Monsanto: The evil corporation in your refrigerator

When we consider the rogue’s gallery of devilish, over-sized, greedy and disproportionately powerful corporations, we generally come up with outfits like Microsoft, Bechtel, AIG, Halliburton, Goldman-Sachs, Exxon-Mobil and the United States Senate. Yet somehow, Monsanto, arguably the most devilish, over-sized, greedy and disproportionately powerful corporation in the world has been able to more or less skulk between the raindrops — only a household name in households where documentaries like Food Inc. are regarded as light Friday evening entertainment. My house, for example. But for the most part, if you were to ask an average American for their list of sinister corporations, Monsanto probably wouldn’t make the cut.

It should.

Founded by Missouri pharmacist John Francis Queeny in 1901, Monsanto is literally everywhere. Just about every non-organic food product available to consumers has some sort of connection with Monsanto.

Anyone who can read a label knows that corn, soy and cotton can be found in just about every American food product. Upwards of 90% of all corn, soybeans and cotton are grown from genetically engineered seeds, also known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). These genetically enhanced products appear in around 70% of all American processed food products. And Monsanto controls 90% of all genetically engineered seeds. In other words, Monsanto controls — and owns patents on — most of the American food supply.

When you consider, as Walletpop originally reported, that one-in-four food labels is inaccurate, that the F.D.A.’s testing is weak at best, then how can we trust one corporation to have so much control over our produce? The answer is, we can’t.

Recently, a study by the International Journal of Biological Sciences revealed that Monsanto’s Mon 863, Mon 810, and Roundup herbicide-absorbing NK 603 in corn caused kidney and liver damage in laboratory rats. Scientists also discovered damage to the heart, spleen, adrenal glands and even the blood of rats that consumed the mutant corn. A “state of hepatorenal toxicity” the study concluded.

This hasn’t slowed down Monsanto’s profit machine. In 2008, Monsanto cleared over $2 billion in net profits on $11 billion in revenues. And its 2009 is looking equally as excellent.

Author and food safety advocate Robyn O’Brien told me, “Monsanto is expecting gross margins in Q2 2010 of 62%, its corn and soy price mix to be up 8-10% and its glyphosate revenue to expand to an estimated $1 billion in gross profit by 2012, enabling Monsanto to further drive R&D into seeds and to price those seeds at a premium – further driving price increases on the farm and in the grocery stores.”

This, O’Brien says, in the same year when farm income declined by around 34%.

Because Monsanto claims that its GMOs create higher yields and therefore comparatively higher revenues per acre for struggling American farmers, they’re certainly a tempting option. On the surface, that is. Monsanto controls its seeds with an iron fist, so even if you happen to own a farm next to another farm upon which Monsanto seeds are used, and if those seeds migrate onto your land, Monsanto can sue you for royalties.

Additionally, if you use seeds from crops grown from Monsanto seeds, a process known as “seed cleaning,” you also have to pay royalties to Monsanto or it will sue you. All told, Monsanto has recovered $15 million in royalties by suing farmers, with individual settlements ranging from five figures to millions of dollars each.

Back in 2004, farmer Kem Ralph served eight months in jail and was fined $1.3 million for lying about Monsanto cotton seeds he was hiding in his barn as a favor to a friend. They weren’t even his seeds (yeah, that’s what they all say!). By way of comparison, the fine in Ralph’s home state of Tennessee for, say, cocaine possession, is $2,500.

In keeping with the Orwellian nature of modern marketing, one of the first phrases you see on the front page of the Monsanto website is “we help farmers.” Funny. In a cruelly ironical way, that is.

In fairness, the argument in support of Monsanto is generally “it makes more food for lower prices.” Of course this is a red herring. Basic economics proves that choice and competition create lower prices. Not monopolies. This applies not only to American grocery stores, but also in terms of feeding developing nations where food is scarcer. Moreover, stronger Monsanto herbicides, compatible with herbicide resistant seeds, are giving rise to mutant Wolverine-ish super weeds that have adapted and are rapidly spreading through the air to farms that don’t use Monsanto GMOs, destroying obviously vulnerable crops. Say nothing of the inevitable mutant bugs that will adapt to the pesticides that are implanted into the Monsanto Mon 810 genetic code. And if further studies indicate similar organ damage in humans, the externalized costs to health care systems will begin to seriously out-weigh the benefits of cheaper food.

Ultimately, there are better, healthier ways to make cheaper food. Until then the best thing we can do is to demand further investigations and buy organic products whenever practical.


And if you can’t afford to buy organic, O’Brien recommends, “A great first step, given how pervasive these ingredients are in processed foods that often use these ingredients to extend shelf life, is to reduce your exposure to processed foods and stick with pronounceable ingredients and foods that your grandmother would have served her kids.”

Meanwhile, let’s endeavor to make Monsanto a household name. But not in a good way.

On January 15, the Obama Justice Department launched an anti-trust investigation against the corporate behemoth over its next generation of genetically modified “Roundup Ready” soybean seeds. The very next day, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms, which challenges the safety of genetically modified agricultural products — the centerpiece of the Monsanto empire. If the investigation fails, farmers will have to switch over to the next generation of Roundup Ready seeds in 2014. And the cycle of corporate abuse and monopolization will continue.

Threat Level Privacy, Crime and Security Online Previous post Next post WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious ‘Insurance’ File

In the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks’ recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious encrypted file labeled “insurance.”

The huge file, posted on the Afghan War page at the WikiLeaks site, is 1.4 GB and is encrypted with AES256. The file’s size dwarfs the size of all the other files on the page combined. The file has also been posted on a torrent download site.

WikiLeaks, on Sunday, posted several files containing the 77,000 Afghan war documents in a single “dump” file and in several other files containing versions of the documents in various searchable formats.

Cryptome, a separate secret-spilling site, has speculated that the new file added days later may have been posted as insurance in case something happens to the WikiLeaks website or to the organization’s founder, Julian Assange. In either scenario, WikiLeaks volunteers, under a prearranged agreement with Assange, could send out a password or passphrase to allow anyone who has downloaded the file to open it.

It’s not known what the file contains but it could include the balance of data that U.S. Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning claimed to have leaked to Assange before he was arrested in May.
In chats with former hacker Adrian Lamo, Manning disclosed that he had provided Assange with a different war log cache than the one that WikiLeaks already published. This one was said to contain 500,000 events from the Iraq War between 2004 and 2009. WikiLeaks has never commented on whether it received that cache.

Additionally, Manning said he sent Assange video showing a deadly 2009 U.S. firefight near the Garani village in Afghanistan that local authorities say killed 100 civilians, most of them children, as well as 260,000 U.S. State Department cables.

Manning never mentioned leaking the Afghan War log to WikiLeaks in his chats with Lamo, but Defense Department officials told The Wall Street Journal that investigators had found evidence on Manning’s Army computer that tied him to that leak.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen strongly condemned WikiLeaks’ publication of the Afghan War log at a Pentagon press briefing on Thursday.

Gates said the leak was “potentially severe and dangerous for our troops, our allies and our Afghan partners” and said that “tactics, techniques and procedures will become known to our adversaries” as a result.

Mullen was even more direct and said that WikiLeaks “might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier” or an Afghan informant who aided the United States.

Several media outlets have found the names of Afghan informants in the documents WikiLeaks published, as well as information identifying their location in some instances. A Taliban spokesman told Britain’s Channel 4 news that the group was sifting through the WikiLeaks documents to get the names of suspected informants and would punish anyone found to have collaborated with the United States and its allies. has sent a message to WikiLeaks inquiring about the file.

White House proposal would ease FBI access to records of Internet activity

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual’s Internet activity without a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or intelligence investigation.

(FBI access to e-mail and web records raises fears)

The administration wants to add just four words — “electronic communication transactional records” — to a list of items that the law says the FBI may demand without a judge’s approval. Government lawyers say this category of information includes the addresses to which an Internet user sends e-mail; the times and dates e-mail was sent and received; and possibly a user’s browser history. It does not include, the lawyers hasten to point out, the “content” of e-mail or other Internet communication.

(FBI and Department of Justice join forces, investigate Wikileaks)

But what officials portray as a technical clarification designed to remedy a legal ambiguity strikes industry lawyers and privacy advocates as an expansion of the power the government wields through so-called national security letters. These missives, which can be issued by an FBI field office on its own authority, require the recipient to provide the requested information and to keep the request secret. They are the mechanism the government would use to obtain the electronic records.

(Facebook hits 500 million users, but at what cost?)

Stewart A. Baker, a former senior Bush administration Homeland Security official, said the proposed change would broaden the bureau’s authority. “It’ll be faster and easier to get the data,” said Baker, who practices national security and surveillance law. “And for some Internet providers, it’ll mean giving a lot more information to the FBI in response to an NSL.”

(NSA whistleblower now works at Apple store)

Many Internet service providers have resisted the government’s demands to turn over electronic records, arguing that surveillance law as written does not allow them to do so, industry lawyers say. One senior administration government official, who would discuss the proposed change only on condition of anonymity, countered that “most” Internet or e-mail providers do turn over such data.

To critics, the move is another example of an administration retreating from campaign pledges to enhance civil liberties in relation to national security. The proposal is “incredibly bold, given the amount of electronic data the government is already getting,” said Michelle Richardson, American Civil Liberties Union legislative counsel.

The critics say its effect would be to greatly expand the amount and type of personal data the government can obtain without a court order. “You’re bringing a big category of data — records reflecting who someone is communicating with in the digital world, Web browsing history and potentially location information — outside of judicial review,” said Michael Sussmann, a Justice Department lawyer under President Bill Clinton who now represents Internet and other firms.

Privacy concerns

The use of the national security letters to obtain personal data on Americans has prompted concern. The Justice Department issued 192,500 national security letters from 2003 to 2006, according to a 2008 inspector general report, which did not indicate how many were demands for Internet records. A 2007 IG report found numerous possible violations of FBI regulations, including the issuance of NSLs without having an approved investigation to justify the request. In two cases, the report found, agents used NSLs to request content information “not permitted by the [surveillance] statute.”

One issue with both the proposal and the current law is that the phrase “electronic communication transactional records” is not defined anywhere in statute. “Our biggest concern is that an expanded NSL power might be used to obtain Internet search queries and Web histories detailing every Web site visited and every file downloaded,” said Kevin Bankston, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has sued AT&T for assisting the Bush administration’s warrantless surveillance program.

He said he does not object to the government obtaining access to electronic records, provided it has a judge’s approval.

Senior administration officials said the proposal was prompted by a desire to overcome concerns and resistance from Internet and other companies that the existing statute did not allow them to provide such data without a court-approved order. “The statute as written causes confusion and the potential for unnecessary litigation,” Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said. “This clarification will not allow the government to obtain or collect new categories of information, but it seeks to clarify what Congress intended when the statute was amended in 1993.”

The administration has asked Congress to amend the statute, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, in the fiscal year that begins in October.

Administration officials noted that the act specifies in one clause that Internet and other companies have a duty to provide electronic communication transactional records to the FBI in response to a national security letter.

But the next clause specifies only four categories of basic subscriber data that the FBI may seek: name, address, length of service and toll billing records. There is no reference to electronic communication transactional records.

Same as phone records?

The officials said the transactional information at issue, which does not include Internet search queries, is the functional equivalent of telephone toll billing records, which the FBI can obtain without court authorization. Learning the e-mail addresses to which an Internet user sends messages, they said, is no different than obtaining a list of numbers called by a telephone user.

Obtaining such records with an NSL, as opposed to a court order, “allows us to intercede in plots earlier than we would if our hands were tied and we were unable to get this data in a way that was quick and efficient,” the senior administration official said.

But the value of such data is the reason a court should approve its disclosure, said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy and Technology. “It’s much more sensitive than the other information, like name, address and telephone number, that the FBI gets with national security letters,” he said. “It shows associational information protected by the First Amendment and is much less public than things like where you live.”

A Nov. 5, 2008, opinion from the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, whose opinions are binding on the executive branch, made clear that the four categories of basic subscriber information the FBI may obtain with an NSL were “exhaustive.”

This opinion, said Sussmann, the former Clinton administration lawyer, caused many companies to reevaluate the scope of what could be provided in response to an NSL. “The OLC opinion removed the ambiguity,” he said. “Providers now are limited to the four corners of what the opinion says they can give out. Those who give more do so at their own risk.”

Marc Zwillinger, an attorney for Internet companies, said some providers are not giving the FBI more than the four categories specified. He added that with the rise of social networking, the government’s move could open a significant amount of Internet activity to government surveillance without judicial authorization. “A Facebook friend request — is that like a phone call or an e-mail? Is that something they would sweep in under an NSL? They certainly aren’t getting that now.”


Google & CIA Invest Together To Predict The Future.

The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the future.

The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people, organizations, actions and incidents — both present and still-to-come. In a white paper, the company says its temporal analytics engine “goes beyond search” by “looking at the ‘invisible links’ between documents that talk about the same, or related, entities and events.”

The idea is to figure out for each incident who was involved, where it happened and when it might go down. Recorded Future then plots that chatter, showing online “momentum” for any given event.

“The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases,” says company CEO Christopher Ahlberg, a former Swedish Army Ranger with a PhD in computer science.

Which naturally makes the 16-person Cambridge, Massachusetts, firm attractive to Google Ventures, the search giant’s investment division, and to In-Q-Tel, which handles similar duties for the CIA and the wider intelligence community.

It’s not the very first time Google has done business with America’s spy agencies. Long before it reportedly enlisted the help of the National Security Agency to secure its networks, Google sold equipment to the secret signals-intelligence group. In-Q-Tel backed the mapping firm Keyhole, which was bought by Google in 2004 — and then became the backbone for Google Earth.

This appears to be the first time, however, that the intelligence community and Google have funded the same startup, at the same time. No one is accusing Google of directly collaborating with the CIA. But the investments are bound to be fodder for critics of Google, who already see the search giant as overly cozy with the U.S. government, and worry that the company is starting to forget its “don’t be evil” mantra.

America’s spy services have become increasingly interested in mining “open source intelligence” — information that’s publicly available, but often hidden in the daily avalanche of TV shows, newspaper articles, blog posts, online videos and radio reports.

“Secret information isn’t always the brass ring in our profession,” then CIA-director General Michael Hayden told a conference in 2008. “In fact, there’s a real satisfaction in solving a problem or answering a tough question with information that someone was dumb enough to leave out in the open.”

U.S. spy agencies, through In-Q-Tel, have invested in a number of firms to help them better find that information. Visible Technologies crawls over half a million web 2.0 sites a day, scraping more than a million posts and conversations taking place on blogs, YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. Attensity applies the rules of grammar to the so-called “unstructured text” of the web to make it more easily digestible by government databases. Keyhole (now Google Earth) is a staple of the targeting cells in military-intelligence units.

Recorded Future strips from web pages the people, places and activities they mention. The company examines when and where these events happened (“spatial and temporal analysis”) and the tone of the document (“sentiment analysis”). Then it applies some artificial-intelligence algorithms to tease out connections between the players. Recorded Future maintains an index with more than 100 million events, hosted on servers. The analysis, however, is on the living web.

“We’re right there as it happens,” Ahlberg told Danger Room as he clicked through a demonstration. “We can assemble actual real-time dossiers on people.”

Recorded Future certainly has the potential to spot events and trends early. Take the case of Hezbollah’s long-range missiles. On March 21, Israeli President Shimon Peres leveled the allegation that the terror group had Scud-like weapons. Scouring Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s past statements, Recorded Future found corroborating evidence from a month prior that appeared to back up Peres’ accusations.

That’s one of several hypothetical cases Recorded Future runs in its blog devoted to intelligence analysis. But it’s safe to assume that the company already has at least one spy agency’s attention. In-Q-Tel doesn’t make investments in firms without an “end customer” ready to test out that company’s products.

[vsw id=”ImhVpC-G_jg” source=”youtube” width=”510″ height=”410″ autoplay=”no”]

Both Google Ventures and In-Q-Tel made their investments in 2009, shortly after the company was founded. The exact amounts weren’t disclosed, but were under $10 million each. Google’s investment came to light earlier this year online. In-Q-Tel, which often announces its new holdings in press releases, quietly uploaded a brief mention of its investment a few weeks ago.

Both In-Q-Tel and Google Ventures have seats on Recorded Future’s board. Ahlberg says those board members have been “very helpful,” providing business and technology advice, as well as introducing him to potential customers. Both organizations, it’s safe to say, will profit handsomely if Recorded Future is ever sold or taken public. Ahlberg’s last company, the corporate intelligence firm Spotfire, was acquired in 2007 for $195 million in cash.

Google Ventures did not return requests to comment for this article. In-Q-Tel Chief of Staff Lisbeth Poulos e-mailed a one-line statement: “We are pleased that Recorded Future is now part of IQT’s portfolio of innovative startup companies who support the mission of the U.S. Intelligence Community.”

Just because Google and In-Q-Tel have both invested in Recorded Future doesn’t mean Google is suddenly in bed with the government. Of course, to Google’s critics — including conservative legal groups, and Republican congressmen — the Obama Administration and the Mountain View, California, company slipped between the sheets a long time ago.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt hosted a town hall at company headquarters in the early days of Obama’s presidential campaign. Senior White House officials like economic chief Larry Summers give speeches at the New America Foundation, the left-of-center think tank chaired by Schmidt. Former Google public policy chief Andrew McLaughlin is now the White House’s deputy CTO, and was publicly (if mildly) reprimanded by the administration for continuing to hash out issues with his former colleagues.

In some corners, the scrutiny of the company’s political ties have dovetailed with concerns about how Google collects and uses its enormous storehouse of search data, e-mail, maps and online documents. Google, as we all know, keeps a titanic amount of information about every aspect of our online lives. Customers largely have trusted the company so far, because of the quality of their products, and because of Google’s pledges not to misuse the information still ring true to many.

But unease has been growing. Thirty seven state Attorneys General are demanding answers from the company after Google hoovered up 600 gigabytes of data from open Wi-Fi networks as it snapped pictures for its Street View project. (The company swears the incident was an accident.)

“Assurances from the likes of Google that the company can be trusted to respect consumers’ privacy because its corporate motto is ‘don’t be evil’ have been shown by recent events such as the ‘Wi-Spy’ debacle to be unwarranted,” long-time corporate gadfly John M. Simpson told a Congressional hearing in a prepared statement. Any business dealings with the CIA’s investment arm are unlikely to make critics like him more comfortable.

But Steven Aftergood, a critical observer of the intelligence community from his perch at the Federation of American Scientists, isn’t worried about the Recorded Future deal. Yet.

“To me, whether this is troublesome or not depends on the degree of transparency involved. If everything is aboveboard — from contracts to deliverables — I don’t see a problem with it,” he told Danger Room by e-mail. “But if there are blank spots in the record, then they will be filled with public skepticism or worse, both here and abroad, and not without reason.”

Photo: AP/Charles Dharapak

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The Science of Body Manipulation and Programming

A. The Scarring of the Brain Stem

Early on it was discovered that the brain would overcompensate for scarring on the brain stem. This is a principle similar to weight lifting. By tearing down the muscle fiber by overexertion, the body rebuilds the muscle stronger. By scarring the brain stem, it -was discovered that geniuses who had photographic memories could be created.

Brain stem scarring was used to create the whiz kids that the NWO needed to run their big computers. For instance, the computers that just NSA alone uses require people who can work in ALGOL, BASIC, COBOL, COBOL 74, MULTICS COBOL ver. 4.4, COBOL Cb.4, COBOL CP-6, BOL, EULOR, FLIP, FORAST, FORTRAN, HAL/S, Illiac 4, JASP, JOSS, JOVIAL, /LYAPAS, LISP, LISP 2, /MAP/, NuSpeak, PASCAL, PEARL, /PLACE/, PL/1, PL/1-APAREL, PLANIT, Praxis, SA Machine Language, SEMANOL, SNOBEL, UNIX, WANG, ZBIE. It takes a good memory to remember computer languages and programming. These whiz kids, who were both programmed with Monarch programming and had their brain stems scarred can be seen in some of the University computer departments and the intelligence/military agencies’ computers rooms.

For instance, at Ft. Meade, the NSA has 2 buildings which contain a completely self-sufficient intelligence operation. (The complex has its own stores, bank, dry cleaning, dentistry, barber shop, PX, hospital, as well as the normal snack bars and cafeteria that Federal buildings often have.) This complex which is internally guarded by cameras watching all the corridors, has several major computer rooms where whiz kids are employed. Movement by these whiz kids, requires that they have the proper I.D. attached to them. The CIA which has had an ongoing project to create them, has called them “Compu-kids.” Some of the elevators are private and operate only with the proper key. The NSA’s computers participate in electronically watching the world. Another example of where compu-kids (slaves with scarred brain stems) work on big computers (incl. a Beast computer) is at Area 51 (Dreamland), NV.

The method of scarring the reticular formation of the brain stem is accomplished electronically. The RNA piles up and breaks the continuity of the signals coming through. Different people’s bodies are able to tolerate different levels of abuse. Many of the brain stem scarring victims die, or end up with a pseudo-Multiple Sclerosis. Many children are coming into hospitals and being misdiagnosed as having Multiple Sclerosis when in fact they are damaged from programming and brain stem scarring.

If the victim is successfully given a photographic memory through their entire alter system due to brain stem scarring, then they are often programmed to see what are called “hieroglyphics” (that is the cover name) which is really just the “Intergalactic Language” that NASA developed in the 1960s and then turned around and used to program slaves with photographic memories. Under the cover of research projects like N67-3042 (17 p. 3022) “Language structure and message decoding for interplanetary decoding.” in 1967 and N65-32284 20-3414 in 1965 entitled “Symbol science for communication language of humans, animals, and inanimate objects –application to mathematics, cybernetics, and automation.” The actual study no. or no.s for the Intergalactic Language is not known, but they should appear somewhere in the voluminous Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports that NASA puts out each year. The script of this language was shown in the beginning credits of the strange movie Lawnmower Man. Some of the symbols are similar to Ascii Computer language (which is a language that interfaces with many other computer languages, so that one language can be translated into another language). The Monarch slaves are told that this is an alien language.

This is the Way the Script of the Intergalactic Language Looks:

Another method that has also been used to enhance memory is hypnosis. Estabrooks was able in the 1930s to create Multiple personalities via hypnosis and get incredible mental feats accomplished by those parts which were asked under hypnosis to have photographic memories. Still another method is to place small transceivers into the head or body of the person. These implants have been attached in the neck or other places, and have been connected to various parts of the brain. They have literally created what the movies called “terminal man.”

This has allowed special intelligence agents to be linked to large computers. The intelligence asset can get continuous information on anything the intelligence agencies have managed to get into their large computers.

Brain implants can down load incredible amounts of information to the brain, however, the ability to use this information wisely is still a skill. Having a library of information available doesn’t necessarily mean a person is wiser. For more on slave-computer interfacing see the index for information on ALEX, Amalgamated Logarithmic Encrypted Transmissions, and UNIX systems which are used to tie the Monarch Mind to computers.

Drugs and torture are also used to enhance memory. Brain stem scarring is not the only method to enhance memory, but it has been a “highly successful” (if one doesn’t count all the ruined lives when it’s failed) good method. MPD also naturally increases the brain’s functioning several fold, and can help give photographic memories. In review, drugs, torture, hypnosis and MPD all work to enhance memory. Most slaves have some photographic memory capability. The most serious form of memory enhancement is brain stem scarring, which produces a strong system-wide photographic memory.

B. Split Brain Work

The brain is “bicameral” or two-sided. The two-sides (called hemispheres) communicate via a super-powerful connector called the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere is specialized in verbal-linguistic tranduction of speech and analytical thinking (logic, math, cause & effect, language, & sequential thinking). The right side plays more of a role in holistic-metaphorical information transduction such as imagery (art, dance, intuition, subjective, spontaneous, holistic, & dream imagery). The primary role of creating imagery is carried out by the right side.

Roger Sperry, a neuroscientist won a Nobel Prize for feeding information to only one side of the brain, and also for feeding simultaneously both sides of the brain different information. His results showed that the two hemispheres could operate separately at the same time. We hate to rewrite history, but the work that won Sperry a Nobel Prize was being done to unwilling human victims before his publicly known experiments. Sperry’s research left people wondering if it wasn’t possible to have one personality located in one hemisphere, and another person in the other.

Psychologist Julian Jaynes wrote a book arguing that mankind used to have two personalities before the two hemispheres evolved an ability to integrate. (His book is The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.) Before the public had heard about the ability of the two hemispheres to work independently, the Illuminati and MK-Ultra programmers were carrying out split brain programming, by two methods:

1. shutting down one side and communicating only with one side of the brain, and

2. by simultaneously feeding different information to each hemisphere.

This is often down by the victim being locked in place with their eyes forced open, and different movies shown simultaneously to both eyes. This creates a form of split brain programming. High speed films will be shown with one hemisphere receiving horror scenes and the other getting family settings. This makes the two hemispheres work separately and the victim feel crazy. The mind feels ripped apart. One hemisphere is trying to dissociate and is having a miserable experience, while the other side is experiencing something just the opposite. When high speed films are shown for split brain programming, the films are shown in 5 minute increments.

Front alters may be shown good films to make them believe they live in a perfect world with a good family life. Right side satanic alters may receive horror films shown via the left eye. The right side of the brain doesn’t verbalize well, so this is one reason slaves have emotions without the ability to verbalize.

A possible third method is to use drugs that block the two hemispheres from communicating. A fourth method in split brain work is to speak into the left ear while giving the right ear confusing noise. This last method is sometimes done to force alters to concentrate when learning scripts. The split brain programming done by the Illuminati is grotesque. A drug is injected at the base of the skull into one hemisphere of the brain to shut it down, while the other hemisphere is kept awake. Torture is then carried out to split the mind. What this does is create programs and alters which are associated with only half of the brain. The brain is being further divided from itself.

Work is done by the Programmers to develop the thinking of alters from one side of the brain to think differently from those of the other side. Split brain programming is not just hypnosis, as some have been led to believe. Split brain programming provides the Programmers one way to keep the left hand from knowing what the right hand is doing. It also gives them the ability to put in body programs or memories which effect only half of the victim’s body.

When one hemisphere is dominating in what the brain is doing, the opposite nostril will open and take in air. When the right hemisphere is doing most of the thinking, the left nostril will be doing most of the breathing. Voluntary changes in nostril breathing can help shift the center of brain activity from one side of the brain to the other. When a person lays on his side, the downward side hemisphere will be activated, because the top nostril will breath best. The control of nasal breathing has been part of the Yogi’s art to achieve samadhi. The distinctions between the two hemispheres or two brains are used by the occult world. Moriah values the intuitiveness of the right hemisphere. As one Illuminati mind-control programmer said, “It’s the right brain that has an inbuilt propensity for accessing timelessness.

There is bound to be some unconscious prompting therefore that alerts us to the imminence of forthcoming disaster, that is, if we are sufficiently sensitive to its message….unless we have the wisdom, the soul age, to affect the use of those additional facilities (to access right brain knowledge) we will find our intelligence sadly limited to the left brain logic of the material world.” While this book is not about occult philosophy, occult philosophy is part of the motivation behind some of the split brain work.

In order for the Illuminati to create alters which are highly intuitive and which are able to access the higher demonic spheres, they need to shut down the logic hemisphere. When the left hemisphere is shut down, then the right brain (which controls the left hand and left side of the body, i.e. the left hand path) is able to function without competition. The victim must be able to get in touch fully with his or her intuitive side to go into the “spiritual dimensions” where demons exist. This is very nasty work, because this split brain work involves high level demonology. Most of the deeper Illuminati alters are right brain alters so that they will be very spiritually intuitive. The Lesser Key of Solomon is an important teaching book of the Illuminati [THE MELCHIZEDEK STANDARD MIND CONTROL TOOL]. It states, “An adept enters an abnormal plane and equips himself to ‘charge’ with magical energy the pentacle and talismans.” The training that this takes is called “training of the higher will” and split brain programming is part of how it is accomplished.

C. Medical Technologies

Medical science has been probing the gray matter that makes up the human brain for several hundred years and they continue to probe it. With the use of various new techniques they can look inside the human brain in ways that were not available before. An enzyme called horseradish peroxidase (HRP) which serves as a marker or highlighter allows brain researchers to visually look at brain cells on functioning brains.

Researchers such as Frank Putnam, at the National Institute of Mental Health, have taken PET scans of the brains of people with multiple personalities, whose brain scans from one alter personality to another are very different. This doesn’t occur in non-multiple people who pretend to have different personalities. The brain scans have shown that brains with multiple personalities are physically different than other people’s brains. The different personalities are often in different neuropsychological states. Medical science has helped the programmers put people into different neuropsychological states for programming. Some of these states are dangerous unless trained medical personnel are available to insure the victim doesn’t die. Which, according to ex-Programmers, does happen anyway. Medical science has identified glutamate which is an amino acid as an important neurotransmitter involved with memory storage. However, after countless tests and all types of research, we still do not know completely how the brain stores memory. However, the NWO’s Network understands far more than they have let the public learn.

Having Skilled Medical Lab Technicians

Having the medical know how doesn’t get the job done in itself. Obviously, the Network has needed to have both hospitals and trained medical personnel. Having skilled workers is part of the success of the Monarch Programming. For instance, the simple interpretation of Alpha BFT instruments, requires that the operator be able to understand what is background interference. Everywhere the instrument is located there is going to be some amount of background interference. Only the good operators can realize when a pseudo-alpha wave has been produced, perhaps from the child sweating in the location of the electrode, or hair movements, or eye blinks or twitching.

The Illuminati has their own midwifery training program, which will take teenage Monarch slaves and train them. They also begin training their people in programming and observation from infancy up. By the time they are an adult, the programming alters know programming as second nature. They have no shortages of doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and other well educated people. If they have to save an important Monarch slave, they may fly in a specialist from wherever the right specialist is.

When it comes to research, some of it done by professionals who don’t realize how their research is going to be used. Many researchers are great on seeing detail, but not the bigger picture. They usually don’t realize how their research is going to be misused, and are very gullible people. The CIA finds that the researcher is quick to justify in his or her mind the moral value of the research they are doing. Many members of the Illuminati are involved in secret genetic research. Having control over numerous big hospitals, is an important link in the ability of the Network to program so many people successfully. Medical personnel are participating in acts that help mind-control. One Christian nurse quit the University Hospital here, because newborns are secretly being given implants. A few years ago, it was discovered that The Upjohn, an American multinational company was involved in placing radio-transmitting material in with their liquid cortisone preparation Depomedrone, which created an implant when medical personnel put Depomedrone into their patients.

D. Histamines

Histamine is a chemical (a particular molecule) which the body uses to defend against alien cells. It also has the ability to lower blood pressure and to flare up the skin. The auditory sense can effect histamine production via programming.

Histamine is a molecule which is part of the immune system. Changes in histamine levels effect moles. It effects skin changes in scars. This is how the abusers can magically make scars appear and disappear, which makes the programming seem even more real to alters. The abusers like to create invisible scars that form patterns and pictures. The most popular is the Baphomet head (which stands for Satan). Upon command they can trigger the skin to make these scars visible. If one pricks someone’s skin with a needle having histamine on the tip, it will cause the skin to flare up red. Biofeedback has allowed people to mentally talk to their skin. Hypnosis has controlled people’s immune system. States of mind effect the immune system. Somehow a combination of these is used to allow the handler upon command to trigger the correct state of mind within the victim to increase histamine production within the skin area.

The bone marrow of the body produces stem cells. The stem cells are capable of growing into many different types of cells. First the stem cells grow into some basic different cells and those in turn grow some more and further differentiate. For instance, a stem cell can become a myeloid, which can become a polymorpho nuclear granulocyte which in turn can become a basophil or mast cell. Both basophils and mast cells are leukocytes and they are part of the body’s immune system. Both basophils and mast cells are carriers of histamine.

Histamine does several things in the body. Histamine causes dilation of blood vessels, and it allows blood vessels to become permeable (leaky so to speak) which allows other chemicals and fluid to go through the blood vessels into the area between cells and tissues. All CNS (Central Nervous System) cells of the body have receptors that the histamine can attach itself to like a ship docking. When cells are damaged, or alien cells enter the body, the basophils and mast cells release their histamine.

For the body to have more histamine, it must increase the number of basophils and mast cells. This can be accomplished by changing the ratio of stem cells that develop into other types of cells. The core of the histamine molecule is an ethylamine. Antihistamines are molecules that resemble histamines enough that they can attach themselves to the histamine receptors on regular cells and prevent the histamine molecules from attaching. If the histamine molecules don’t attach, the body disposes of them. The point being that histamine remains in the skin only so long before the body disposes of it. Histamine levels in the body can raise IF the cells which carry the histamine are increased.

This is the Structure of a Histamine Molecule:

It is believed that breast implants have some kind of effect on raising histamine production levels in the body. Whether these breast implants are identical to what all breast implants are, or whether they have something special to agitate the body into higher immune cells’ production of the mast cell & basophils type is not known. However, there seems to be some relationship between the Network’s need to raise histamine production in their slaves, and the breast implants that they are putting in them. Putting the pieces together leads one to believe that the implants agitate the body’s immune system into raising the level of its histamine carrying cells.

A number of women who have gotten implants speak about an increase in allergies. The allergic reaction is caused by high levels of histamine. Whether this happens to some or many is not known at the time this is written.

The three big Illuminati chemical companies are I.G. Farben, DuPont, and Dow Chemical. Dow Chemical began research with implanting silicon in 1956. After 35 years of studies in which they implanted thousands of various animals with silicon, the company knew exactly what silicon would do in the human body. The FDA had public hearings in 1992 where internal documents of the Dow Chemical Co. were released which showed that the company knew all along that their breast implants were very dangerous, years before they put them on the market. There is an incredible search going on for a anti-silicon antibody so that they can clean up the mess they have created in millions of people who have silicon implants. The immediate chest wall and area around the breast implant gets highly agitated. The silicon leaks through the membrane, and then causes great difficulties in the body. Many of the female Monarch slaves have received breast implants.

E. Body Programs

Researchers have come a long way toward understanding the mind. They have discovered, for instance, that under stress the brain will convert nerve signals into “messenger molecules” who then in turn direct the endocrine system to produce steroid hormones, that can reach the nucleus of various cells and cause them to change how the body’s genes are written out. These genes will then direct the cells as to how to make a variety of molecules which are used in growth, metabolism, sexuality, and the immune systems. In other words, the mind can rewrite genetics. This was the secret that helped get the Monarch program off to its scientific foundation. Now the actual mechanics of this have been observed by researchers.

One of the leaders in understanding the mind-body relationship was Franz Alexander. Black was one of the researchers into how hypnosis can be used to regulate the body and the body’s functions such as the immune system. Ken Bowers also worked in this area. Dr. S.M. Lambert of the Rockefeller Foundation studied how voodoo could cause death by creating certain thoughts in the mind. Most of the research in this area was monitored, if not sponsored by the Intelligence agencies under the auspices of the Illuminati.

The Hypothalamus bridges the mind and the body. It works as part of the Limbic-hypothalamic system. This system is a determining center for what state of mind the brain is placed in. The immune system communicates directly with the hypothalamus part of the brain with its own “messenger molecules” known as “immuno-transmitters”. This then is mind-brain link that the Monarch programmers have taken so much advantage of.

Barbara Brown, a physiologist at Veteran’s Administration Hospital (in Sepulveda) wrote a book New Mind, New Body. Barbara Brown’s research was government funded. Her book got the public interested in biofeedback. Because of repeated success at getting patients to control such things as their heartbeat, Dr. Brown is convinced that a person’s heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, glandular responses are all subject to a person’s will. Those who have worked with victims of U.S. government MK Ultra mind control know that what Dr. Brown writes is correct and was known years before she published her book. Biofeedback is now required training in some prisons for some inmates.

It is clear from the final results that Monarch slaves have programming which can carry out the following functions:

* control the pulse rate and heart beat

* control the body’s temperature

* control the temperature of individual body parts or sides of the body, such as the right side of the body might get hot, and the left side of the body get ice cold. Fritz has observed this by touching the left and right sides of a victim who was burning hot on the right and ice cold on the left.

* The secretions of various enzymes and histamine production has been trained into the victims and attached to various body programs to keep the slave in line. Histamine production appears to be regulated via surgery carried out on women’s breast. It appears, but hasn’t been confirmed that the surgery where breast implants are placed into female Monarch slaves plays some role in histamine production & programmed control.

* allow the body to pretend that it is dead, when actually it is in an altered state similar to being comatose.

The internal defenses consists in part of body programs that are triggered if the Mind-controlled slave steps out of line. Here is a good list of some of these body programs: Auditory problems, a Bone disorder, Blood flow/circulation, Coma (zombie death sleep which makes victim appear dead), Digestive failure, Headaches-split brain, Heart failure, Histamine production, Optic problems such as blindness, Respiratory failure, Sleep deprivation, Sleeping program, and Temperature change.

Body programs will be put in across the board for all alters. The same code will work for all alters when the internal programming alters want to trigger a body program. If a body program is placed into the slave it may be anchored to something, and that might be something as drastic as the heartbeat. One of the programs causes the victim to hear a heartbeat which is refrained in their minds as the “heartbeat of Satan.”

Some of the body programs are carried out by creating an alter which has one mental state–such as an alter fragment which is burning or one that was created by ice torture. This alter or this feeling of being hot or cold is then attached to something in the mind. For instance, if the victim moves toward the world, a cold alter or a cold feeling of a memory is hypnotically programmed to come up behind the alter holding the body. Sometimes the sensation of burning can be eliminated by getting a fire-child to back up from the front of the mind where another alter is holding the body.

Many feelings, body sensations, and drugged states are attached to programs. When the alter hits a stringer, he will go through a series of memories, false memories, hypnotic commands, and body sensations that have been attached together in stringers. The stringer type of programming is often put in to set in a front program which is to deceive an alter.

The abilities of the human brain to control the body have been seriously underrated by people. Bio-feedback researchers in the 1960s were surprised to find out that if a single nerve cell’s activity is placed upon a screen so that the subject can see its activity graphed, the subject will be able to mentally identify that cell apart from any other nerve fiber cell, and will be able to have voluntary control over that single cell apart from any other. Just to show how complex the body is, a single nerve fiber cell will have 600 connections. This mental feat is simply mind-boggling for researchers. The Mar. 5, 1972 L.A. Times reported that patients were being taught how to alter their heart rate without drugs. This had already been happening within the Monarch Programming.

The heart is controlled by the mind and works with the emotions of a person. There have been people who have literally died from a “broken heart.” This is a historical fact. The Monarch programmers have long been taking advantage of the mind’s ability to control the heart’s beating. A tiny little bit of tissue not really visible to the visible eye called the sinus node, sends out electrical signals that regulate and initiate heart beats in an unbroken rhythm. The genetic code concerning the body’s metabolism and the genetic code for the sinus node somehow get the entire heart beat generator mechanism started. Two areas of the brain control the changes in heart beats that the sinus node would make. The sinus node sends out the signals but it doesn’t change the rate.

A very primitive part of the brain stem is one of the control areas, and the other control area along the spine. Both of these areas connect to the higher thinking areas of the brain. The three most frequent events that change heart beat are emotions, sicknesses, and muscle activity. Since the will influences emotions, the higher brain can control the heart beat and its pulse. Alters are programmed so that they will trance out if anyone tries to prove to them that they have a heart–which they have been programmed to believe was taken away from them by the programmer.

The occult world learned this ability from the Indian yogis who have been controlling their hearts for centuries. Some have even shown in the scientific laboratory that they can stop their hearts for up to 30 seconds. (See Green of Menninger Foundation’s work). The yogi’s also developed the skill of changing their body temperatures. For instance, Swami Rama in the lab of Dr. Elmer Green could make one side of his palm hot and the other side of his palm cold simply by mental efforts.

This type of body control was learned by the Illuminati years ago, and has been applied to the Monarch programming to make the programming lies seem more real to the victim than the outside world. A Monarch slave can get cold on the left side and burn on the right side of his body. It has been well-documented that the mind can control the blood flow to various tissues and in this way change temperature in various different parts of the body. This was first reported to the public in 1978 (Barabasz & McGeorge). It appears that a combination of yogi type bio-feed back techniques along with classical behavior conditioning is able to account for some of the body programs in slaves.

Other body programs appear to be connected to the memories of alters. For instance, if the Programmer wants the body to burn–he has the System pull up an alter which was tortured with fire who comes up behind the alter holding the body, and the body then abreactes and feels like it is burning.

As mentioned, one technique is the split-brain programming where the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain are separated, which allows the patient to feel the “right hand path” and the “left hand path” separately. This type of programming is very powerful in making the programming script seem more real than outside reality.

High blood pressure or hypertension has been found to be largely a function of the mind. However, conventional medicine has ignored this for years, and has a large volume of confusing and misleading research to the opposite. Rather, than admit the cause, the medical establishment has labeled the largest percentage of hypertension cases as “essential” or “idiopathic” which are labels to cover up that they don’t know (or refuse to recognize) the cause of the high blood pressure. At any rate the cardiovascular systems (heart and blood vessels, etc.) is so complex that it has been very difficult for researchers to get a grasp on many issues involved in blood pressure such as the release of hormones into the blood, and the result of long term stress on the cardiovascular system. When tests show that the stress of unemployment increases high blood pressure problems among men, it would seem that the medical establishment would begin to see the link that the mind has with controlling blood pressure. Again bio-feedback and classic conditioning have been successfully used to radically change a subject’s blood pressure. This along with the ability to go into deep trances, are abilities that the Monarch slave is programmed to have to control their blood pressure.

Again the question may be, why would they condition a slave this way? Because, if the Master can call out a hypnotic trigger and change the slave’s heart beat and blood pressure, does the reader see how “puppet-like” the slave feels? The slave’s mind and body are literally owned by the master. The slave is not even allowed to control his own body. This is what total mind control is all about.


LAOZI (LAO TZU) – "The way"

Here is a small piece of advice he gave about “the way” he rediscovered his own spirit:

“He who looks will not see it;

He who listens will not hear it;

He who gropes will not grasp it.
The formless nonentity,

the motionless source of motion.

The infinite essence of the spirit is the source of life.
Spirit is self.
Walls form and support a room,
yet the space between them is most important.

A pot is formed of clay,
yet the space formed therein is most useful.
Action is caused by the force of nothing on something,
just as the nothing of spirit is the source of all form.
One suffers great afflictions because one has a body.

Without a body what afflictions could one suffer?

When one cares more for the body than for his own spirit,
One becomes the body and looses the way of the spirit.

The self, the spirit, creates illusion.
The delusion of Man is that reality is not an illusion.

One who creates illusions and makes them more real than reality,

follows the path of the spirit and finds the way of heaven”.

Stop the Seasonal Flu Vaccine!

Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™



There is a significant possibility that we face another “flu season” (created in our opinion by the voodoo “science” of vaccination) with pandemic  potential. Yes, it is true that FDA has already approved the admixing of the “novel’ H1N1 2009 influenza vaccine into the “regular” seasonal flu vaccine!  Neither of these vaccines have been subjected to any significant, independent third party or government safety testing.

For the 2010-2011 flu season, which begins in the fall of 2010, the seasonal flu vaccine will include [sic] protection against the 2009 H1N1 vaccine.” –

During 2009/10 3,000,000 — that’s three million — emails were generated through the Health Freedom USA Action eAlert System telling national and state decision makers that We the People would NOT take the swine flu vax, and most Americans and people elsewhere in the world refused the H1N1 vax… no Pandemic.

In the view of natural and preventative health care professionals these two facts are connected. And so, Health Freedom USA has created this NO FLU VAX Action Item to make sure the next weaponized vaccine does not create the next weaponized pandemic. In our view, the vaccinated pose a threat to the unvaccinated!

This from Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation:

“There is no significant scientific agreement that the influenza vaccine has any health benefits at all; much evidence it is harmful. For example, the only peer reviewed, published meta-review of various flu vaccine clinical studies (the Grier, King, Grier paper) shows statistically that there is no benefit. Additionally, we believe the record will show that there were at least 200 miscarriages associated with receiving the 2009 H1N1 vaccines (while in a “normal” flu season there are from 0 to 7). Therefore we are justified in demanding the removal of these dangerous toxins from the health care system.”

We urge you to use the Action Item below and send it on to all your circles of influence: millions of voices must be heard!

More information at:

For our FDA Citizens Petition Docket No. FDA-2009-P-0418 see:

Thank you,

Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret)

Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD
Medical Director

Ralph Fucetola JD
Legal Director


Mycoplasma – The linking pathogen in neurosystemic diseases

Several strains of mycoplasma have been “engineered” to become more dangerous. They are now being blamed for AIDS, cancer, CFS, MS, CJD and other neurosystemic diseases.


A Common Disease Agent Weaponised
There are 200 species of Mycoplasma. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the Brucella bacterium. This disease agent is not a bacterium and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the Brucella bacterium, combined with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted.

The pathogenic Mycoplasma used to be very innocuous, but biological warfare research conducted between 1942 and the present time has resulted in the creation of more deadly and infectious forms of Mycoplasma. Researchers extracted this mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium and actually reduced the disease to a crystalline form. They “weaponised” it and tested it on an unsuspecting public in North America.

Dr Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist for the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, stated that this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most people throughout the world.

Despite reporting flaws, there has clearly been an increased incidence of all the neuro/systemic degenerative diseases since World War II and especially since the 1970s with the arrival of previously unheard-of diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS.

According to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America’s top mycoplasma researchers, this disease agent causes many illnesses including,

  • AIDS
  • cancer
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Crohn’s colitis
  • Type I diabetes
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Wegener’s disease
  • collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s

Dr Charles Engel, who is with the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, stated the following at an NIH meeting on February 7, 2000:

“I am now of the view that the probable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia is the mycoplasma…”

I have all the official documents to prove that mycoplasma is the disease agent in chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia as well as in AIDS, multiple sclerosis and many other illnesses. Of these, 80% are US or Canadian official government documents, and 20% are articles from peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The journal articles and government documents complement each other.

How the Mycoplasma Works
The mycoplasma acts by entering into the individual cells of the body, depending upon your genetic predisposition.

You may develop neurological diseases if the pathogen destroys certain cells in your brain, or you may develop Crohn’s colitis if the pathogen invades and destroys cells in the lower bowel.

Once the mycoplasma gets into the cell, it can lie there doing nothing sometimes for 10, 20 or 30 years, but if a trauma occurs like an accident or a vaccination that doesn’t take, the mycoplasma can become triggered.

Because it is only the DNA particle of the bacterium, it doesn’t have any organelles to process its own nutrients, so it grows by uptaking pre-formed sterols from its host cell and it literally kills the cell; the cell ruptures and what is left gets dumped into the bloodstream.


A Laboratory-Made Disease Agent
Many doctors don’t know about this mycoplasma disease agent because it was developed by the US military in biological warfare experimentation and it was not made public. This pathogen was patented by the United States military and Dr Shyh-Ching Lo. I have a copy of the documented patent from the US Patent Office.1

All the countries at war were experimenting with biological weapons. In 1942, the governments of the United States, Canada and Britain entered into a secret agreement to create two types of biological weapons (one that would kill, and one that was disabling) for use in the war against Germany and Japan, who were also developing biological weapons. While they researched a number of disease pathogens, they primarily focused on the Brucella bacterium and began to weaponise it.

From its inception, the biowarfare program was characterized by continuing in-depth review and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officials, and it was classified Top Secret.

The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponising these diseases. These are diseases that have existed for thousands of years, but they have been weaponised–which means they’ve been made more contagious and more effective. And they are spreading.

The Special Virus Cancer Program, created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity had no natural immunity (AIDS), was disguised as a war on cancer but was actually part of MKNAOMI.2 Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives do not know what has been going on.

For example, the US Senate Committee on Government Reform had searched the archives in Washington and other places for the document titled “The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8“, and couldn’t find it. Somehow they heard I had it, called me and asked me to mail it to them. Imagine: a retired schoolteacher being called by the United States Senate and asked for one of their secret documents!

The US Senate, through the Government Reform Committee, is trying to stop this type of government research.

Crystalline Brucella
The title page of a genuine US Senate Study, declassified on February 24, 1977, shows that George Merck, of the pharmaceutical company, Merck Sharp & Dohme (which now makes cures for diseases that at one time it created), reported in 1946 to the US Secretary of War that his researchers had managed “for the first time” to “isolate the disease agent in crystalline form”.3

They had produced a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from the Brucella bacterium. The bacterial toxin could be removed in crystalline form and stored, transported and deployed without deteriorating. It could be delivered by other vectors such as insects, aerosol or the food chain (in nature it is delivered within the bacterium). But the factor that is working in the Brucella is the mycoplasma.

Brucella is a disease agent that doesn’t kill people; it disables them. But, according to Dr Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon, appearing before a congressional committee in 1969,4 researchers found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength –actually, 10 to the 10th power (1010)– it would develop into AIDS, and the person would die from it within a reasonable period of time because it could bypass the natural human defenses. If the strength was 108, the person would manifest with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If it was 107, they would present as wasting; they wouldn’t die and they wouldn’t be disabled, but they would not be very interested in life; they would waste away.

Most of us have never heard of the disease brucellosis because it largely disappeared when they began pasteurizing milk, which was the carrier. One salt shaker of the pure disease agent in a crystalline form could sicken the entire population of Canada. It is absolutely deadly, not so much in terms of killing the body but disabling it.

Because the crystalline disease agent goes into solution in the blood, ordinary blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence.

The mycoplasma will only crystallize at 8.1 pH, and the blood has a pH of 7.4 pH. So the doctor thinks your complaint is “all in your head“.

Crystalline Brucella and Multiple Sclerosis
In 1998 in Rochester, New York, I met a former military man, PFC Donald Bentley, who gave me a document and told me:

“I was in the US Army, and I was trained in bacteriological warfare. We were handling a bomb filled with brucellosis, only it wasn’t brucellosis; it was a Brucella toxin in crystalline form. We were spraying it on the Chinese and North Koreans.”

He showed me his certificate listing his training in chemical, biological and radiological warfare. Then he showed me 16 pages of documents given to him by the US military when he was discharged from the service. They linked brucellosis with multiple sclerosis, and stated in one section:

“Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service, may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service.”

In other words: “If you become ill with multiple sclerosis, it is because you were handling this Brucella, and we will give you a pension. Don’t go raising any fuss about it.” In these documents, the government of the United States revealed evidence of the cause of multiple sclerosis, but they didn’t make it known to the public–or to your doctor.

In a 1949 report, Drs Kyger and Haden suggested “the possibility that multiple sclerosis might be a central nervous system manifestation of chronic brucellosis”. Testing approximately 113 MS patients, they found that almost 95% also tested positive for Brucella.5

We have a document from a medical journal, which concludes that one out of 500 people who had brucellosis would develop what they call neurobrucellosis; in other words, brucellosis in the brain, where the Brucella settles in the lateral ventricles –where the disease multiple sclerosis is basically located.6

Contamination of Camp Detrick Lab Workers
A 1948 New England Journal of Medicine report titled “Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers” shows us how actively dangerous this agent is.7

The laboratory workers were from Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, where they were developing biological weapons. Even though these workers had been vaccinated, wore rubberized suits and masks and worked through holes in the compartment, many of them came down with this awful disease because it is so absolutely and terrifyingly infectious.

The article was written by Lt Calderone Howell, Marine Corps, Captain Edward Miller, Marine Corps, Lt Emily Kelly, United States Naval Reserve, and Captain Henry Bookman.

They were all military personnel engaged in making the disease agent Brucella into a more effective biological weapon.


Testing the Dispersal Methods
Documented evidence proves that the biological weapons they were developing were tested on the public in various communities without their knowledge or consent.

The government knew that crystalline Brucella would cause disease in humans. Now they needed to determine how it would spread and the best way to disperse it. They tested dispersal methods for Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in June and September 1952. Probably, 100% of us now are infected with Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis.8

Another government document recommended the genesis of open-air vulnerability tests and covert research and development programs to be conducted by the Army and supported by the Central Intelligence Agency.

At that time, the Government of Canada was asked by the US Government to cooperate in testing weaponised Brucella, and Canada cooperated fully with the United States. The US Government wanted to determine whether mosquitoes would carry the disease and also if the air would carry it. A government report stated that,

“open-air testing of infectious biological agents is considered essential to an ultimate understanding of biological warfare potentialities because of the many unknown factors affecting the degradation of micro-organisms in the atmosphere”.9

Testing via Mosquito Vector in Punta Gorda, Florida
A report from The New England Journal of Medicine reveals that one of the first outbreaks of chronic fatigue syndrome was in Punta Gorda, Florida, back in 1957.10 It was a strange coincidence that a week before these people came down with chronic fatigue syndrome, there was a huge influx of mosquitoes.

The National Institutes of Health claimed that the mosquitoes came from a forest fire 30 miles away. The truth is that those mosquitoes were infected in Canada by Dr Guilford B. Reed at Queen’s University. They were bred in Belleville, Ontario, and taken down to Punta Gorda and released there.

Within a week, the first five cases ever of chronic fatigue syndrome were reported to the local clinic in Punta Gorda. The cases kept coming until finally 450 people were ill with the disease.

Testing via Mosquito Vector in Ontario
The Government of Canada had established the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario, where it raised 100 million mosquitoes a month. These were shipped to Queen’s University and certain other facilities to be infected with this crystalline disease agent. The mosquitoes were then let loose in certain communities in the middle of the night, so that the researchers could determine how many people would become ill with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, which was the first disease to show.

One of the communities they tested it on was the St Lawrence Seaway valley, all the way from Kingston to Cornwall, in 1984. They let out hundreds of millions of infected mosquitoes. Over 700 people in the next four or five weeks developed myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome.


Mad Cow Disease/Kuru/CJD in the Fore Tribe
Before and during World War II, at the infamous Camp 731 in Manchuria, the Japanese military contaminated prisoners of war with certain disease agents.

They also established a research camp in New Guinea in 1942. There they experimented upon the Fore Indian tribe and inoculated them with a minced-up version of the brains of diseased sheep containing the visna virus which causes “mad cow disease” or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

About five or six years later, after the Japanese had been driven out, the poor people of the Fore tribe developed what they called kuru, which was their word for “wasting”, and they began to shake, lose their appetites and die. The autopsies revealed that their brains had literally turned to mush. They had contracted “mad cow disease” from the Japanese experiments.

When World War II ended, Dr Ishii Shiro –the medical doctor who was commissioned as a General in the Japanese Army so he could take command of Japan’s biological warfare development, testing and deployment– was captured. He was given the choice of a job with the United States Army or execution as a war criminal. Not surprisingly, Dr Ishii Shiro chose to work with the US military to demonstrate how the Japanese had created mad cow disease in the Fore Indian tribe.

In 1957, when the disease was beginning to blossom in full among the Fore people, Dr Carleton Gajdusek of the US National Institutes of Health headed to New Guinea to determine how the minced-up brains of the visna-infected sheep affected them. He spent a couple of years there, studying the Fore people, and wrote an extensive report.

He won the Nobel Prize for “discoveringkuru disease in the Fore tribe.

Testing Carcinogens over Winnipeg, Manitoba
In 1953, the US Government asked the Canadian Government if it could test a chemical over the city of Winnipeg. It was a big city with 500,000 people, miles from anywhere. The American military sprayed this carcinogenic chemical in a 1,000%-attenuated form, which they said would be so watered down that nobody would get very sick; however, if people came to clinics with a sniffle, a sore throat or ringing in their ears, the researchers would be able to determine what percentage would have developed cancer if the chemical had been used at full strength.

We located evidence that the Americans had indeed tested this carcinogenic chemical –zinc cadmium sulphide– over Winnipeg in 1953. We wrote to the Government of Canada, explaining that we had solid evidence of the spraying and asking that we be informed as to how high up in the government the request for permission to spray had gone. We did not receive a reply.

Shortly after, the Pentagon held a press conference on May 14, 1997, where they admitted what they had done. Robert Russo, writing for the Toronto Star11 from Washington, DC, reported the Pentagon’s admission that in 1953 it had obtained permission from the Canadian Government to fly over the city of Winnipeg and spray out this chemical –which sifted down on kids going to school, housewives hanging out their laundry and people going to work.

US Army planes and trucks released the chemical 36 times between July and August 1953. The Pentagon got its statistics, which indicated that if the chemical released had been full strength, approximately a third of the population of Winnipeg would have developed cancers over the next five years.

One professor, Dr Hugh Fudenberg, MD, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, wrote a magazine article stating that the Pentagon came clean on this because two researchers in Sudbury, Ontario –Don Scott and his son, Bill Scott– had been revealing this to the public. However, the legwork was done by other researchers!

The US Army actually conducted a series of simulated germ warfare tests over Winnipeg. The Pentagon lied about the tests to the mayor, saying that they were testing a chemical fog over the city, which would protect Winnipeg in the event of a nuclear attack.

A report commissioned by US Congress, chaired by Dr Rogene Henderson, lists 32 American towns and cities used as test sites as well.


The AIDS pathogen was created out of a Brucella bacterium mutated with a visna virus; then the toxin was removed as a DNA particle called a mycoplasma. They used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases like MS, Crohn’s colitis, Lyme disease, etc.

In the previously mentioned US congressional document of a meeting held on June 9, 1969, 12 the Pentagon delivered a report to Congress about biological weapons. The Pentagon stated: “We are continuing to develop disabling weapons.” Dr MacArthur, who was in charge of the research, said: “We are developing a new lethal weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”

Think about it. If you have a deficiency of acquired immunity, you have an acquired immunity deficiency. Plain as that. AIDS.

In laboratories throughout the United States and in a certain number in Canada including at the University of Alberta, the US Government provided the leadership for the development of AIDS for the purpose of population control. After the scientists had perfected it, the government sent medical teams from the Centers for Disease Control–under the direction of Dr Donald A. Henderson, their investigator into the 1957 chronic fatigue epidemic in Punta Gorda – during 1969 to 1971 to Africa and some countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan where they thought the population was becoming too large.13 They gave them all a free vaccination against smallpox; but five years after receiving this vaccination, 60% of those inoculated were suffering from AIDS. They tried to blame it on a monkey, which is nonsense.

A professor at the University of Arkansas made the claim that while studying the tissues of a dead chimpanzee she found traces of HIV. The chimpanzee that she had tested was born in the United States 23 years earlier. It had lived its entire life in a US military laboratory where it was used as an experimental animal in the development of these diseases.

When it died, its body was shipped to a storage place where it was deep-frozen and stored in case they wanted to analyze it later. Then they decided that they didn’t have enough space for it, so they said, “Anybody want this dead chimpanzee?” and this researcher from Arkansas said: “Yes. Send it down to the University of Arkansas. We are happy to get anything that we can get.” They shipped it down and she found HIV in it.

That virus was acquired by that chimpanzee in the laboratories where it was tested.14

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Chronic fatigue syndrome is more accurately called myalgic encephalomyelitis. The chronic fatigue syndrome nomenclature was given by the US National Institutes of Health because it wanted to downgrade and belittle the disease.

An MRI scan of the brain of a teenage girl with chronic fatigue syndrome displayed a great many scars or punctate lesions in the left frontal lobe area where portions of the brain had literally dissolved and been replaced by scar tissue. This caused cognitive impairment, memory impairment, etc. And what was the cause of the scarring? The mycoplasma. So there is very concrete physical evidence of these tragic diseases, even though doctors continue to say they don’t know where it comes from or what they can do about it.

Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalo-myelitis and fibromyalgia who apply to the Canada Pensions Plan Review Tribunal will be turned down because they cannot prove that they are ill. During 1999 I conducted several appeals to Canada Pensions and the Workers Compensation Board (WCB, now the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) on behalf of people who have been turned down. I provided documented evidence of these illnesses, and these people were all granted their pensions on the basis of the evidence that I provided.

In March 1999, for example, I appealed to the WCB on behalf of a lady with fibromyalgia who had been denied her pension back in 1993. The vice-chairman of the board came to Sudbury to hear the appeal, and I showed him a number of documents which proved that this lady was physically ill with fibromyalgia. It was a disease that caused physical damage, and the disease agent was a mycoplasma.

The guy listened for three hours, and then he said to me:

“Mr Scott, how is it I have never heard of any of this before? I said: “We brought a top authority in this area into Sudbury to speak on this subject and not a single solitary doctor came to that presentation.”


Polymerase Chain Reaction Test
Information is not generally available about this agent because, first of all, the mycoplasma is such a minutely small disease agent. A hundred years ago, certain medical theoreticians conceived that there must be a form of disease agent smaller than bacteria and viruses. This pathogenic organism, the mycoplasma, is so minute that normal blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence as the source of the disease.

Your doctor may diagnose you with Alzheimer’s disease, and he will say:

“Golly, we don’t know where Alzheimer’s comes from. All we know is that your brain begins to deteriorate, cells rupture, the myelin sheath around the nerves dissolves, and so on.”

Or if you have chronic fatigue syndrome, the doctor will not be able to find any cause for your illness with ordinary blood and tissue tests.

This mycoplasma couldn’t be detected until about 30 years ago when the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was developed, in which a sample of your blood is examined and damaged particles are removed and subjected to a polymerase chain reaction. This causes the DNA in the particles to break down. The particles are then placed in a nutrient, which causes the DNA to grow back into its original form.

If enough of the substance is produced, the form can be recognized, so it can be determined whether Brucella or another kind of agent is behind that particular mycoplasma.

Blood Test
If you or anybody in your family has myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s, you can send a blood sample to Dr Les Simpson in New Zealand for testing.

If you are ill with these diseases, your red blood cells will not be normal doughnut-shaped blood cells capable of being compressed and squeezed through the capillaries, but will swell up like cherry-filled doughnuts which cannot be compressed. The blood cells become enlarged and distended because the only way the mycoplasma can exist is by uptaking pre-formed sterols from the host cell.

One of the best sources of pre-formed sterols is cholesterol, and cholesterol is what gives your blood cells flexibility. If the cholesterol is taken out by the mycoplasma, the red blood cell swells up and doesn’t go through, and the person begins to feel all the aches and pains and all the damage it causes to the brain, the heart, the stomach, the feet and the whole body because blood and oxygen are cut off.

And that is why people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have such a terrible time. When the blood is cut off from the brain, punctate lesions appear because those parts of the brain die. The mycoplasma will get into portions of the heart muscle, especially the left ventricle, and those cells will die.

Certain people have cells in the lateral ventricles of the brain that have a genetic predisposition to admit the mycoplasma, and this causes the lateral ventricles to deteriorate and die. This leads to multiple sclerosis, which will progress until these people are totally disabled; frequently, they die prematurely. The mycoplasma will get into the lower bowel, parts of which will die, thus causing colitis. All of these diseases are caused by the degenerating properties of the mycoplasma.

In early 2000, a gentleman in Sudbury phoned me and told me he had fibromyalgia. He applied for a pension and was turned down because his doctor said it was all in his head and there was no external evidence. I gave him the proper form and a vial, and he sent his blood to Dr Simpson to be tested.

He did this with his family doctor’s approval, and the results from Dr Simpson showed that only 4% of his red blood cells were functioning normally and carrying the appropriate amount of oxygen to his poor body, whereas 83% were distended, enlarged and hardened, and wouldn’t go through the capillaries without an awful lot of pressure and trouble. This is the physical evidence of the damage that is done.

ECG Test
You can also ask your doctor to give you a 24-hour Holter ECG. You know, of course, that an electrocardiogram is a measure of your heartbeat and shows what is going on in the right ventricle, the left ventricle and so on. Tests show that 100% of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have an irregular heartbeat.

At various periods during the 24 hours, the heart, instead of working happily away going “bump-BUMP, bump-BUMP”, every now and again goes “buhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh”. The T-wave (the waves are called P, Q, R, S and T) is normally a peak, and then the wave levels off and starts with the P-wave again. In chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients, the T-wave flattens off, or actually inverts. That means the blood in the left ventricle is not being squeezed up through the aorta and around through the body.

My client from Sudbury had this test done and, lo and behold, the results stated: “The shape of T and S-T suggests left ventricle strain pattern, although voltage and so on is normal.” The doctor had no clue as to why the T-wave was not working properly. I analyzed the report of this patient who had been turned down by Canada Pensions and sent it back to them.

They wrote back, saying:

“It looks like we may have made a mistake. We are going to give you a hearing and you can explain this to us in more detail.”

So it is not all in your imagination. There is actual physical damage to the heart. The left ventricle muscles do show scarring. That is why many people are diagnosed with a heart condition when they first develop fibromyalgia, but it’s only one of several problems because the mycoplasma can do all kinds of damage.

Blood Volume Test
You can also ask your doctor for a blood volume test. Every human being requires a certain amount of blood per pound of body weight, and it has been observed that people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses do not have the normal blood volume their body needs to function properly. Doctors aren’t normally aware of this.

This test measures the amount of blood in the human body by taking out 5 cc, putting a tracer in it and then putting it back into the body. One hour later, take out 5 cc again and look for the tracer. The thicker the blood and the lower the blood volume, the more tracer you will find.

The analysis of one of my clients stated:

“This patient was referred for red cell mass study. The red cell volume is 16.9 ml per kg of body weight. The normal range is 25 to 35 ml per kg. This guy has 36% less blood in his body than the body needs to function.”

And the doctor hadn’t even known the test existed.

If you lost 36% of your blood in an accident, do you think your doctor would tell you that you are alright and should just take up line dancing and get over it? They would rush you to the nearest hospital and start transfusing you with blood.

These tragic people with these awful diseases are functioning with anywhere from 7% to 50% less blood than their body needs to function.


The body undoes the damage itself. The scarring in the brain of people with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia will be repaired. There is cellular repair going on all the time. But the mycoplasma has moved on to the next cell.

In the early stages of a disease, doxycycline may reverse that disease process. It is one of the tetracycline antibiotics, but it is not bactericidal; it is bacteriostatic –it stops the growth of the mycoplasma. And if the mycoplasma growth can be stopped for long enough, then the immune system takes over.

Doxycycline treatment is discussed in a paper by mycoplasma expert Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, of the Institute for Molecular Medicine.15 Dr Nicholson is involved in a US$8-million mycoplasma research program funded by the US military and headed by Dr Charles Engel of the NIH.

The program is studying Gulf War veterans, 450 of them, because there is evidence to suggest that Gulf War syndrome is another illness (or set of illnesses) caused by mycoplasma.


1. “Pathogenic Mycoplasma”, US Patent No. 5,242,820, issued September 7, 1993. Dr Lo is listed as the “Inventor” and the American Registry of Pathology, Washington, DC, is listed as the “Assignee”.
2. “Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8”, prepared by the National Cancer Institute, Viral Oncology, Etiology Area, July 1971, submitted to NIH Annual Report in May 1971 and updated July 1971.
3. US Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense, 1977; released as US Army Activities in the US Biological Warfare Programs, Volumes One and Two, 24 February 1977.
4. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings before Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, First Session, Monday June 9, 1969, pp 105-144, esp. pp. 114, 129.
5. Kyger, E. R. and Russell L. Haden, “Brucellosis and Multiple Sclerosis”, The American Journal of Medical Sciences 1949:689-693.
6. Colmonero et al., “Complications Associated with Brucella melitensis Infection: A Study of 530 Cases”, Medicine 1996;75(4).
7. Howell, Miller, Kelly and Bookman, “Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers”, New England Journal of Medicine 1948;236:741.
8. “Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8”, ibid., table 4, p. 135.
9. US Senate, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, March 8 and May 23, 1977, ibid.
10. New England Journal of Medicine, August 22, 1957, p. 362.
11. Toronto Star, May 15, 1997.
12. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings, Monday June 9, 1969, ibid., p. 129.
13. Henderson, Donald A., “Smallpox: Epitaph for a Killer”, National Geographic, December 1978, p. 804.
14. Blum, Deborah, The Monkey Wars, Oxford University Press, New York, 1994.
15. Nicholson, G. L., “Doxycycline treatment and Desert Storm”, JAMA 1995;273:618-619.

Recommended Reading

  • Horowitz, Leonard, Emerging Viruses – AIDS and Evola, 1996.
  • Johnson, Hillary, Osler’s Web, Crown Publishers, New York, 1996.
  • Scott, Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, The Brucellosis Triangle, The Chelmsford Publishers (Box 133, Stat. B., Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4N5), Canada, 1998 (US$21.95 + $3 s&h in US).
  • Scott, Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident, The Chelmsford Publishers, Canada, 1996 (revised, extended edition available from mid-September 2001; US$16.00 pre-pub. price + US$3 s&h in US).
  • The Journal of Degenerative Diseases (Donald W. Scott, Editor), The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation (Box 133, Stat B., Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 4N5), Canada (quarterly journal; annual subscription: US$25.00 in USA, $30 foreign).

Additional Contacts

  • Ms Jennie Burke, Australian Biologics, Level 6, 383 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia tel +61 (0)2 9283 0807 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +61 (0)2 9283 0807      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, fax +61 (0)2 9283 0910. Australian Biologics does tests for mycoplasma.
  • Consumer Health Organization of Canada, 1220 Sheppard Avenue East #412, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2K 2S5, tel +1 (416) 490 0986 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +1 (416) 490 0986      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, website
  • Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, Institute for Molecular Medicine, 15162 Triton Lane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649-1401, USA, tel +1 (714) 903 2900 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +1 (714) 903 2900      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
  • Dr Les Simpson, Red Blood Cell Research Ltd, 31 Bath Street, Dunedin, 9001, New Zealand, tel +64 (0)3 471 8540 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +64 (0)3 471 8540      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, email (Note: Dr Simpson directs his study to red cell shape analysis, not the mycoplasma hypothesis.)
  • The Mycoplasma Registry for Gulf War Illness, S. & L. Dudley, 303 47th St, J-10 San Diego, CA 92102-5961, tel/fax +1 (619) 266 1116, fax (619) 266 1116, email