Tesla’s new battery swap station will give electric vehicles a full charge in under 3 minutes

For less than the cost of a large tank of gas, you will be able to trade in your Tesla car battery for a new one, fully charged, any time you like. Currently, there are plans to begin a pilot program, being run out of Harris Ranch, CA that will enable you to go from empty to full in under three minutes (less time than it takes to fill up the gas tank).

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Wave Genetics by Dr. Peter Garyaev

Theory of wave genetics is the first scientific tool in the whole history of mankind that can be used only to help people.
The theory of wave genetics is grounded into extensive theoretical and experimental research. Peter Garyaev has discovered that genetic information exists in a form of electromagnetic field and he has developed a way of transcribing genetic and metabolic information and transferring it in the blink of an eye.

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Your gut bacteria don’t like junk food – even if you do

When Morgan Spurlock famously spent a month eating large portions of McDonalds for the purposes of his documentary Supersize Me, he gained weight, damaged his liver and claimed to have suffered addictive withdrawal symptoms. This was popularly attributed to the toxic mix of carbs and fat plus the added chemicals and preservatives in junk foods. But could there be another explanation?

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