The Archons – Alien Invaders From Space

Were ancient, Bronze Age civilizations taken over by sophisticated, parasitic extra-dimensional entities who manipulate the human mind to this day for their own evil purposes? Gnostic texts from the time of Christ may hold the key to the greatest conspiracy in ALL human history!

UFOs seen in St. Petersburg

According filmed video footage and numerous witnesses, in the evening on March 22 residents of St. Petersburg. Glow in the sky was observed in different parts of the city.
One of the witnesses was the operator of Channel 100 TV, who withdrew unidentified objects over the fortress.

China wrestles with food safety problems

From steroid-spiked pork to glow-in-the-dark meat to recycled cooking oil collected from sewers, a series of illnesses and scandals linked to tainted food has put officials on guard. But tougher measures have had little effect amid an official culture of secrecy.

June 26, 2011|By Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times

It was a wedding the guests would never forget. Everybody of consequence in the village had been invited to a banquet to celebrate the marriage of the son of one of the wealthiest families. Fifty tables groaned under a lavish spread of dumplings, steamed chickens, pork ribs, meatballs, stir fries, all of it exceptionally delicious, guests would later recall.

But about an hour into the meal, something seemed to be wrong. A pregnant woman collapsed. Old men clutched their chests. Children vomited.

Out of about 500 people at the April 23 banquet in Wufeng, 286 went to the hospital. Doctors at the No. 3 Xiangya Hospital in nearby Changsha, capital of Hunan province, blamed pork contaminated with clenbuterol, a steroid that makes pigs grow faster and leaner. Consumed by humans in excess quantity, it can cause heart palpitations, nausea, convulsions, dizziness and vomiting.

“It was as though he was poisoned,” said a villager named Dai, whose husband was hospitalized for five days.

To eat, drink and be merry in China is done at a risk: Weddings increasingly end with trips to the emergency room. During the May Day holiday weekend, 192 people from two weddings elsewhere in Hunan fell so ill they had to be hospitalized.

Since 2008, when six children died and 300,000 were sickened by melamine-tainted baby formula, the Chinese government has enacted ever-more-strict policies to ensure food safety, including a directive last month from the Supreme Court calling for the death penalty in cases where people die as a result of tainted foods.

It hasn’t helped. If anything, China’s food scandals are becoming increasingly frequent and bizarre.

In May, a Shanghai woman who had left uncooked pork on her kitchen table woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that the meat was emitting a blue light, like something out of a science fiction movie. Experts pointed to phosphorescent bacteria, blamed for another case of glow-in-the-dark pork last year.

Farmers in eastern Jiangsu province complained to state media last month that their watermelons had exploded “like landmines” after they mistakenly applied too much growth hormone in hopes of increasing their size.

Such incidents cut to the quick of the weaknesses in China’s monolithic one-party system. Chinese authorities are painfully aware that people will lose confidence in a government that cannot give them assurances about what they eat. They are equally aware that tainted foods could cause what communist authorities fear most: social unrest.

“Food safety concerns the people’s interests and livelihoods, social stability and the future of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” is how the Supreme Court put it in its notice last month accompanying the announcement of the death penalty.

The government’s efforts are looking frantic.

Propaganda posters put up in recent weeks in Beijing restaurants show a clenched fist about to smash into a man in a chef’s toque with the message, “Crack down on illegal additives!”

The mass poisoning at the April 23 wedding in Wufeng village prompted provincial authorities to decree that samples of ingredients must be inspected in advance for banquets with more than 100 people.

It’s doubtful, however, that anybody will heed the regulation — China is famous for promulgating laws that are never enforced. There is no equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: A myriad of different agencies reporting to various ministries, including the Agriculture Ministry and Health Ministry, tend to kick responsibility from one to another. Offenders are not usually prosecuted until something goes badly wrong, as in the baby formula case, in which two people were executed.

The incentive to cheat is greater than ever before, with inflation at its highest level in nearly three years. Food prices in May were up 11.7% from last year, and flooding this month is expected to push them even higher.

“On the one hand, ordinary people pay more attention to food safety and nutrition, but on the other hand, whenever you see a big crowd at the market it is because something is on sale,” said Luo Yunbo, dean of the food sciences college at China Agricultural University in Beijing.

Bigger, cheaper, faster is the name of the game.

To make some breeds of fish mature more quickly, aquatic farmers feed them ground-up birth-control pills, which cost virtually nothing because of China’s strict limits on family size. In April, authorities in Hefei province busted businesses that were selling a glaze that makes pork look and smell like more expensive beef — bad news in a country with more than 20 million Muslims.

Until recently, directions were circulating on the Internet about how to make fake eggs out of a gelatinous compound comprised mostly of sodium alginate, which is then poured into a shell made out of calcium carbonate. Companies marketing the kits promised that you could make a fake egg for one-quarter the price of a real one.

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Google Updates PageRank: Top Alternative News Aggregator Punished

Eric Blair
Activist Post

Today is the day of reckoning.  In January of this year, we reported that Google was changing its algorithm to punish “content farming” websites. We predicted that this change would punish some alternative news aggregators.  Lo and behold, today Google released their PageRank update and one of the most prominent alternative news aggregators has been punished.

At the beginning of this year, Google explained the algorithm change on their official blog as follows:

As ‘pure webspam’ has decreased over time, attention has shifted instead to ‘content farms,’ which are sites with shallow or low-quality content. In 2010, we launched two major algorithmic changes focused on low-quality sites. Nonetheless, we hear the feedback from the web loud and clear: people are asking for even stronger action on content farms and sites that consist primarily of spammy or low-quality content.

WebWorkshop explains the importance of Google PageRank:

PageRank is Google’s way of deciding a page’s importance. It matters because it is one of the factors that determines a page’s ranking in the search results. It isn’t the only factor that Google uses to rank pages, but it is an important one.

Google’s punishment of those who re-post material as an essential tool for sharing information appears to now reduce news aggregators to the status of plagiarists within the algorithm. There are many alternative news sites and blogs which have original material that they freely share, in part or in full, purely to support one another in disseminating the truth. We all know what plagiarism looks like and a link back to the original source should not, for instance, be grounds for labeling a site as shallow.

Perhaps this move also reflects the Department of Homeland Security’s new precedent of seizing websites for merely linking to copyrighted material and Google’s confirmed role in working with government intelligence agencies.  But that would be too conspiratorial, right?

Well, we know that Google-owned YouTube has openly censored sensitive material at the behest of government requests, and that current proposed legislation seeks to criminally penalize embedding YouTube videos.  Clearly all of these acts, whether they be technical in nature like the algorithm change, or corporate-supported legislation, are indicating that the free flow of information on the Internet is under attack.


LulzSec computer hackers release Arizona state files

Computer hackers who have hit the websites of the CIA, US Senate, Sony and others have released hundreds of documents from the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZDPS) in their latest cyberattack.

The hacker group known as Lulz Security, which has claimed credit for a series of data thefts in recent weeks, provided a link to the more than 700 documents on their website,

Lulz Security, or LulzSec, said they were releasing the documents to protest Arizona’s immigration laws.

“We are releasing hundreds of private intelligence bulletins, training manuals, personal email correspondence, names, phone numbers, addresses and passwords belonging to Arizona law enforcement,” the group said in a statement.

“We are targeting AZDPS specifically because we are against SB1070 (the Arizona immigration law) and the racial profiling anti-immigrant police state that is Arizona,” it said.

The documents include information on drug cartels, street gangs, informants, border patrol operations and the names and addresses of members of the Arizona Highway Patrol.

The AZDPS website,, was not responding on Friday.

“Every week we plan on releasing more classified documents and embarrassing personal details of military and law enforcement in an effort not just to reveal their racist and corrupt nature but to purposefully sabotage their efforts to terrorize communities fighting an unjust ‘war on drugs,'” Lulz Security said.

A British teenager suspected of involvement with the Lulz Security hacking spree has been remanded in police custody in London.

Ryan Cleary, 19, was arrested on Monday at his home in Wickford, southeast England, as part of a probe by Scotland Yard and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) into Lulz Security.

British police on Wednesday charged Cleary with targeting the website of Britain’s Serious Organised Crime Agency — the British equivalent of the FBI — with a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

DDoS attacks overwhelm websites with requests, causing them to be slow or inaccessible.

Lulz Security has staged a number of DDoS attacks on websites, including that of the CIA, but the group has also carried out a number of largescale data thefts.


The Scientist

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 72-189950
Published by The Julian Press, Inc., New York
Copyright 1967, 1968 by John C. Lilly, M.D.

The Scientist by John C. Lilly.

Ronin Publishers, Berkeley, CA
1-800-858-2665 1-510-548-2124
P.O. Box 522 Berkeley, CA 94701


The Scientist is John Lilly, M.D., pioneer in electronics, biophysics, neurophysiology, computer theory and neuroanatomy. The author of Center of the Cyclone tells the story of his astonishing discoveries — from his early experiments mapping the brains of monkeys and communication with dolphins to his awesome breakthroughs with consciousness expanding drugs and isolation tanks. His revelations in The Scientist are the most staggering to date–they are perhaps beyond belief. But for those with the courage to explore the last frontiers–the uncharted expanses of the human mind–his latest report on the “solid state conspiracy,” on communication with extraterrestrials and the imperative of dolphin/human dialog will grip the reader with its sense of cosmic vision.


Living in the Internal Reality and the Extraterrestrial RealityJohn decided to try to live in the internal reality, continuously for an extended period, peaking into the extraterrestrial reality (e.t.r.) and contacting the network (N), staying out of the Unknown (U).

He found, by giving himself 50 milligrams of “Vitamin K” (Ketamine) every hour on the hour, twenty hours a day, with four hours out for sleep, that he was able to maintain the schedule for three weeks. The experiment ended at three weeks as the result of an accident in the external reality.

By the end of the first day he was able to maintain the i.r. because of the accumulated effect of the many doses that he had taken. No matter what he was doing, he could close his eyes and see colored three-dimensional motion pictures. He studied these in the darkened tank for many hours at a time. He found that they would be maintained if he sat in a bathtub in a dark bathroom. Even though his activities in the external world were restricted, the i.r. came to be present continuously, day and night.

After each dose of 50 milligrams of “Vitamin K” every hour on the hour, he spent some time in the extraterrestrial reality. At the beginning this time was approximately twenty minutes. After the first week it had lengthened to a period of forty minutes. During the second and third weeks, he felt the extraterrestrial reality continuously, even when the internal reality and the external reality were available. The boundaries between the three realities became less definite. He found that while he was moving around in the external world, he could feel the influences of the Beings of the extraterrestrial reality (e.t.r.); any time he closed his eyes, even in bright sunlight, he could see the internal motion pictures.


UFOs Over London 2011

Over the last couple days, several videos have emerged showing several white gowing orbs flying over london. This is one of the newer ones that was posted by a tourist that was filming the Tower Bridge as several orbs made a fly by. The original HDV tape of this video has been given to me right out of the camera and has not been tampered with. I will allow this tape to be analysed by a professional to authenticate it as untampered evidence. The woman who filmed the video is willing to take a lie detector test.