The science of “vibes” shows how everything is connected

Sometimes a person, creature, or thing really resonates with you. That sense of “vibing” may be more than a figure of speech, it turns out.

In a Dec. 5 post in Scientific American entitled “The Hippies Were Right: It’s All About Vibrations, Man!” lawyer and philosopher Tam Hunt explains a new theory of consciousness he developed with his colleague, psychologist Jonathan Schooler, at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Hunt is a philosopher of mind, biology, and physics, while Schooler is a professor of brain science, and together they’ve been working on answering one of the world’s most perplexing questions: “What physical processes underpin mental experience, linking mind and matter and creating the sense of self?”

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A List of DIA Secret UFO Study Projects has been Revealed

The US Office of Information Services has released a Defense Intelligence Agency report addressed to the Senate Committee on Armed Services that lists the titles of more than three dozen research papers funded by the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the secret UFO program run by the Pentagon between 2007 and 2012.

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Massive Disruption Is Coming With Quantum Computing

Next year, we may see the launch of the first true quantum computers.

The implications will be staggering.

This post aims to answer three questions:

  1. What are quantum computers?
  2. What are their implications?
  3. Who’s working on them?

There’s a lot to unpack here, so hang tight, and let’s jump in!

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Schrödinger’s Cat 2.0: New Thought Experiment Combines Quantum Entanglement And Superposition

If you thought Erwin Schrödinger’s famous (or infamous) cat-killing thought experiment could not get any more bizarre, think again. A team of researchers has now come up with a new twist to the experiment — one that proves that not only is the fickle feline both alive and dead until someone observes it, it is also in two places at once.

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Quantum “Spookiness” Passes Toughest Test Yet

It’s a bad day both for Albert Einstein and for hackers. The most rigorous test of quantum theory ever carried out has confirmed that the ‘spooky action at a distance’ that the German physicist famously hated — in which manipulating one object instantaneously seems to affect another, far away one — is an inherent part of the quantum world.

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