Just a Few Things BP Does NOT Want You to Know



The U.S. regulators who were responsible for oversight of drilling in the Gulf of Mexico accepted meals, tickets to sporting events and gifts from at least one oil company. A new report offers further evidence that the Minerals Management Service has what has been described as a culture of lax oversight and cozy ties to industry.

You can click on The Star link below to see some of the devastating effects the oil spill has had on wildlife.

The problem was not confined to the MMS. In 2007, a British Petroleum refinery in Indiana was allowed to continue to dump mercury into Lake Michigan by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. A permit exempted a BP plant from a federal regulation limiting mercury discharges into the Great Lakes.

The New York Times reports:

“In mid-2008, a minerals agency employee conducted four inspections on drilling platforms when he was also negotiating a job with the drilling company … And an inspector … may have been under the influence of [crystal methamphetamine] during an inspection.”

But there are even more downright criminal activities taking place right now. According to a government panel, new calculations suggest that “an amount equivalent to the Exxon Valdez disaster could be flowing into the Gulf of Mexico every 8 to 10 days,” the New York Times reported on June 10.

In addition, the CNN video above discusses the health problems suffered by the clean-up workers, and the fact that BP is strongly discouraging any type of protective gear, such as respirators and even rubber gloves! In the video, Kerry Kennedy mentions that the average age at the time of death of workers who cleaned up after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill was 51!

Today, all those clean-up workers are DEAD!

Seems BP is far more worried about their PR, buying up search terms on Google and other search engines, than protecting the health and welfare of their clean-up crews…

Meanwhile, another New York Times article reports that the “U.S. EPA has quietly released a full list of ingredients in the two controversial dispersants BP PLC is using to combat the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, following weeks of complaints from members of Congress and public health advocates that the dispersant manufacturer had kept its complete formula a secret from the public.”

LogoMyway BP logo Contest

This image is but one of literally hundreds of competing logos in LogoMyWay’s BP logo contest. They write:

“I cant tell you how frustrated and upset we are about BP and how they are handling this oil disaster. Before this eruption of oil they had 17 violations. It’s obvious this could have been prevented. This is the biggest environmental disaster we have ever faced in this country.

I think the (6000) creative logo designers at LogoMyWay should update the BP logo with a more suitable design and brand. The design community and the general public will vote on the winner of the redesign of the NEW BP LOGO.”

To see all of the submitted logos, see LogoMyWay’s contest page.


Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

As of June 20, the latest estimates revealed that 4.2  million gallons of oil were likely still spilling into the Gulf of Mexico daily — an amount that’s more than one Exxon Valdez every few days.

Now accounts from on the scene are revealing that the situation is much, much worse than you have likely seen on the news or online, and a media blackout of sorts appears to be occurring.

BP has been buying up popular search terms on Google, so that when you search for “oil spill” you’ll be directed to BP’s damage control page that shows the company’s “Gulf of Mexico Response” and cleanup efforts, instead of the massive amounts of damage that is still ongoing.

Adding to the outrage, a federal report that began in 2008 and was due to be released this summer has uncovered major conflicts of interest between the Minerals Management Service (MMS), which oversees drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and industry officials.

In addition, as Stephen Lendman points out, for nearly two months, BP officials:

— Obstructed cleanup efforts and haven’t provided proper equipment to do it;

— Suppressed vital information;

— Told cleanup workers they’d be fired if they spoke to the media;

— Lied from day one about what really happened and its severity;

— Denied adequate compensation to Gulf victims;

— Withheld respirators and other protective gear from cleanup workers, many now ill from flu-like symptoms, including severe headaches, dizziness, nosebleeds, chest pains, and trouble breathing that may persist, become worse and, for many, be long-lasting or permanent;

— Ordered workers showing up with respirators and other protective gear to remove it or be fired; and

— On June 17, BP CEO Tony Haywood stonewalled the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation by refusing to provide information he knows as chief operating officer.

Federal Drilling Regulators Had “Cozy Ties” to Oil Industry

Along with receiving meals, tickets to sporting events and other gifts from at least one oil company, inspectors reportedly allowed industry officials to “fill in their own inspection reports in pencil — and then turned them over to the regulators, who traced over them in pen before submitting the reports to the agency,” the New York Times reported of the Inspector General report’s findings.

The cozy relationship between federal inspectors and the oil industry certainly takes on a new light, now that the greatest environmental tragedy to hit the United States is upon us.

CNN interviews with survivors of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion also painted a dismal picture of BP’s corporate culture, as workers detailed the company’s priorities (profits). CNN reported:

“In the CNN interviews, the workers described a corporate culture of cutting staff and ignoring warning signs ahead of the blast. They said BP routinely cut corners and pushed ahead despite concerns about safety.

The rig survivors also said it was always understood that you could get fired if you raised safety concerns that might delay drilling. Some co-workers had been fired for speaking out, they said.”

There is also speculation that the rig may have been short-staffed the day of the blast, and records reviewed by CNN suggest some staff may have been overworked; time sheets showed that 20 crewmen had worked 24-hour shifts days before the explosion, when a normal shift was 12 hours.

CNN interviews also revealed that BP had ordered a shortcut on the day of the explosion designed to speed drilling, as the rig was five weeks behind schedule. A BP executive reportedly ordered heavy mud, used to keep well pressure down, to be replaced with lighter seawater, a change that had chief drillers concerned.

BP Hired Operators to IGNORE Consumers

As much as BP would like to appear as a concerned and noble corporation, doing all they can to stop the disaster, repair the damage and listen to the concerns of the American people, this appears to be nothing but a front.

BP has set up a hotline number called the “Vessel of Opportunity Program,” and it’s meant to field calls from concerned citizens and log cleanup ideas and other comments that come in.

But an exclusive interview with one of the call center workers by 11 News found the call center is actually a hotline to nowhere.

The disguised operator told 11 News that not only do the operators believe calls go no further than the call center, some do not even bother to take notes on the calls, or simply log in “blah, blah, blah.”

“We’re a diversion to stop them from really getting to the corporate office, to the big people,” the BP operator told 11 News.

Dispersants Making People Sick, Causing Even More Damage

In more damage control efforts, BP has sprayed more than 1 million gallons of chemical dispersants into the Gulf since the oil spill began, and cleanup workers have been complaining of dizziness, nausea and other symptoms ever since.

The chemicals in dispersants Corexit 9500 and 9527 are toxic. The New York Times reports:

“Corexit 9527, used in lesser quantities during the earlier days of the spill response, is designated a chronic and acute health hazard by EPA. The 9527 formula contains 2-butoxyethanol, pinpointed as the cause of lingering health problems experienced by cleanup workers after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, and propylene glycol, a commonly used solvent.”

According to Carys Mitchelmore, a researcher at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, the detergent-like brew of solvents, surfactants and other compounds are known to cause a variety of health problems in animals, including:

  • Death
  • Reduced growth
  • Reproductive problems
  • Cardiac dysfunction
  • Immune suppression
  • Altered behavior
  • Carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic effects

Corexit products were actually removed from a list of approved treatments for oil spills in the U.K. more than a decade ago after the agents were linked with human health problems including respiratory, neurologic, liver, kidney and blood disorders, and “harmful effects” on sea life.

In fact, the EPA’s table comparing toxicity and effectiveness shows that Corexit is toxic at much lower levels than many of its competitors. Only 2.61 ppm of Corexit 9500 is required to kill 50 percent of fish exposed to it within 96 hours.

Sayer Ji, founder of InformationToInspireChange.com, clarifies this by explaining that the Corexit itself actually only has a toxicity level of 25.20 parts per million. The test oil the EPA uses has a higher toxicity of 10.72 ppm. It is when you add the Corexit to oil at a 1:10 ratio that the combined toxicity of this third entity “dispersed oil” goes all the way to 2.6 ppm.

So, why would BP choose Corexit, given its higher toxicity and poor performance in handling Louisiana crude?

As it turns out, BP has financial ties with Nalco (the manufacturer of Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527A), which explains why they have now poured more than 1,021,000 gallons of it into the Gulf and have another 805,000 gallons on order. Because of these industry ties, Corexit is the only dispersant available in the massive quantities “needed” for an oil spill of this size.

In fact, they used up all existing stockpiles of Corexit 9527A, the older and less desirable formula, and Nalco states it will be discontinued, now that it has been used up.

And if it is toxic enough to be discontinued, why was it being dumped into the Gulf of Mexico in the first place?

It’s almost as if the federal government were actively working to worsen the problem and expand the impact of the disaster.

Dispersants Toxic to People, Too

In humans, the toxic effects are also well known. The MSDS for Corexit 9527A lists the human health hazard as “acute,” stating:

“Excessive exposure may cause central nervous system effects, nausea, vomiting, anesthetic or narcotic effects. Excessive exposure to 2-butoxyethanol (an active ingredient) may cause injury to red blood cells (hemolysis), kidney or the liver.

Prolonged and/or repeated exposure through inhalation or extensive skin contact with EGBE (2-butoxyethanol) may result in damage to the blood and kidneys.”

These chemicals are being sprayed into the ocean in unprecedented amounts, and given their toxicity and unknown impacts on marine life and humans when used in such massive quantities, the EPA has asked BP to switch to a less toxic dispersant, giving the company 24 hours to “identify a less toxic alternative” and three days to begin using it.

The chemical dispersants, by the way, are not a silver bullet to miraculously make oil disappear. Oil spill dispersants only alter the chemical and physical properties of the oil, making it more likely to mix with seawater than deposit on the shoreline.

So what the dispersants do is re-direct the oil, making its impact perhaps less so on birds and shore-dwelling animals, but more so on fish, coral reefs, oysters and other marine life that live in the deeper waters. It essentially “hides” the oil out of view, below the surface where news cameras can’t see it.

Even the EPA states:

“It’s important to understand that the use of dispersants is an environmental trade-off. We know dispersants are generally less toxic than the oils they breakdown.

We know that surface use of dispersants decreases the environmental risks to shorelines and organisms at the surface and when used this way, dispersants breakdown over several days. However the long term effects on aquatic life are unknown … It is too early in the process to know what the scope of the natural resource damage will be.”

Another Accident Waiting to Happen?

Internal BP documents and employee interviews have revealed another disaster in the making on BP’s Prudhoe Bay oil field in Alaska. In an investigative report, employees told Truthout that hundreds of miles of rotting pipe are ready to break — an environmental mess they believe could be even worse than the Gulf oil spill.

Employees anonymously said that BP follows an “operate to failure” attitude, running equipment until it breaks rather than spending money on upkeep. Truthout even reports that senior BP managers get bonuses when they manage to not use funds designated for maintenance.

Perhaps foreshadowing what’s to come, BP’s Lisburne Alaska facility had an oil spill from a broken pipeline in November 2009 that released nearly 46,000 gallons of oil. The spill, and its causes, are currently being investigated by Alaska state authorities, the Environmental Protection Agency and the FBI.

Other red flags raised by employees and revealed in the investigative report are a two-mile section of pipeline that experiences “hopping” — wind-induced vibrations that could cause stress to the structure — safety gaps in fire and gas-related equipment that are not being repaired, putting employees at risk, and overworked workers who routinely work extra long shifts.

If BP doesn’t clean up its act, the Gulf oil spill may be only one of a series of environmental disasters to come.

What Will the Environmental Toll Be?

Only time will tell what the true environmental and human health impacts of the 2010 BP oil spill will be, but this is for certain: we need our oceans, our coral reefs and our marine life to survive.

Coral reefs are already disappearing faster than rainforests, and dispersed oil is particularly deadly to coral reefs.

According to Charlie Veron, an Australian marine biologist regarded as the world’s foremost authority on coral reefs:

“The future is horrific. There is no hope of reefs surviving to even mid-century in any form that we now recognize. If, and when, they go, they will take with them about one-third of the world’s marine biodiversity. Then there is a domino effect, as reefs fail, so will other ecosystems. This is the path of a mass extinction event, when most life, especially tropical marine life, goes extinct.”

You may feel helpless right now to make a difference in the Gulf, but there are some steps you can take to help. First, you can join the movement to stop the use of dispersants by signing this petition.

I also urge you to take action now, without delay, pressing your representatives to hold BP accountable for this massive environmental tragedy.

Thankfully the market is decimating BP and they have lost one hundred billion dollars in the value of their stock since this fiasco started.

President Obama’s Failed US Press Conference

This BP oil disaster solidly reaffirms my long held belief that the government long ago has shifted from policing major corporations to partnering with them and giving them free reign to whatever their hearts desire. This is becoming even more blatant. We need to recognize this for what it is as soon as possible.

The government has long stopped working in your best interest and the sooner you realize that the sooner you will be able to take more effective control of your and your family’s health.

Now please understand that this is in no way shape or form a partisan observation. I came down equally hard on President Bush on many of his choices. Just use the search engine on the site to confirm this. However, it is my impression that Stephen Lendman has captured the sentiment of what many of us are feeling during this enormous environmental catastrophe.

He provides some powerful insights and questions President Obama’s June 15 address to the US.

“The president was disingenuous, shameless, hypocritical and supportive of Big Oil interests, much like his backing for the Wall Street bandits, Big Pharma, the insurance lobby, auto giants, agribusiness, defense contractors, and other corporate favorites, while endorsing big cuts in vital public benefits and services to show fiscal restraint.

Playing front man for BP, he didn’t explain the cause or severity of the crisis in terms of its effects on the economy, ecosystem, and lives, welfare and health of Gulf state residents. Nor did he demand accountability for perhaps the greatest ever environmental crime, as a result of government-corporate complicity that neither this or any other disaster will change, and unless it does, profits will always supersede public welfare and ecological safety, externalities indifferently sacrificed without concern, no matter how severe.

To a nationwide audience, he said nothing about regulatory laxity, BP’s disregard for worker safety, its shoddy history of dangerous practices, the disrepair of its equipment by cutting corners on maintenance and proper controls, years of manager warnings to top officials ignored about safety concerns risking serious accidents, employees pressured to be silent, say nothing, or be fired, and the company’s single-minded pursuit of bottom-line issues, everything else be damned.

“They are a recurring environmental criminal and they do not follow US health safety and environmental policy. At what point are we going to say we are not going to do business with you any more, bye? None of the other supermajors have an environmental criminal record like they do.”

So why did Obama provide BP cover from day one, and in his 18 minute nationwide address?

Why hasn’t he held a corporate scofflaw accountable, run the cleanup from the start, demand BP provide full information on the problem and cooperate with Washington in charge or face criminal prosecution, huge fines, and nationalization? Why hasn’t the public been fully informed? Why do the administration, its officials, the Congress and Coast Guard work for BP instead of the other way around?

Why has he unquestioningly accepted all BP pronouncements on faith, including deliberately falsifying gush estimates – first, 1,000 barrels a day, then 5,000, then 25,000 – 40,000, then 30,000 – 60,000 and now 100,000 or FOUR MILLION GALLONS of oil per day and 100 times higher than their initial estimate, when reliable evaluations are double these numbers or higher and explain a problem that may turn the entire gulf and beyond into dead zones, as well as contaminate the entire Atlantic coast and waters well beyond?”


Free Energy – Summary

Alphabetically, by last name

Dr. Thomas  Townsend Brown

Dr. Thomas Townsend Brown
John Ernst  Worrell Keely

John Ernst Worrell Keely
  • John Ernst Worrell Keely – Inventor from Philadelphia who invented the “Keely Motor”, an induction resonance motion motor which used “etheric technology”, and discoverer of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics.
  • Gabriel Kron – “Arguably the greatest electrical scientist ever produced by the United States.”
Dennis Lee

Dennis Lee
  • Dennis Lee — the Enigma – Exploring the enigma that is Dennis Lee — perhaps the most controversial figure in the field of free energy, bar none. Some consider him an energy savior, others, a shyster. While his free energy technology might be dubious, the sincerity of Lee and his followers is a force to be reckoned with.
Dr. Eugene Mallove

Dr. Eugene Mallove
Stanley Meyer

Stanley Meyer
  • Stanley Meyer – Developed super-efficient electrolysis process said to produce 700% more energy than it consumes without raising the temperature of the water. Murdered.
  • Viktor Schauberger – Austrian forester, father of Implosion-Technology, keywords: Vortex, Suction, Implosion, Nature.
  • Tom Valone – rigorous academic, with specialty in zero point energy, anti-gravity, and bio-energetics.

Envision Energy Systems LLC – Rockwell (Rocky) Whitham is a prolific inventor in Salt Lake City who has assembled a small team to help find financing for some of his inventions and bring some of them to market, including: No Moving Parts Wind Generator; Solar Powered Hydrogen Production System; Woody-biomass technology; Slow-sand Filtration and Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Project. (PESWiki; April 6, 2010)

Source: http://peswiki.com/energy/Directory:Inventors

WikiLeaks founder drops 'mass spying' hint

WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has given his strongest indication yet about the next big leak from his whistleblower organisation.

There has been rampant speculation about WikiLeaks’ next revelation following its recent release of a top secret military video showing an attack in Baghdad which killed more than a dozen people, including two employees of the Reuters news agency.

Bradley Manning, a US military intelligence officer based in Iraq, has been arrested on suspicion of leaking the video but it is also claimed that Manning bragged online that he had handed WikiLeaks 260,000 secret US State Department cables.

In an interview with the ABC’s Foreign Correspondent, Mr Assange said cryptically of WikiLeaks’ current project:

“I can give an analogy. If there had been mass spying that had affected many, many people and organisations and the details of that mass spying were released then that is something that would reveal that the interests of many people had been abused.”

He agreed it would be of the “calibre” of publishing information about the way the top secret Echelon system – the US-UK electronic spying network which eavesdrops on worldwide communications traffic – had been used.

Mr Assange also confirmed that WikiLeaks has a copy of a video showing a US military bombing of a western Afghan township which killed dozens of people, including children.

He noted, though, it was a very intricate case “substantially more complex” than the Iraq material WikiLeaks had released – referring to the gunship video.

European news media are reporting that Mr Assange has “surfaced from almost a month in hiding”, speaking at a freedom of information seminar at the European parliament in Brussels.

But during the course of the past month, Mr Assange has been talking to Foreign Correspondent for a program examining the efficacy of the WikiLeaks model.

“What we want to create is a system where there is guaranteed free press across the world, the entire world, that every individual in the world has the ability to publish materials that is meaningful,” he said.

Whistleblower speaks

The program has also spoken directly to former computer hacker Adrian Lamo who blew the whistle on Bradley Manning after a boastful online discussion in which Lamo alleges the military intelligence adviser revealed himself as a significant WikiLeaks source.

“He proceeded to identify himself as an intelligence analyst and pose the question: What would you do if you have unprecedented access to classified data 14 hours a day seven days a week?” Mr Lamo said.

“He (Manning) was firing bullets into the air without thought to consequence of where they might land or who they might hit.”

WikiLeaks has built an information repository it thinks is foolproof. Instead of secret documents physically changing hands, they are anonymously sent to digital drop boxes and stored on servers around the world. Finally, they are posted on the WikiLeaks site.

During Foreign Correspondent’s assignment Mr Assange had been preparing to fly to New York to meet his hero – Daniel Ellsberg – the former US military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers which amounted to a devastating expose of the Vietnam War.

Instead, concerned about travelling in the US and attracting the interest of authorities, he used Skype to speak to the conference.

He told the crowd: “Leaking is inherently an anti-authoritarian act. It’s inherently an anarchist act.”

Mr Assange has been quoted as saying he feels perfectly safe in Europe, “but I have been advised by my lawyers not to travel to the US during this period”.

Daniel Ellsberg, named by Henry Kissinger as “the most dangerous man in America”, told Foreign Correspondent that Mr Assange was “a good candidate for being the most dangerous man in the world, in the eyes of people like the one who gave me that award”.

“I’m sure that Assange is now regarded as one of the very most dangerous men and he should be quite proud of that.”

Truth or Dare, Foreign Correspondent’s examination of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, airs tonight at 8PM on ABC 1

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/06/22/2933892.htm

Thermitic Pyrotechnics in the WTC


The scientific paper Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe provides, quite simply, proof that explosives were used in the destruction of the Twin Towers. Specifically, the paper positively identifies an advanced engineered pyrotechnic material in each of several samples of dust from the destroyed skyscrapers, in the form of tiny chips having red and gray sides and sharing a very specific three-dimensional structure, chemical composition, and ignition behavior.

The basis and validity of this identification can be grasped quickly by anyone with a working knowledge of physics and chemistry. They need only read the paper’s one-page conclusion, and perhaps its section describing the provenance of the dust samples.

But what of the reader whose strong suit isn’t the hard sciences? Does one have to be an expert to understand the findings and evaluate the many claims thrown up by “debunkers” to dismiss those findings?

Fortunately, the answer is no. The central observations of the paper can be understood by any intelligent person with some effort. In this thumbnail summary of the paper’s findings, I focus on three easy-to-remember features of the red-gray chips established by the paper — features that undeniably show that the chips are a high-tech engineered pyrotechnic material. Because my description includes some technical language, I have provided a glossary for the benefit of the non-technical reader.


Three Features of the Red-Gray Chips

A portion of Fig. 2, showing one of of the red-gray chips. μm means millionths of a meter. The length of the 100-μm bar is therefore 1/10 of a millimeter — about the width of a human hair.

The three features of the red-gray chips highlighted here — physical structure, chemical composition, and thermal behavior — clearly establish that they are aluminothermic nano-composite pyrotechnics: advanced manufactured materials that may only have been invented as recently as the mid-1990s. Any one of these three features taken alone shows that the chips contain an energetic material of some sort having no legitimate place in an office building. Any two of these features establishes that the material is an advanced pyrotechnic. That, combined with the material’s abundance — constituting perhaps 0.05 percent of the mass of the dust and therefore likely tens of tons within the buildings — is clearly incompatible with prosaic sources, and fully consistent with the observations that the Towers were subjected to controlled demolitions.

1. Physical Structure

  • The chips, whose structure is consistent from one sample to the next, are clearly an un-natural, manufactured material.
  • The red layer is a nano-engineered composite, containing two types of nano-particles, each highly consistent in size and shape.
Portions of Fig. 4 and Fig. 5: Two scanning electron microscope images of bi-layered chips.
Fig. 9, showing a highly magnified view of the red layer. Note the often-hexagonal plate-like particles, and the smaller faceted particles, both lighter in color than the porous matrix.

The physical structure of the chips is revealed by microscopic visual inspection, most clearly using a scanning electron microscope. A thin red layer is supported by a gray layer of homogenous material. Zooming in on the red layer shows it to be composed of two different types of particles embedded in a porous matrix: thin plates typically hexagonal in shape, and faceted grains.

Three facts about the red layer are:

  • The particles are very small: the plates being only about 40 nanometers thick, and the grains are only about 100 nanometers in diameter.
  • The particles are highly uniform in size and shape.
  • The particles are intimately mixed in a highly consistent composition throughout the material.

These are all features of a nano-engineered material. It is not possible that such a material was formed as a by-product of the destruction of the Twin Towers.

>> FURTHER READING: physical structure of the chips

2. Chemical Composition

  • The red layers contain abundant aluminum, iron, and oxygen, where the iron is associated with oxygen, and the aluminum is mostly in a pure, elemental, form.
  • The relative quantities of aluminum, iron, and oxygen match those of the most common thermite formulation: Fe2O3 + 2 Al .
2 Al + Fe2O3 → Al2O3 + 2 Fe
This is the chemical equation of the most common type of thermite reaction: Two atoms of aluminum react with a molecule of iron oxide to form a molecule of aluminum oxide and two atoms of iron. Because the aluminum holds the oxygen much more tightly than does the iron, the reaction releases a great deal of energy — about three times as much per unit of weight as is released by conventional high explosives.

The chemical composition of the chips is established by measuring the levels of elements in the chips’ constituent parts. Using a scanning electron microscope equipped with X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), it is determined that each of the two types of particles in the red layer, as well as the porous material holding them, has a specific elemental composition.

A collage of Figs. 16, 17, and 18, showing, from back to front, the spectra from a silicon-rich region on the porous red matrix, a region with a clump of the aluminum-rich thin plates, and a region with a clump of the iron-rich grains. The soaking of the sample in MEK has removed most of the carbon from the Silicon- and Oxygen-rich matrix
  • The flat plates are mostly aluminum. Because the other elements are present in much smaller quantities, most of the aluminum must be in its elemental form, whose violent appetite for oxygen is passivated by a surface layer just a few molecules thick enveloping each particle.
  • The faceted grains are mostly iron and oxygen in the ratio of the Fe2O3 form of iron oxide, a compound that reacts with aluminum with intense heat to leave molten iron.

Thus, the two types of nano-particles in the red layer contain the two ingredients of thermite: pure aluminum and iron oxide. Furthermore, the red-layer matrix in which the particles are embedded in a highly uniform manner is mostly carbon, silicon, and oxygen — similar in composition to known variants of nano-thermite optimized for high explosive pressure.

Although these elements — aluminum, iron, oxygen, and silicon — were all abundant in building materials used in the Twin Towers, it is not possible that such materials milled themselves into fine powder and assembled themselves into a chemically optimized aluminothermic composite as a by-product of the destruction of the Twin Towers.

>> FURTHER READING: chemical composition of the chips

3. Thermal Behavior

  • When the chips are heated to about 430ºC (806ºF), they undergo a runaway chemical reaction producing temperatures of at least 1535ºC (2795ºF) — the melting point of iron.
  • The residues produced by these reactions — iron-rich spheres — match those produced by igniting commercial thermite and particles found in WTC dust samples.
Fig. 19 compares the DSC traces of a chip from each of the four samples. Although a trace does not capture the increase in temperature once a sample ignites, the area underneath it approximates the sample’s energy density.

The thermal behavior of the chips is analyzed using an instrument (a DSC) that measures the flow of heat into and out of the sample as its temperature is gradually increased. When the samples are elevated to about 430ºC, they ignite in a run-away reaction that reaches at least 1535ºC. The fact that the reaction reaches those very high temperatures is evident from the reaction’s residue of minute solidified iron-rich sphereoids — residues that had clearly experienced temperatures above the melting point of iron to create molten droplets that became spherical under the influence of surface tension.

The iron-rich spheroids formed by heating the chips in this manner match those found in abundance in all of the samples of WTC dust studied, and those produced by the reaction of commercial thermite, both in appearance and in chemical composition revealed by XEDS analysis.

Fig. 30 compares estimates of the energy densities of four chips to those of high explosives and thermite.

A measure of a pyrotechnics’ performance is its energy density: how much energy can be packed in a given weight or volume. Estimates of the energy densities of chips ignited in the DSC shows them to be similar to those of conventional high explosives and conventional thermite. These estimates include the weight of the inert gray-layer material, which may account for the range of energy densities of the four different chips.

Whereas structural and chemical analysis of the chips shows that they were designed as some kind of pyrotechnic, thermal analysis shows that, despite their fragmented form and age, are still active pyrotechnics, and ones with impressive energy densities.

Active Thermitic Material Discovered does not describe tests that might indicate the discovered material’s power density. The fact that it ignites somewhere between 370ºC and 430ºC would seem to make it a delicate explosive, since an office fire can generate such temperatures. However, the material might have more than one reaction mode: It might be designed so that the more gradual heating by a fire causes it to deflagrate and appear to burn like a hydrocarbon material; whereas the small spot of extreme temperture provided by a micro-detonator causes it to detonate with a shockwave powerful enough to shatter objects several feet away.

Although building rubble can contain flammable materials, it is not possible that legitimate materials in the Twin Towers or residues of them formed in the buildings’ destruction would be capable of reacting to produce temperatures above the melting point of iron.

>> FURTHER READING: thermal behavior of the chips


As this simplified summary of the findings of the paper Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe shows, the distinctive red-gray chips found consistently in dust samples from the destroyed Twin Towers are clearly an advanced engineered pyrotechnic material. It is not even remotely possible that the material could have been formed spontaneously through any random process such as the total destruction of the Twin Towers. Nor is it possible that the material was present in the Towers for some innocent reason.

The North Tower is consumed in a vast eruption as would be produced by a choreographed cascade of thousands of small blasts.

The chips are clearly the unexploded remains of a pyrotechnic material — likely a high explosive — that was present in the Twin Towers in large quantities. Reasonable estimates of tonnage of material based on the abundance of red-gray chips in the dust range from the tens into the hundreds. Although the installation of so much material would require considerable planning and logistics, it would not necessarily be difficult to conceal, as this hypothetical blasting scenario shows.

The progressive detonation of so many tons of energetic material would explain the mushrooming explosions that so systematically shattered each Tower from top to bottom, and the incredible thoroughness of the destruction, which left virtually no recognizable building components other than the heavy steelwork and cladding, and no traceable fragment of more than 1000 human bodies.


aluminothermic: Synonymous with thermitic but specifiying that the fuel is aluminum.

aluminum: The thirteenth element in the periodic table and most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust, though almost never in its elemental form due to its high reactivity. Because it reacts so energetically, aluminum is the fuel of choice for many pyrotechnics.

deflagration: A reaction process that propogates through heat and thereby produces a fast burn.

detonation: A reaction process that propogates through a rapid (supersonic) pressure wave and thereby produces an explosion.

differential scanning calorimeter (DSC): An instrument that measures the thermal energy absorbed or released by a sample as a function of its temperature.

energetic material: A material that stores a large amounts of chemical energy whose release is triggered by specific conditions. The use of nano-engineering to create energetic materials meeting highly specific design requirements has been an active area of research since the mid-1990s or earlier.

energy density: The ratio of an energetic material‘s stored energy to its weight or volume.

nano-composite: A manufactured material consisting of several component materials assembled on scales of a few hundred nanometers or less.

nano-engineered: Constructed at the atomic or molecular level, generally at 100 nanometers or smaller.

nanometer: Unit of length equaling one-billionth (1/1,000,000,000) of a meter. Most atoms measure between 0.1 and 0.5 nanometers across.

nano-particle: A particle, at least one of whose dimensions is 100 nanometers or less. Because of their extremely small size, the manufacture of nano-particles requires expensive, specialized equipment and know-how.

nano-thermite: An advanced type of thermite in which the fuel (aluminum) and oxidizer (iron oxide) are in the form of intimately mixed nano-particles, generally embedded in a durable matrix.

power density: The ratio of an energetic material‘s rate of energy release to its weight or volume.

pyrotechnic: An energetic material, typically composed of finely divided metallic fuels and oxidizer powders held in a binder, that undergoes a self-contained reaction producing an engineered mix of light, heat, and pressure. Although most often used to describe fireworks and propellants, pyrotechnics have broad military applications ranging from incendiaries to high-explosives.

scanning electron microscope: A kind of microscope used to produce very high-resolution images of a sample’s surface by scanning it with an electron beam.

thermitic: Having the characteristics of thermite, and thus the ability to release large amounts of energy on ignition.

thermite: An energetic material that, when ignited, releases large amounts of energy thorough a chemical reaction in which oxygen is transferred from an oxidizer (such as iron oxide) to a fuel (such as aluminum).

X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS): A method of measuring the relative proportions of elements within particular parts of a sample by analyzing the spectrum of X-rays emitted as an electron beam is directed onto the sample’s surface.

Source: http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/thermite/thermitics_made_simple.html

Judge who overturned drilling moratorium reported owning stock in drilling companies

The federal judge who overturned Barack Obama’s offshore drilling moratorium reported owning stock in numerous companies involved in the offshore oil industry — including Transocean, which leased the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig to BP prior to its April 20 explosion in the Gulf of Mexico — according to 2008 financial disclosure reports.

U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman issued a preliminary injunction today barring the enforcement of the president’s proposed six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling, arguing that the ban is too broad.

According to Feldman’s 2008 financial disclosure form, posted online by Judicial Watch [pdf], the judge owned stock in Transocean, as well as five other companies that are either directly or indirectly involved in the offshore drilling business.

It’s not surprising that Feldman, who is a judge for the Eastern District of Louisiana, has invested in the offshore drilling business — an Associated Press investigation found earlier this month that more than half the federal judges in the districts affected by the BP spill have financial ties to the oil and gas industry.

The report discloses that in 2008, Judge Feldman held less than $15,000 worth of stock in Transocean, as well as similar amounts (federal rules only require that judges report a range of values ) in Hercules Offshore, ATP Oil and Gas, and Parker Drilling. All of those companies offer contract offshore drilling services and operate offshore rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Judge Feldman also owned between $15,000 and $50,000 in notes offered by Ocean Energy, Inc., a company that offers “concept design and manufacturing design of submersible drilling rigs,” according to its website. None of the companies were direct parties to the lawsuit seeking to overturn the ban.

Judge Feldman did not immediately return a message seeking comment.

— John Cook is a senior national reporter/blogger for Yahoo! News.


FDA warns Magic Coffee has undeclared Viagra type ingredient

Washington – The FDA is warning Magic Power Coffee has a little more then magic in its list of ingredients. An undeclared chemical similar to that of Viagra has been found in this powerful java. When mixed with other medicines the effects can be deadly.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers that Magic Power Coffee, an instant coffee product marketed as a dietary supplement for sexual enhancement, contains an active drug ingredient that can dangerously lower blood pressure. Consumers who have Magic Power Coffee should stop using it immediately, the advisory states. Sexual enhancement products that claim to work as well as prescription products are likely to expose consumers to unpredictable risks and the potential for injury or even death. In the case of Magic Power Coffee, the FDA collected and analyzed the product and determined that the product contains hydroxythiohomosildenafil. This is a chemical similar to sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. Hydroxythiohomosildenafil, like sildenafil, may interact with prescription drugs known as nitrates, including nitroglycerin, and cause dangerously low blood pressure. Consumers and health care professionals should be aware of this problem and the health hazard it presents. When blood pressure drops suddenly, the brain is deprived of an adequate blood supply, which can lead to dizziness or light-headedness.

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“Because this product is an instant coffee labeled as an ‘all natural dietary supplement,’ consumers may assume it is harmless and poses no health risk,” said Deborah M. Autor, director of FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Office of Compliance. “In fact, Magic Power Coffee can cause serious harm.” To date, the FDA is not aware of any adverse events associated with the use of this product. The product is distributed on Internet sites and online auctions by multiple independent distributors participating in an online multi-level marketing scheme. It is sold in a 2-serving box and a 12-serving carton containing six 2-serving boxes. The FDA advises consumers who have experienced any negative side effects from sexual enhancement products to consult a health care professional and to safely discard the product. Consumers and health care professionals should report adverse events to the FDA’s MedWatch program at 800-FDA-1088 or online at www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm During the past several years, the FDA has found many products marketed as dietary supplements for sexual enhancement that contain undeclared active ingredients of FDA-approved drugs, analogs of approved drugs or other compounds that do not qualify as “dietary ingredients.” Multiple alerts issued by the FDA about these contaminated dietary supplements can be found here. “The FDA is committed to protecting public health and stopping the illegal marketing of unapproved drugs,” said Autor. “We support vigorous law enforcement and criminal prosecution of violators of safe drug laws.

Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/293708