Greek journalist arrested for publishing list of Swiss bank account holders

A Greek journalist has been arrested for publishing the names of wealthy Greek citizens with deposits totalling €2bn (£ in Swiss bank accounts.

Kostas Vaxevanis, editor of the Greek magazine Hot Doc, published the so-called “Lagarde list.” It’s an electronic file given in 2010 by then French finance minister Christine Lagarde to the Greek government.

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Engineered Storm? HAARP Monitoring Project Records Strongest Readings Ever Directed In Path of Hurricane Sandy

By Alex Thomas
October 27, 2012

An independent website that has a real-time sensor network from over 28 sensors placed in rural areas across the United States has recorded the strongest HAARP readings in the projects history.

The readings, in and around the New England area, are literally off the charts and lend credence to other claims that Hurricane Sandy is possibly being engineered to cause massive destruction.

Screen shot of the readings taken by

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Horrifying scans that show the real impact of love

You comfort them over a skinned knee in the playground, and coax them to sleep with a soothing lullaby.

But being a nurturing mother is not just about emotional care – it pays dividends by determining the size of your child’s brain, scientists say.

Both of these images are brain scans of a two three-year-old children, but the brain on the left is considerably larger, has fewer spots and less dark areas, compared to the one on the right.

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Obama Supporters Actually Hate Obama’s Policies

Luke Rudkowski hits the streets of NYC to find out where Obama supporters really stand on his policies. Now he did this in an underhanded way where the policies where presented to be Romney’s, but this was only done to get an honest opinion. The reactions when the truth was uncovered varied but they were very telling to say the least.

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Nervous-System Damage From the Sky

Chemtrails rain aluminum nanoparticles on man, beast, and land. “Chemtrails” is a spin-off from “contrails,” which are the condensation trails sometimes left behind flying aircraft. Some believe these contrails are chemical trails being deliberately sprayed from aircrafts for unknown reasons.

There is current concern in the United States about the increasing number of neurodegenerative patients. Since 2000, the number of Alzheimer’s patients has increased from 4.5 million to 5.4 million in 2012. One in eight people 65 or older have Alzheimer’s. A yearly increase seems inevitable because of the aging population, but environmental factors also play a role.

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Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel


Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government.  For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this time, the Zionists and their co-religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country.  Now you may say that is a very broad statement, but let me show you what happened while we were all asleep.

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Man Buys 1 Million Facebook Users’ Personal Information for $5

How much is your personal information worth? How about a data set consisting of over 1 million individual’s personal information complete with their full legal name, personal E-mail address, and URL to their Facebook account as confirmation? According to one ‘mystery’ company that recently sold 1 million Facebook users’ personal information to a very surprised blogger, not very much at all. About $5, to be specific.

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