Quantum “Spookiness” Passes Toughest Test Yet

It’s a bad day both for Albert Einstein and for hackers. The most rigorous test of quantum theory ever carried out has confirmed that the ‘spooky action at a distance’ that the German physicist famously hated — in which manipulating one object instantaneously seems to affect another, far away one — is an inherent part of the quantum world.

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Quantum dots may be key to turning windows into photovoltaics

But that also highlights solar’s weakness: we have to install it after the infrastructure is in place, and that installation adds considerably to its cost. Now, some researchers have come up with some hardware that could allow photovoltaics to be incorporated into a basic building component: windows. The solar windows would filter out a small chunk of the solar spectrum and convert roughly a third of it to electricity.

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Music of the day

As a composer, I remember studying this soundscape, albeit many moons ago. It was a very late autumn night. The music library was long empty, except me. Earphones on, vinyl spinning ever so slowly. As I watched the rise and fall of the needle course across that record, I could see a million tears swirl upward and light the heavens. They still shine across aching harmonies, their light an offering of hope, a peace to come.. –Carl Rachel

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The French National Debate on Vaccine Safety

In response to growing skepticism in France about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, the French Minister of Social Affairs and Health Marisol Touraine has called for a national debate this fall on the future of vaccination in that country.1 Touraine, who is concerned that there is greater suspicion and “even defiance” toward vaccines among the French people,2 seems intent on putting an end to what she seems to believe is a debate driven more by rumors than science.

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Costa Rica Is Shutting Down All Zoos And Freeing Every Animal In Captivity

Costa Rica has announced that it will be the first country in the world to shut down its zoos and free the captive animals they hold. Costa Rica is an especially biodiverse country, holding about 4% of the world’s known species. Sadly, the country is contractually obligated to keep two of its zoos open for another decade. Still, after that, they plan to shut it down in favor of a cage-free habitat for the animals to live in.

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This zero-waste grocery store has no packaging, plastic or big-name brands

Forget Whole Foods. The Germans have created a store with eco-conscious customers in mind. Well, at least in Berlin—the newest home of Original Unverpackt (Original Unpackaged). You won’t find any paper or plastic bags here—or any kind of bags for that matter. This new grocery store creates zero waste by allowing customers to purchase exactly how much they need, reducing waste in their homes.

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