Former spy tells all, keep blogging and exposing pursue Treason charges

[vsw id=”hGvhK0Pnh-U” source=”youtube” width=”510″ height=”410″ autoplay=”no”]

Robert D. Steele, former spy, the son of an oil man, blows the cover off all the mess that is going on. LISTEN UP to what he says, if it’s the last thing you do. The government needs to be fired along with the electoral reform system. Spread the News! UNITED WE STAND! DIVIDE WE FALL! We bloggers and those who make videos (vloggers) do make a difference. You are the Paul Reveres and Patrick Henry’s of our generation. You are the intelligence minutemen of the age. We have the power. Take it back!

Three New Crop Circle Formations in Wiltshire

Westwoods, nr Lockeridge, Wiltshire. reported 31st May.

The formation is quite small, it has been described as a ‘sperm and egg’ and is in oil seed rape. It is said to be very nice from the air.


More pics/info here

Liddington Castle, nr Swindon, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd June

Ladies and Gentleman  – This Must be the best example in Barley EVER !!


If I sound excited, then you would be right to think it so. This second formation in barley is probably the best I have seen in this type of plant. The first initial and visual surprise is the way the barley has been gently bent and almost all heads of the plant have what could be described as a droop or heads bowed – there was no visible flattening at all – this technique I have not see in barley formations before. In comparison to Silbury Hill where the plant seemed to be forced more to the ground – here the at Liddington Castle there was no visual resemblance to the Silbury Hill formation at all – almost as if a gentler force was applied, also if you applied gentle pressure on the bent barley by pushing it down, the plant bounced back to its original bent position.  Lines and elements within were absolutely geometrically pristine, as if a master carver had spent weeks in perfecting this exquisite design. Standing inside the formation you could see the half circles and triangular elements but it was hard to distinguish what the formation may have been at ground level.- seeing the formation from above – it was easy to say OMG !. Also another brilliant effect is the way the shading is created; it gives you that extra wow factor when viewed from above.

Without a doubt in my mind, that the makers have stepped up a notch with an intent to impress and prove that this is physically not possible for man to create.

On the way into the formation the screen on my mobile phone started flashing and then simply died, its not until I exited the formation and returned to our vehicle the screen faded back in again.

Liddington2010aWe also used a Electromagnetic Magnetic Field Radiation Tester – the readings were nothing to shout about but a most extraordinary thing happened which we I cannot explain. Igor Byttebier and Antoinette Dyson were present and conducted the test for me. This meter also measures air temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius – Antoinette walked round the formation with hope for the meter alarm to go of, but nothing, as soon as she stood in the centre of the formation the temperature reading shot up to 46 degrees Celsius !!! then few minutes later rapidly dropped to minus 24 degrees Celsius. Few minutes later the battery in the meter started to fade so I went to get a replacement but also found that this battery was completely discharged.  The evening was warm and sunny so we have no explanation to what might have occurred. Approximately half an hour later I returned to my kit bag and started to pack away my camera and to my surprise I could see my breath as one can on a cold winters day !!. Also moisture droplets were becoming visible on plant stems within the formation – when we first entered this formation our shoes were perfectly dry but on exit my shoes and bottom of my trousers were wet. Normal temperature at the time was approx 20 degrees Celsius so some kind of fast temperature changes occurred within this formation. ???!!!

The formation measured 225 feet in circumference – as I was the only one left in the formation other measurements were not made as they would simply be not correct. A formation of this size would require at least two people to conduct such an exercise.


Andrew Pyrka

More pics/info here

Codford St Peter, nr Warminster, Wiltshire. Reported 3rd June


More pics/info here



Journalist investigates 20 year on Bilderberg group. Conspiracy or not?

Secretive and elite – the Bilderberg group, which unites some of the world’s most powerful people, has been meeting behind closed doors for decades. An investigative journalist Daniel Estulin has just revealed to the European Parliament all he claims to have discovered about the ‘Bilderbergers’, and expects the results of his findings to have the ‘effect of an atomic bomb’.

Spanish investigative journalist Daniel Estulin visits the EU Parliament to report on the secretive elite group called the Bilderbergs. Estulin was invited to speak at the Parliament by Mario Borghezio MEP of the Lega Nord party in Italy and member the ‘Europe of Freedom and Democracy’ group. Please remember that most of the previous Presidents of the EU Parliament have been first approved by this Elite group week or two before taking office including Pat Cox and the current President Herman van Rompuy!

[vsw id=”M2hhCuBt8cY” source=”youtube” width=”510″ height=”410″ autoplay=”no”]

Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal

(NaturalNews) Municipalities all across America are currently dripping fluoride chemicals into their public water supply, dosing over a hundred million Americans with a chemical that they claim “prevents cavities.”

What’s interesting here is that this biological effect of “preventing cavities” is a medical claim, according to the FDA. And as such, making this claim instantly and automatically transforms fluoride into a “drug” under currently FDA regulations.

This means that cities and towns all across America are now practicing medicine without a license by dripping liquid medication into the public water supply without the consent of those who are swallowing the medication.

If you or I did this, we would be arrested and tried as either terrorists (because contaminating the water supply is an act of terrorism) or felons practicing medicine without a license. So what allows cities and towns to get away with these very same crimes?

Cities openly violate state and federal law

Keep in mind that a medication can only be legally prescribed to someone after they have been diagnosed with a medical need. In other words, a doctor can’t legally prescribe you some pharmaceutical unless he examines you and determines you actually need it. But fluoride is medicating everyone whether they need it or not, without any medical diagnosis whatsoever.

And that means those children or adults who already have high exposure to fluoride (from swallowing toothpaste or drinking fluoridated bottled water, for example) may now be exposed to too much fluoride from the added amounts in the tap water. Excess fluoride can cause serious health problems such as bone fractures and dark spots appearing on your teeth (dental fluorosis).

This does not appear to concern the proponents of fluoride — people who believe they alone have the right to practice mass medicine without a license by dripping an unapproved drug chemical into the public water supply without the knowledge or consent of those who are being medicated by that chemical.

Every city and town in America currently engaged in fluoridation of the water supply is committing felony crimes. Town leaders who approve of water fluoridation are criminals operating in clear violation of FDA regulations, state medical laws and federal laws.

How to fight back

If you happen to see one of these town leaders at a town meeting, make a citizens’ arrest and put them in handcuffs, then turn them over to the local sheriff.

You may also wish to write a strong letter to your state medical board and complain that your city or town officials are “practicing medicine without a license” by dosing your city residents with an unapproved drug.

If they insist fluoride is not a drug, tell them to read the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). (…)

There, you will find that the Act states:

The term “drug” means… articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals.

Now, I don’t personally agree with this definition of a “drug” but this is what the FDA claims it to be, and it clearly states that any item intended to “affect the structure” of the body is a drug.

Fluoride is intended to affect the structure of the teeth. That’s the whole claimed purpose of dumping it into the water supply. Therefore, fluoride is a drug.

Furthermore, since it is a drug, it is ILLEGAL to dump it into the water supply, even if it were approved by the FDA to treat cavities (which it isn’t).

Thus, every employee of every city or town that is currently dumping this chemical drug into the water supply is guilty of a felony crime and should be immediately arrested and prosecuted for contamination of the public water supplies as well as practicing medicine without a license.

Call your local police department and report these crimes. It’s time to arrest these fluoro-terrorists who are illegally contaminating our public water supply with illegal drugs. Stop the fluoride madness.

“I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.” – Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.


Other resources to check out:
Fluoride Action Network

Citizens for Safe Drinking Water

IAOMT (dentists opposing mercury)