

Plate tectonics.

Plate tectonics – the reigning paradigm in the earth sciences – faces some very severe and apparently fatal problems. Far from being a simple, elegant, all-embracing global theory, it is confronted with a multitude of observational anomalies, and has had to be patched up with a complex variety of ad-hoc modifications and auxiliary hypotheses.
The existence of deep continental roots and the absence of a continuous, global asthenosphere to “lubricate” plate motions, have rendered the classical model of plate movements untenable. There is no consensus on the thickness of the “plates” and no certainty as to the forces responsible for their supposed movement.
The hypotheses of large-scale continental movements, seafloor spreading and subduction, and the relative youth of the oceanic crust are contradicted by a substantial volume of data. Evidence for significant amounts of submerged continental crust in the present-day oceans provides another major challenge to plate tectonics. The fundamental principles of plate tectonics therefore require critical reexamination, revision, or rejection.


I ran into this before in my thread called : The Expanding Earth Hypothesis.
I found a map of the age of the oceanic floor.

The map is made with data that was a result of a scientific survey of the age of the oceanic floor.
The source was was the national geophysical data center.

Seismology. The arguments in favor of and why not ?.

The last one.
The page where almost all links can be found I’ve placed above and many more.
The reason for me to place the above links are because, IMO, they have the most evidence.
And a number of them contain the scientific evidence in favor as well as the opposite.
Link.I’m leaving you all with this.

My arguments are covered and possibly disproved. So there is no need to write them down.
Because honestly, I started with the idea that the theory was a HOAX. I’m not so sure any more.

I hope some of you can shed some more light on this subject.

I’ll have to admit that I’ve run into a wall here. I’m not educated well enough to make any further statement whatsoever. This ended at least for me totally unexpected.

I apologize for it. I do hope I’ve presented a thread that got your attention. Well… actually I only hope you enjoyed reading it. Because I think that would be the only and most important thing of all.

Kind regards

~ Sinter.

Amazing post of Sinterklaas member of ATS.

The FORBIDDEN Truth About WHO’s 2009 ‘Pandemic’…

Scientists who were responsible for World Health Organization (WHO) advice on stockpiling of pandemic flu drugs had financial ties with companies which stood to profit, according to an investigation. WHO made no mention of the links.

A spokesman for WHO said the drug industry did not influence its decisions on swine flu.

However, in case there was any doubt about it, the emergency committee that advises WHO has announced today that swine flu is still a pandemic — even as medical authorities are saying that the virus is past its peak.

BBC News reports:

“Guidelines recommending governments stockpile antiviral drugs were issued by WHO in 2004. The advice prompted many countries around the world into buying up large stocks of Tamiflu, made by Roche, and Relenza manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

A year after the swine flu pandemic was declared, stocks are left unused in warehouses and governments are attempting to unpick contracts.”


Washington Post June 4, 2010

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

Fortunately, and largely as a result of our correct predictions and advice, over 70% of the U.S. population refused to take the vaccine. We were also able to prevent the use of squalene in the vaccine for those that did receive it and, most importantly, we were able to help prevent mandatory vaccination.

A major victory by any measure in that millions of dangerous complications and side effects were avoided by implementing the strategy we advocated.

One-Year Review

It was just a little over a year ago that the World Health Organization (WHO) raised its swine flu pandemic alert from a 5 to a 6, a move that sent governments around the world scrambling to stockpile antiviral flu drugs and vaccines, while causing panic in countries around the world.

By this time, the swine flu virus was already showing itself to have mild symptoms, quick recovery time, and low incidence of death among the vast majority of H1N1 patients throughout the world.

Yet the drug companies needed to begin shipping out their profitable new H1N1 vaccine and antiviral drugs across the world was for the swine flu to be kicked up one notch, from a phase 5 to a phase 6 pandemic … and that is exactly what they got.

If you didn’t find this suspicious before, I suspect you’ll find it hard to swallow now in light of the latest information that reveals some of the very same “scientists,” and I use that term lightly, who advised WHO on their decisions were paid consultants with the drug industry.

Drug Company Insiders Disguised as Scientists Advised WHO

A joint investigation by the BMJ and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that three key scientists who advised WHO on the stockpiling of pandemic flu drugs had been paid by drug companies Roche and GlaxoSmithKline for lectures and consulting work, as well as were involved in research for the companies.

The obvious conflicts of interest were not publicly declared by WHO, despite the fact that conflict of interest forms had apparently been collected by the organization. The findings shed even more doubt into whose interest WHO was looking out for when it declared swine flu a pandemic last year.

BMJ reported:

“The investigation by the BMJ/The Bureau reveals a system struggling to manage the inherent conflict between the pharmaceutical industry, WHO, and the global public health system, which all draw on the same pool of scientific experts.

Our investigation has identified key scientists involved in WHO pandemic planning who had declarable interests, some of whom are or have been funded by pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were drafting.

Yet these interests have never been publicly disclosed by WHO and, despite repeated requests from the BMJ/The Bureau, WHO has failed to provide any details about whether such conflicts were declared by the relevant experts and what, if anything, was done about them.

It is this lack of transparency over conflicts of interests—coupled with a documented changing of the definition of a pandemic and unanswered questions over the evidence base for therapeutic interventions—that has led to the emergence of these conspiracies.”

First They Change the Definition of Pandemic …

Even before these latest revelations, the Council of Europe, European Parliament, and even WHO itself had launched investigations to determine exactly what role the drug companies played in the swine flu debacle, and how deeply Big Pharma’s tentacles reach into the World Health Organization.

As I have said from the very beginning, this so-called pandemic was never a pandemic in the true sense. It only became a “pandemic” by definition when the WHO decided to change the definition in May last year.

That’s when they changed the criteria for a pandemic to make it no longer necessary for large numbers of people to have contracted an illness or died before a pandemic could be called. Instead, under the new definition, all it takes to declare a pandemic is a virus that people have no immunity toward, which is spreading beyond borders.

In other words, it doesn’t matter how many, or how few, people are affected. All a disease has to do to be a pandemic is move beyond a few countries’ borders.

By changing the definition, nations were compelled to implement pandemic plans and to purchase H1N1 flu vaccines and antiviral drugs, enabling drug companies to pocket billions of dollars on fast-tracked, untested vaccines.

In the motion to investigate this travesty, the EU Health Committee denounced what the WHO did, saying, “The definition of an alarming pandemic must not be under the influence of drug-sellers.”

BMJ, too, found this definition change suspicious. They noted:

“WHO for years had defined pandemics as outbreaks causing “enormous numbers of deaths and illness” but in early May 2009 it removed this phrase—describing a measure of severity—from the definition.”

No Scientific Basis For WHO’s Recommendations

WHO has continued to defend their decisions, implying they made the best decisions they could with the information they had available. But part of the problem in the whole fiasco was that WHO’s communications with the world had no scientific basis whatsoever.

Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Centre for Adaptive Behaviour and Cognition at the Max Planck Institute in Germany and an expert in risk communication, told the BMJ:

“The problem is not so much that communicating uncertainty is difficult, but that uncertainty was not communicated. There was no scientific basis for the WHO’s estimate of 2 billion for likely H1N1 cases, and we knew little about the benefits and harms of the vaccination.

The WHO maintained this 2 billion estimate even after the winter season in Australia and New Zealand showed that only about one to two out of 1000 people were infected. Last but not least, it changed the very definition of a pandemic.”

Now WHO Says Swine Flu is Still a Threat …

By declaring this non-pandemic a pandemic, and conveniently not publicly declaring that its scientists have ties to the drug industry, WHO has recklessly damaged its credibility, so much so that it’s possible that when a real pandemic hits, nobody will pay attention!

The EU Health Committee continued:

“In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide,” the motion says.

“They have made (governments) squander tight health care resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.

The “birds-flu”-campaign (2005/06) combined with the “swine-flu”-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health budgets, but also to the credibility and accountability of important international health agencies.”

This is so true, and to add insult to injury, WHO announced this month that the swine flu is still a pandemic! They are keeping their pandemic alert level at 6 — the highest level — for the time-being, and may look into the decision in July.

What is really going on?

It’s hard to say, because the identities of the16-member WHO Emergency Committee that was formed in 2009 to guide pandemic policy — including when to decide the pandemic is over — is still being kept secret. Ironically, WHO says this is to “protect the committee from outside influences,” but as BMJ reported:

“The secrecy of the committee is also fuelling conspiracy theories, particularly around the activation of dormant pandemic vaccine contracts. A key question will be whether the pharmaceutical companies, which had invested around $4bn … in developing the swine flu vaccine, had supporters inside the emergency committee, who then put pressure on WHO to declare a pandemic. It was the declaring of the pandemic that triggered the contracts.”

This is not news; it’s the way it works in the world of the vaccine makers. When Dr. Wolfgang Woodard, chairman of the EU Health Committee, asked WHO in 2004 during the avian flu episode about how they defined a pandemic, this is what he learned:

“The governments have sealed contracts with vaccine producers where they secure orders in advance and take upon themselves almost all the responsibility. In this way the producers of vaccines are sure of enormous gains without having any financial risks. So they just wait until WHO says ‘pandemic’ and activate the contracts.”

So basically the drug companies have standing contracts with governments that guarantee massive amounts of profits … if only a pandemic is declared. So the motivation of WHO’s Emergency Committee is highly suspect, especially if it’s revealed that it, too, contains members with ties to the industry.

For now, it appears WHO is unwilling to give up on this major scandal, despite the fact that U.S. medical authorities acknowledge that swine flu is long past its peak and, as ABC News reported, “CDC stopped reporting H1N1 flu infections by late May, stating on its Web site that “only a small number of influenza viruses are being reported.”

Lessons Learned

It seems patently clear that when it comes to vaccine recommendations it is very unwise to take WHO or government recommendations at face value, as it is likely there is massive conflict of interest that is perverting the truth.

It would seem likely that you and your family would best be served by doing as much independent research as you can to determine the actual risk and the benefits. Most decisions in life involve a risk-benefit analysis, and they are relatively easy to make.

The problem with vaccines is that there is just too much profit involved that generates such massive conflict of interest in public health recommendations that you need to take control of your health and analyze the information very carefully before you commit to a plan of action.

At some point a vaccine may be appropriate, it just depends and it is likely that the risk-benefit analysis will never favor the use of any flu vaccine.

Source: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/06/24/swine-flu-experts-were-paid-by-drug-companies.aspx?aid=CD945