Vatican goes into battle for Benedict as sexual abuse crisis deepens

The Vatican yesterday fought a desperate battle to defend Pope Benedict from the latest child abuse scandal after reports linked him directly to a decision to allow a paedophile priest to take up a pastoral role in his former diocese.

Officials launched their second strident defence of the Pope in two days over separate episodes in Germany and the US as the tide of allegations moved closer to the pontiff himself. Senior Italian politicians also stepped in to defend the Pope over claims that he had failed to act strongly enough against child abuse by the clergy before he took on leadership of the church.

In the latest controversy, The New York Times reported that Benedict, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was kept closely informed of the case of Father Peter Hullerman, who was suspended from his duties in the northern German town of Essen in 1979 after several parents accused him of child sex attacks.

In January 1980, Cardinal Ratzinger, then archbishop of Munich, led a meeting approving Father Hullerman’s transfer as a priest to the city, according to the newspaper. Just days later, the future pontiff was sent a memo informing him that the priest would take up duties in Munich within days of beginning psychiatric treatment even though he was described in the letter as a potential “danger”, it said.

Until now, the diocese has said Cardinal Ratzinger knew about the transfer but not about the priest’s continued work with youths in Bavaria. His then deputy, Monsignor Gerhard Gruber, has largely taken responsibility for the Munich episode.

The Pope’s official spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, insisted yesterday: “The article does not contain any new information. Pope Benedict had no knowledge of the decision to reassign the priest to pastoral activities.”

A day earlier the Vatican was forced to deny that the Pope had failed to act robustly after his Vatican office was contacted by US bishops over complaints that a priest, Father Lawrence Murphy, had molested as many as 200 deaf boys in Wisconsin.

The Vatican responded to the claims in L’Osservatore Romano newspaper saying that the US press reports were part of an “ignoble attempt to attack at any cost Benedict XVI and his closest collaborators”. Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian bishops’ conference, also blasted what it called a “frenetic desire to tarnish” the Pope.

In Pope Benedict’s native Germany, an online editorial by Der Spiegel newspaper called on the pontiff to quit. “In 1996, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which he then led, decided not to punish the paedophile priest Father Lawrence Murphy. With his authority eroded, why does he even remain in office?” it said.

Under Church regulations it is possible for a pope to step down without asking for permission. But it is virtually unheard of – the last papal resignation, that of Pope Celestine V, came 700 years ago. The Vatican dismissed any suggestion that Benedict would resign.

In Britain, the Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, said that as pope, Benedict had introduced changes into Church law to protect children. And, with Catholic votes in mind ahead of this weekend’s regional elections, senior Italian politicians stepped in yesterday to defend Benedict.

The Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said in a statement: “It’s an attempt at muck-raking at all costs that’s obscuring the truth and that forgets the courage with which he has confronted this dramatic and delicate problem.”

However, the Corriere della Sera newspaper, in an editorial, warned: “The worst choice for [the Church] would be to scream about international conspiracies by secular society.”

But there was a growing consensus among Italian commentators yesterday that the daily tide of allegations meant it was not yet possible to say how serious the final damage would be to the Church and the Pope.

“The Pope is at a crossroads,” said Marco Politi, a papal biographer and longtime Vatican watcher. He said the Pope had to decide whether to tough it out – or opt for radical new openness in the Vatican’s musty corridors.

It has also emerged that Church inquiries in the northern Italian cities of Bolzano and Verona could expose new cases of paedophile clergy in Italy, which has more than 50,000 priests.

Meanwhile, a conservative religious order favoured by Pope John Paul II finally apologised to the victims of sexual abuse by its founder. Leaders of the Legionaries of Christ saidyesterday that at first they couldn’t believe the accusations against the late Mexican prelate Marcial Maciel.

Vatican crisis: Key players in scandal

*Lawrence Murphy

Between 1950 and 1974, Murphy is thought to have abused 200 deaf boys in Wisconsin. The Vatican body tasked with investigating abuse cases – headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger until he became pope – backtracked on plans for a secret disiplinary hearing for the priest after a personal appeal from Murphy.

*Peter Hullerman

Jailed for 18 months for abusing children. He was allowed to continue working in the future Pope’s diocese in 1980. The Vatican has denied that Benedict knew of a decision to reassign him to youth work in Bavaria

*Bernard Law

The Cardinal was forced to quit in 2002 after being accused of covering up hundreds of abuse cases in his Boston archdiocese.

*Marcial Maciel

Founder of the Legion of Christ, died in 2008. A sexual molester who fathered at least one child with his victims. He had the ear of the late Pope John Paul II despite the abuse allegations.


SaLuSa 31-March-2010

Dear Ones we so love you for your determination to hold your ground, now that you know what the end times will bring. It is wonderful to see so many of you so strongly focussed on bringing Ascension into being. By so doing you are helping establish the higher energies upon Earth, and that is providing more opportunities for others to be awakened. In the long term the energies cannot be rejected, as their function is upliftment of the lower energies. However, where an individual soul is not ready to receive them, arrangements are made for their placement where they can continue as they wish. This normally means lifting them off Earth and allowing them to continue their experiences at a similar level. Freewill operates at all times, and is essential to give you freedom of choice where your own evolution is concerned.

In duality the pain and suffering results from the lack of understanding as to your power to direct your own life. You have allowed yourself to forget who you really are, and have experienced separation in such a way, that you have become immersed in the negativity created by those who are out of balance.  The more your Light is subdued, the more you are sucked down into the lower vibrations and literally become lost. Yet all through such experiences your Light although dim still shines out, because it can never be extinguished. There inevitably comes a time when you become dissatisfied with your life, and it is then that you may begin your search for something better. Hopefully you can identify your shortcomings and set your sights on measures that will change it. Some of you reading these messages are at present on the path to recovery, and it is only guidance that you need. The rest you can easily do providing you persevere and focus on the goal you have set for yourself.

You may be thinking it is easy for us to look down at your activities and comment on how you are doing. However, that is part of our role where you are concerned, and as you will find in due course when you ascend, service to others is essential to help their upliftment. What better position can we be in to advise you, when we have already walked the path you are on now. We know what you are going through, and because of our experience can see what help you need. There was never the intention that you would be left solely to your own devices. After all duality is not your real home, and it gives only the holographic stage upon which you act your roles as Human Beings.

Those of you who are open-minded are finding the truth about yourselves quite acceptable. That is not surprising to us as you are seeking a new way, indeed a better and more pleasing way of experiencing life. You have seen and experienced the lower vibrations, and for those who have progressed it seems to have little more to offer. This is to be expected as you are ending your time in duality for that reason. What is more natural than one cycle ending and a new one beginning, as it is in the nature of all changes that are planned for the evolution of your Universe. They are not chance happenings but part of your inevitable journey back to the Source.

It must be said that you can stay within any dimension for as long as you desire, but within you is an innate urge to continue progressing with your spiritual evolution. Energy never stands still and is re-shaping and re-forming, until it reaches that point within the Source where it is in the ultimate state of perfection. However, you are far from that point with a myriad of journeys ahead of you, not just in this Universe but others that are part of your Omniverse, including parallel Universes. There are intelligent life forms beyond your present imagination, and some are entirely different to what you have been used to so far. Outer appearances will not concern you, as in the future you will recognise all souls through their energy signature which will be similar to your own.

You have a lot to learn about so many things but have as much time as you need, because life is infinite and you have the freedom to choose your own experiences. Some will still ask what the point of it all is, and Dear Ones wherever you are and whatever you are doing it is for your growth and evolution. Once you have gone beyond duality life is invigorating and fulfilling, and an absolute joy. You may think it is too good to be true, but we do not exaggerate and the truth is sometimes difficult to convey in words you would understand. Your language is short of the words needed to really paint the picture we would like.

The more you take note of what we are telling you about the future you can expect, we feel it will be easier for you to accept that your present experiences are about to change for the better. The future is golden and of a high vibration that will surround you in Love and Light. It will not be long before you will get your first taste of life as it could have been, had you not been held back by the dark Ones.  Their influence is nowhere near as strong as it was and is continuing to grow weaker. It is not yet apparent but all proceeds as planned, and as we so often confirm victory is already yours.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and our ships are totally at the ready to take the first action leading to disclosure and First Contact. It has been long awaited, and even now the time has to be exactly right for it to have the right impact and awakening. Many people are still oblivious to the truth about their relationship to us, and it will have to be handled very carefully to avoid unsettling them. Facts are facts, which we can support to show that we come with the truth and love for you all. Judge us by our actions and you will grasp the true picture. Forget in part what you have been taught about us, as often it is purposefully slanted to give a false impression that we are to be feared.

Let yourself embrace what we tell you rather than what others believe, as sometimes there is a bias against us because our presence challenges old beliefs. The truth will always surface regardless of what is done to hide it, and with the higher vibrations being grounded upon Earth; the darkness is being brought into the Light for examination. Enjoy these times as you are on the cusp of exciting changes that you will warmly welcome.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federatio

5 Kan, 7 Mac, 5 Caban

Selamat Balik! We return with more to discuss with you! Lately many of our Earth allies are noticing our affect upon the dark cabal. We are pushing for them to relent and let go of those financial resources that they have long coveted. Doing this is no easy matter. Nonetheless, our special cajoling has brought us success! Each one of our protracted sessions with a part of the dark cabal has taught us how similar these denizens of the dark resemble their former compadres on other worlds in distant star nations. We are assembling a standard procedures manual to aid those assigned to this critical task. We have seen that as their numbers dwindle, the dark becomes more pliable to our various demands. Our intent is to have this old and quite formidable set of global financial institutions dismantled in the very near future. Breaking up this set of inter-connected organizations can make it possible for deliveries to be achieved within the timeframe set for us by our first contact command board. Then, the temporary regimes can follow and your new reality can move closer to manifesting.

First contact will introduce you to a new world that most of you do not know how to function in. Our task is to use our expertise to prepare you for our arrival and for your final steps to full consciousness. We are not to be treated with disrespect nor are we to be treated like “gods” who are special souls who have embodied into a physical form. As humans, we possess similar body parts. The only difference is that we are larger and fully conscious. Treat us as you would a favorite teacher or a much beloved older relative. Such people are ones that you turn to for guidance, knowledge and apropos wisdom about life. We see you as having an immense potential that first needs to be drawn out and then manifested to the fullest. We see this in you every day and our dossiers are filled with such comments. When you achieve full consciousness, you are to move immediately from the diamond in the rough to the finished polished jewel. All that we are supplying is the setting so to speak that needs to surround and embellish what you are to become.

Full consciousness is the basis for the current struggle now taking place between the Light and the dark on your world. Everywhere the dark has set up projects to keep you somehow in your present state of amnesia. As you become more aware this amnesia begins to wane. You see how the dark manipulates you and how you can start to counter this. Thus, the dark created a global psychic network as well as a series of “black operations” designed to hinder your movement toward full consciousness. These things have largely failed. Heaven and we are engaged in various counter measures that have prevented any of these heinous plans from achieving any large degree of success. While we have been doing this, our Earth allies have come within a hair’s breathe of victory. The remaining tasks are being taken on by our liaisons. These women and men are altering their mission from mere advice to a more active stance. Initial successes as we mentioned previously are growing. Our task is to get you quickly into a position where first contact is feasible.

We constantly mention first contact for one critical reason. It simply changes everything on your world. The environment after first contact is quite different than the one before. Contact questions what you have been told about who you are, where you come from and what is your relation to Mother Earth and indeed, the whole of Creation! In one fell swoop you begin a march toward becoming a galactic human and away from being a limited consciousness human. You start to embrace concepts that before were ludicrous and now swiftly become mainstream. This vast leap in beliefs is something that your secret masters dread. Our allies know this and have been working in tune with us to bring these denizens of the shadows into the Light. Your journey needs to be centered on your internal growth in consciousness and not on how do I survive. In this latter mode, you have looked elsewhere in order to sustain yourself and your growing society. The coming prosperity is meant to alter this and permit you to turn fully inside.

As you do this, you can observe daily how the former leaders of your world are to be held accountable by your new transitional governments. These large and complex trials like Nuremberg are to set the stage clearly for what is criminal and intolerable for the world community. You are entering a realm quite different from the one you reside in. Our task is to oversee all of this and insure that your world is free from the madness that has haunted the halls of government long before the fall of Nazi Germany. Too many leaders have given in to expedience, money and power. By doing this, each of them forged their part in a reality which allowed the new corporate state to form and spread its evil throughout your world. No one nation is entirely to blame. What is to be different is that the old ways are to be made inaccessible. Initially, we are here to help establish some new ethical rules and fashion an atmosphere truly conducive to a new way.

Included in this new way is your deep responsibility to Mother Earth’s eco-system. What you need to do first is reestablish your relationship with her. This means reversing a deep belief that you are separate from her. Mother Earth with the help of some now hidden technology possesses enough water, food and shelter for everyone. This can be done without greatly obstructing nature. The next step is to withdraw your presence. The human footprint has stomped all over Mother Earth. This may seem to you at first reading to be some form of dichotomy, let us explain. Your present technology interferes with nature. This needs to be addressed. Then you can easily employ other special technologies that can end farming, lumbering, mining and manufacturing.

As you move away from what your various societies have looked like for centuries, you will adapt new types of societies. As prosperity spreads like wildfire, new institutions need to be formed. These are to be the forerunners for your new galactic society. Humans in this galaxy were given a gift millions of years ago by Heaven. These are the four societal Laws. These sacred sayings are the foundation for our star nations and our societies. We are to impart them fully to you as you begin to transform your many diverse societies. These documents are simple and direct. The most important thing is to go within. Learn from the wisdom of your “I Am Presence” and your heavenly guardians. Let this sacred partnership expand. Together form a “team” whose sole purpose is to teach you about who you are and how to serve Heaven in physicality.

In the immediate present, we are devoted to cleaning out the dark from its various secret liars. Our liaisons have a job to do and our first task is nearly complete. The dark understands that it is really on its last legs. There is a little left to be done. We are working with our Earth allies and with those who share a similar vision. We all realize just how important it is to get the new financial system and the new prosperity in place. This is the step that allows the various transitional governments to assume power. The sooner we achieve this the better! Our fleet is ready to execute a mass landing. We intend to delay this until the new governments are in power. Accordingly, it behooves us to make sure that the dark is no longer in a position of power. The time is swiftly approaching for us to celebrate a great victory for the Light!

Today, we continued our discussion of what is happening on your world. Many exciting events are ready to manifest. Our fleet and our personnel are doing what is necessary and allowed by Heaven. The final stages in this grand set of events are ready to manifest and permit us to carry out a global mass landing! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


Neural-Silicon Hybrids Point to New Era in Technology

Direct interfaces between small networks of nerve cells and synthetic devices promise to advance our understanding of neuronal function and may yield a new generation of hybrid devices that exploit the computational capacities of biological neural networks. There are several research teams in the U.S. and Europe that are currently working on so-called neural-silicon hybrid chips.

One of the most celebrated researchers in the field is Ted Berger at the Center for Neural Engineering at University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Berger is also a key player in the newly established National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center devoted to biomimetic microelectronics [NBR Jan04 p1].

Berger has set his sights on building artificial neural cells, initially to act as a cortical prosthesis for individuals who have lost brain cells to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. But eventually, his lab’s efforts may usher in a new era in biologically inspired computing and information processing.

Berger’s strategy in building artificial neurons has been an empirical one. Rather than attempt to determine every aspect of how neurons communicate, he’s chosen to emulate their behavior, bombarding live neurons from rat hippocampus tissue with every conceivable type of electrical input, and observe what output emerges from the cell. His team at USC then built a silicon microcircuit that behaves accordingly, at least in terms of spatio-temporal patterns of electrical inputs and outputs. The USC team has built circuits that model 100 neurons; their goal is to construct a 10,000-neuron chip model for implantation in primate hippocampus.

The Max Planck Institute in Germany is another center of research on neural-silicon hybrids. Recently, RA Kaul and P. Fromhertz from the Institute and NI Syed from the University of Calgary reported in Physical Review Letters on direct interfacing between a silicon chip and a biological excitatory synapse. The team constructed a silicon-neuron hybrid circuit by culturing a presynaptic nerve cell atop a capacitor and transistor gate and a postsynaptic nerve cell atop a second transistor gate.

They applied a voltage to the capacitor, which excited the presynaptic neuron, and this activity was recorded with the first transistor. When the presynaptic neuron fired, it generated excitation of the postsynaptic neuron, presumably via an excitatory synapses, and the activity in the postsynaptic neuron was recorded with the second transistor. Further, short trains of activity in the presynaptic neuron appeared to increase the strength of the excitatory synapse between the cells, creating a memory trace within the circuit.

These results demonstrate the ability to use integrated capacitors and transistors to stimulate and record from cultured neurons. The neuron-silicon hybrid provides a tool to study formation and plasticity within small neural circuits and may lead to novel computational devices.


The 3-D Porn Revolution

Thanks to Avatar, the adult-film industry is banking on 3-D to be its salvation. Eric Pape on why directors—including Tarantino—want to make dirty movies you can reach out and touch.

An alluring blond woman powders her face with a brush while seated on a bed, seemingly unaware of the camera that is filming her. The pendant at the end of her gold-chain necklace dangles over her cleavage like an arrow pointing downward. Her supple breasts risk escaping from her white lingerie. She rolls on a stocking on one leg, and then the other. And then the screen goes black.

If this brief tease—which is part of the bonus features in a soon-to-be-released DVD—hardly seems like the inspiration for a radical transformation of adult entertainment, you are not wearing 3-D glasses. But the clip’s French director, Tom Sridix, tells The Daily Beast with the glasses on, “you feel like you can reach out and touch her.”

If the product is appealing enough, it could, at least temporarily, put porn production back into the hands of professionals. “No amateur can do this with Webcams,” director Tom Sridix notes.

That tactile observation, made when the commercial director’s clip was rejected as an advertisement for being too hot, led him to change jobs. Now he is preparing for the release of his full-length film, Shortcuts 3-D, which he believes is the first truly immersive high-definition 3-D adult film ever made. There is a fair chance that his film will one day be seen as part of an Avatar and Alice in Wonderland-inspired porn revolution. In any event, it is coming very soon.

It was just a matter of time before the Avatar-technologies that set Hollywood all aflutter—and that are similarly exciting the makers of next-generation televisions—reached the adult-film world. (Think about it: What genre should benefit most from 3-D’s ability to bring the viewer closer to the action on the screen?) But it turns out Sridix’s film has been in the works for a year, and it could have been released long ago, but he delayed it for the release of James Cameron’s epic in December so that his innovative film could ride the wave. “We had to wait for Avatar to come out,” he says proudly, “and be huge.”

Thanks to the record-breaking box office of Avatar, the 90-minute Shortcuts 3-D—which promises to immerse viewers in an even more “intimate and sensual universe”—is set for a mid-April release on DVD as a result of a distribution deal inked with France’s most famous high-end porn company. Initial sales won’t be huge, given that the first-generation 3-D televisions are only now arriving in stores. But the filmmakers and distributors are gambling on consumers’ curiosity: Will the actress or actor on the screen really seem to be a naked nymphomaniac in your living room?

Amid the current surge to provide enough content to convince folks to fork over thousands of dollars for 3-D televisions, much of the talk has been about the dozens of 3-D feature films set for release and sports events like the 2010 World Cup, which will be broadcast in 3-D, but it is worth remembering that pornography has already proven itself as a driver of technological adaptation. A generation ago, the porn industry tipped the balance in favor of VHS video, undercutting Betamax tapes, and Hollywood soon followed suit.

And that’s not to mention its role on the Internet, which led to the mainstreaming of professional and amateur pornography. How mainstream could 3-D porn actually get? Prominent directors including Gaspar Noé, who directed the disturbing and controversial French film Irréversible, Tinto Brass, of Caligula fame, and Quentin Tarantino have all publicly mused about making 3-D porn films. (Brass has hinted that he wants to remake the X-rated Caligula—which starred Helen Mirren, John Gielgud and Peter O’Toole in 1979—and which was inspired by Gore Vidal’s script.)


Assassination Attempt On Silver Market. Email traffic of a whistleblower.


In an e-mail on February 5 Maguire wrote: “It is common knowledge here in London among the metals traders that it is JPM’s intent to flush out and cover as many shorts as possible prior to any discussion in March about position limits. I feel sorry for all those not in this loop. A serious amount of money was made and lost today and in my opinion as a result of the CFTC’s allowing by your own definition an illegal concentrated and manipulative position to continue.”

Expiry of the COMEX April call options is tomorrow, March 26. There was large open interest in strikes from $1,100 to $1,150 in gold. As always happens month after month, HSBC and JPM sell short in large quantities to overwhelm all bids and make unsuspecting option holders lose their money. As predicted by GATA, the manipulation started on March 19, when gold was trading at $1,126. Last night it traded at $1,085.

This is how much the gold cartel fears the CFTC’s enforcement division. They thumb their noses at you because in more than a decade of complaints and 18 months of a silver market manipulation investigation nothing has been done to stop them. And this is why JPM’s cocky and arrogant traders in London are able to brag that they manipulate the market.

This is an outrage and we are making available to the press the e-mails from Maguire wherein he warns of a manipulative event.

Additionally Maguire informed us that he has tape recordings of his telephone communications with the CFTC, which we are taking the appropriate legal steps to acquire.

* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:51 PM
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: Chilton, Bart [CFTC]
Subject: Silver today

Dear Mr. Ramirez:

I thought you might be interested in looking into the silver trading today. It was a good example of how a single seller, when they hold such a concentrated position in the very small silver market, can instigate a selloff at will.

These events trade to a regular pattern and we see orchestrated selling occur 100% of the time at options expiry, contract rollover, non-farm payrolls (no matter if the news is bullish or bearish), and in a lesser way at the daily silver fix. I have attached a small presentation to illustrate some of these events. I have included gold, as the same traders to a lesser extent hold a controlling position there too.

Please ignore the last few slides as they were part of a training session I was holding for new traders.

I brought to your attention during our meeting how we traders look for the “signals” they (JPMorgan) send just prior to a big move. I saw the first signals early in Asia in thin volume. As traders we profited from this information but that is not the point as I do not like to operate in a rigged market and what is in reality a crime in progress.

As an example, if you look at the trades just before the pit open today you will see around 1,500 contracts sell all at once where the bids were tiny by comparison in the fives and tens. This has the immediate effect of gaining $2,500 per contract on the short positions against the long holders, who lost that in moments and likely were stopped out. Perhaps look for yourselves into who was behind the trades at that time and note that within that 10-minute period 2,800 contracts hit all the bids to overcome them. This is hardly how a normal trader gets the best price when selling a commodity. Note silver instigated a rapid move lower in both precious metals.

This kind of trading can occur only when a market is being controlled by a single trading entity.

I have a lot of captured data illustrating just about every price takedown since JPMorgan took over the Bear Stearns short silver position.

I am sure you are in a better position to look into the exact details.

It is my wish just to bring more information to your attention to assist you in putting a stop to this criminal activity.

Kind regards,
Andrew Maguire

* * *

From: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
To: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: Silver today

Mr. Maguire,

Thank you for this communication, and for taking the time to furnish the slides.

* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: BChilton [CFTC]
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Silver today

Dear Mr. Ramirez,

Thanks for your response.

Thought it may be helpful to your investigation if I gave you the heads up for a manipulative event signaled for Friday, 5th Feb. The non-farm payrolls number will be announced at 8.30 ET. There will be one of two scenarios occurring, and both will result in silver (and gold) being taken down with a wave of short selling designed to take out obvious support levels and trip stops below. While I will no doubt be able to profit from this upcoming trade, it is an example of just how easy it is to manipulate a market if a concentrated position is allowed by a very small group of traders.

I sent you a slide of a couple of past examples of just how this will play out.

Scenario 1. The news is bad (employment is worse). This will have a bullish effect on gold and silver as the U.S. dollar weakens and the precious metals draw bids, spiking them higher. This will be sold into within a very short time (1-5 mins) with thousands of new short contracts being added, overcoming any new bids and spiking the precious metals down hard, targeting key technical support levels.

Scenario 2. The news is good (employment is better than expected). This will result in a massive short position being instigated almost immediately with no move up. This will not initially be liquidation of long positions but will result in stops being triggered, again targeting key support levels.

Both scenarios will spell an attempt by the two main short holders to illegally drive the market down and reap very large profits. Locals such as myself will be “invited” on board, which will further add downward pressure.

The question I would expect you might ask is: Who is behind the sudden selling and is it the entity/entities holding a concentrated position? How is it possible for me to know what will occur days before it will happen?

Only if a market is manipulated could this possibly occur.

I would ask you watch the “market depth” live as this event occurs and tag who instigates the move. This would surly help you to pose questions to the parties involved.

This kind of “not-for-profit selling” will end badly and risks the integrity of the COMEX and OTC markets.

I am aware that physical buyers in large size are awaiting this event to scoop up as much “discounted” gold and silver as possible. These are sophisticated entities, mainly foreign, who know how to play the short sellers and turn this paper gold into real delivered physical.

Given that the OTC market (where a lot of the selling occurs) runs on a fractional reserve basis and is not backed up by 1-1 physical gold, this leveraged short selling, where ownership of each ounce of gold has multi claims, poses a very large risk.

I leave this with you, but if you need anything from me that might help you in your investigation I would be pleased to help.

Kind regards,
Andrew T. Maguire

* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 2:11 PM
Subject: Fw: Silver today

If you get this in a timely manner, with silver at 15.330 post data, I would suggest you look at who is adding short contracts in the silver contract while gold still rises after NFP data. It is undoubtedly the concentrated short who has “walked silver down” since Wednesday, putting large blocks in the way of bids. This is clear manipulation as the long holders who have been liquidated are matched by new short selling as open interest is rising during the decline.

There should be no reason for this to be occurring other than controlling silver’s rise. There is an intent to drive silver through the 15 level stops before buying them back after flushing out the long holders.


* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: BChilton [CFTC]; GGensler [CFTC]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 3:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Silver today

A final e-mail to confirm that the silver manipulation was a great success and played out EXACTLY to plan as predicted yesterday. How would this be possible if the silver market was not in the full control of the parties we discussed in our phone interview? I have honored my commitment not to publicize our discussions.

I hope you took note of how and who added the short sales (I certainly have a copy) and I am certain you will find it is the same concentrated shorts who have been in full control since JPM took over the Bear Stearns position.

It is common knowledge here in London among the metals traders that it is JPM’s intent to flush out and cover as many shorts as possible prior to any discussion in March about position limits. I feel sorry for all those not in this loop. A serious amount of money was made and lost today and in my opinion as a result of the CFTC’s allowing by your own definition an illegal concentrated and manipulative position to continue.

Bart, you made reference to it at the energy meeting. Even if the level is in dispute, what is not disputed is that it exists. Surely some discussions should have taken place between the parties by now. Obviously they feel they can act with impunity.

If I can compile the data, then the CFTC should be able to too.

I would think this is an embarrassment to you as regulators.

Hoping to get your acknowledgement.

Kind regards,
Andrew T. Maguire

* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: Fw: Silver today

Just logging off here in London. Final note.

Now that gold is undergoing short covering, please look at market depth right now in silver and evidence the large selling blocks in a thin market being put in the way of silver regaining the technical 15 level, which would cause a short covering rally and new longs being instigated. This is resulting in the gold-silver ratio being stretched to ridiculous levels.

I hope this day has given you an example of how silver is “managed” and gives you something more to work with.

If this was long manipulation in, say, the energy market, the shoe would be on the other foot, I suspect.

Have a good weekend.


* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 8:24 AM
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: Gensler, Gary; Chilton, Bart [CFTC]
Subject: Fw: Silver today

Dear Mr. Ramirez,

I hadn’t received any acknowledgement from you regarding the series of e-mails sent by me last week warning you of the planned market manipulation that would occur in silver and gold a full two days prior to the non-farm payrolls data release.

My objective was to give you something in advance to watch, log, and follow up in your market manipulation investigation.

You will note that the huge footprints left by the two concentrated large shorts were obvious and easily identifiable. You have the data.

The signals I identified ahead of the intended short selling event were clear.

The “live” action I sent you 41 minutes after the trigger event predicting the next imminent move also played out within minutes and exactly as I outlined.

Surely you must at least be somewhat mystified that a market move could be forecast with such accuracy if it was free trading.

All you have to do is identify the large seller and if it is the concentrated short shown in the bank participation report, bring them to task for market manipulation.

I have honored my commitment to assist you and keep any information we discuss private,however if you are going to ignore my information I will deem that commitment to have expired.

All I ask is that you acknowledge receipt of my information. The rest I leave in your good hands.

Respectfully yours,

Andrew T. Maguire

* * *

From: Ramirez, Eliud
To: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 1:29 PM
Subject: RE: Silver today

Good afternoon, Mr. Maguire,

I have received and reviewed your email communications. Thank you so very much for your observations.

* * *

MPs say the special relationship with US is dead

BRITAIN’S special relationship with the US — forged by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt in the second world war — no longer exists, says a committee of influential MPs.

Instead, America’s relationship with Britain is no more special than with its other main allies, according to a report by the Commons foreign affairs committee published today.

The report also warns that the perception of the UK after the Iraq war as America’s “subservient poodle” has been highly damaging to Britain’s reputation and interests around the world. The MPs conclude that British prime ministers have to learn to be less deferential to US presidents and be “willing to say no” to America.

The report, entitled Global Security: UK-US Relations, says Britain’s relationship with America is “extremely close and valuable” in a number of areas, particularly intelligence co-operation. However, it adds that the use of the phrase special relationship, in its historical sense, “is potentially misleading and we recommend that its use should be avoided”.

It does not reflect the “ever-evolving” relationship between the two countries and raises unrealistic expectations, the MPs say.

“Over the longer term, the UK is unlikely to be able to influence the US to the extent it has in the past,” the committee adds.

In an apparent rebuke to Tony Blair and his relationship with President George W Bush, the report says there are “many lessons” to be learnt from Britain’s political approach towards the US over Iraq.

“The perception that the British government was a subservient poodle to the US administration is widespread both among the British public and overseas,” the MPs say. “This perception, whatever its relation to reality, is deeply damaging to the reputation and interests of the UK.”

While the relationship between the American president and the British prime minister was an important part of dealings between the two countries, the cabinet and parliament also had a role to play. “The UK needs to be less deferential and more willing to say no to the US on those issues where the two countries’ interests and values diverge,” the MPs say.

Read more:

You Don’t Mess With The LBMA – Assassination Attempt On Silver Market Manipulation Whistleblower?

Courtesy of Zero Hedge

The latest development in Silvergate, in which whistleblower Andrew Maguire has exposed the manipulation details in the London commodity market, is straight out of a John Le Carre or Ian Flemming novel: an assassination attempt. From GATA:

London metals trader Andrew Maguire, who warned an investigator for the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission in advance about a gold and silver market manipulation to be undertaken by traders for JPMorgan Chase in February and whose whistleblowing was publicized by GATA at Thursday’s CFTC hearing on metals futures trading was injured along with his wife the next day when their car was struck by a hit-and-run driver in the London area.

According to GATA’s contact with Maguire, board member Adrian Douglas, Maguire and his wife were admitted to a hospital overnight and released today and are expected to recover fully.

Maguire told Douglas by telephone today that his car was struck by a car careening out of a side road. When a pedestrian who witnessed the crash tried to block the other driver’s escape, the other driver accelerated at the pedestrian, causing him to jump out of the way to avoid being hit. The other driver’s car then struck two other cars in escaping. But the other driver was caught by police after a chase in which police helicopters were summoned.

We’ll convey more information about the incident as it becomes available.

We are in process of corroborating this story with independent sources. It will be interesting to see what information the escapee driver discloses and whether this was just a case of a little extra fish and chips and extra, extra beer. In the meantime, the battle against the big banks and the LBMA might have just gotten a little more personal.


Undersea volcano threatens southern Italy: report

The Marsili volcano, which is bursting with magma, has “fragile walls” that could collapse, Enzo Boschi told the leading daily Corriere della Sera.

“It could even happen tomorrow,” said Boschi, president of the National Institute of Geophysics and (INGV).

“Our latest research shows that the volcano is not structurally solid, its walls are fragile, the magma chamber is of sizeable dimensions,” he said. “All that tells us that the volcano is active and could begin erupting at any time.”

The event would result in “a strong that could strike the coasts of Campania, Calabria and Sicily,” Boschi said.

The undersea Marsili, 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) tall and located some 150 kilometres (90 miles) southwest of Naples, has not erupted since the start of recorded history.

It is 70 kilometres long and 30 kilometres wide, and its crater is some 450 metres below the surface of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

“A rupture of the walls would let loose millions of cubic metres of material capable of generating a very powerful wave,” Boschi said.

“While the indications that have been collected are precise, it is impossible to make predictions. The risk is real but hard to evaluate.”

(c) 2010 AFP


RADOM airshow in Poland where SU jet crashed is the best proof ever of UFO / Draconians.

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