What's Behind the Convenient Timing of the Afghanistan Mineral Story?

Why publicize information that’s been public for months? Might it have something to do with the fact that Afghanistan is the longest war in U.S. history?

June 18, 2010 |WASHINGTON, Jun 14, 2010 (IPS) – The timing of the publication of a major New York Times story on the vast untapped mineral wealth that lies beneath Afghanistan’s soil is raising major questions about the intent of the Pentagon, which released the information.

Given the increasingly negative news that has come out of Afghanistan – and of U.S. strategy there – some analysts believe the front-page article is designed to reverse growing public sentiment that the war is not worth the cost.

“What better way to remind people about the country’s potential bright future – and by people I mean the Chinese, the Russians, the Pakistanis, and the Americans – than by publicising or re-publicising valid (but already public) information about the region’s potential wealth?” wrote Marc AmBinder, the political editor of ‘The Atlantic’ magazine, on his blog.

“The way in which the story was presented – with on-the- record quotations from the Commander in Chief of CENTCOM [Gen. David Petraeus], no less – and the weird promotion of a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense to Undersecretary of Defense [Paul Brinkley] suggest a broad and deliberate information operation designed to influence public opinion on the course of the war,” he added.

The nearly 1,500-word article, based almost entirely on Pentagon sources and featured as the lead story in Monday’s ‘Early Bird’, a compilation of major national security stories that the Pentagon distributes each morning, asserted that Afghanistan may have close to one trillion dollars in untapped mineral deposits. These include “huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold, and critical industrial metals like lithium”, the story said.

Afghanistan’s total annual gross domestic product (GDP) last year came to about 13 billion dollars.

One “internal Pentagon memo” provided to the Times’ author, James Risen predicted that Afghanistan could become “the ‘Saudi Arabia of lithium,’ a key raw material in the manufacture of batteries for laptops and Blackberrys”.

“There is stunning potential here,” Petraeus told Risen in an interview Saturday. “There are a lot of ifs, of course, but I think potentially it is hugely significant,” he said of the conclusions of a study by a “small team of Pentagon officials and American geologists”.

The government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, whose recent efforts to begin a reconciliation process with the insurgent Taliban have been criticised by the Pentagon, quickly seized on the report.

In a hastily arranged press briefing Monday, Karzai’s spokesman, Waheed Omar, said the report was “the best news we have had over many years in Afghanistan”.

Other commentators, however, suggested the news about Afghanistan’s underground wealth was not all that new.

As noted by Blake Hounshell, managing editor at ‘Foreign Policy’ magazine, the U.S. Geological Service (USGS) already published a comprehensive inventory of Afghanistan’s non-oil mineral resources on the internet in 2007, as did the British Geological Survey. Much of their work was based on explorations and surveys undertaken by the Soviet Union during its occupation of Afghanistan during the 1980’s.

The nearly trillion-dollar figure is based on a simple tabulation of the previous estimates for each mineral according to its current market price, according to Hounshell.

So, the question for many observers was why the article, which dominated much of the foreign news in the network and cable broadcast media during Monday’s news cycle, was published now.

Risen himself suggested an answer in his story, noting “American and Afghan officials agreed to discuss the mineral discoveries at a difficult moment in the war in Afghanistan.”

Indeed, U.S. and NATO casualties have risen sharply in recent weeks; a four-month-old counterinsurgency offensive to “clear, hold, and build” in the strategic region around Marja in Pashtun-dominated Helmand province appears to have stalled badly; and a planned campaign in and around the critical city of Kandahar has been delayed for at least two months.

The latest polling shows a noticeable erosion of support for Washington’s commitment to the war compared to eight months ago, when President Barack Obama agreed to the Pentagon’s recommendations to send an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan to bring the total U.S. military presence there to around 100,000 later this summer.

Moreover, what little support for the war remains among the publics of Washington’s NATO allies – never as high as in the U.S. in any event – is also fading quickly. NATO and non-NATO countries, excluding the U.S., currently have about 34,000 troops deployed to Afghanistan.

On the eve of a NATO ministerial conference in Brussels last week, Secretary of Defence Robert Gates warned that Washington and its NATO allies had very little time to convince their publics that their strategy against the Taliban was working – a message that has since been strongly echoed the coalition’s commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, and by Petraeus himself.

Indeed, the administration is committed to a major review of its strategy in Afghanistan at the end of the year, and Obama himself has pledged to begin withdrawing U.S. troops in July 2011.

Obama is already coming under pressure from right-wing and neo-conservative media – some of which have been cultivated by Petraeus, in particular – and Republican lawmakers to delay that date.

That view was seconded last week by former Petraeus aide, Lt. Col. John Nagl (ret.), a counterinsurgency specialist who is now president of the influential Centre for a New American Security.

Nagl worked closely with Petraeus in authoring the much- lauded 2006 U.S. Counter-Insurgency Field Manual, which stressed the importance of efforts to influence media perceptions in any counterinsurgency campaign.

“The media directly influence the attitude of key audiences toward counter-insurgents, their operations, and the opposing insurgency,” they wrote. “This situation creates a war of perceptions between insurgents and counter-insurgents conducted continuously using the news media.”

In that respect, the appearance of the Times story Monday looked to many observers like part of an effort to strengthen the case for giving the counterinsurgency effort more time.

In an interview with Politico’s Laura Rozen Monday, former Afghan finance minister Ashraf Ghani said he had commissioned the assessment of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth. “As to why it came out today… I cannot explain,” he said.

Source: http://www.alternet.org/world/147240/what%27s_behind_the_convenient_timing_of_the_afghanistan_mineral_story?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=alternet

Brain tumor (cancer) ablation with Alternating Currents

Brain Tumor Ablation with Alternating Currents

100kHz -300kHz Kills Tumor Cells. No Side Effects to Healthy Brain Tissue! Ref. 4

In 1920 Royal Rife identified the human cancer virus using the worlds most powerful microscope (which Rife created), cultured the virus (on salted pork, the best growing medium), and injected it into rats. These injections caused cancer in every one of the rats (all 400 of them). Later Rife was able to find a frequency of electromagnetic energy that would cause the cancer virus to self destruct when within that energy field. Rife created a device that emitted that energy field and was successful at destroying cancer viruses inside patients who were within close proximity of his device. See Ref. 4. See also article for history of Rife’s shutout by AMA and FDA. Ref. 5

Everything has a specific vibration. There is a specific vibration for the screen you are reading, and for the eyes that see this. In health, things that bother us are called pathogens, like bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. Each one of them also has a specific vibration. So let the first box above represent a picture of the signature wave of a bacteria.
If we use exactly the right vibration it will disintegrate the bacteria. The middle picture represents the application of a counter vibration. It is like singing a very high note. That note could break apart a champagne glass without harming the tray that the glass sits on or the waiter carrying the tray. In the same way, the right vibration in the drops you take will gradually break apart the intended bacteria without harming the body that surrounds it. In the box on the far right we show the effect of adding a counter vibration that makes the two “flat-line” out or cancel each other.


1. Collective Energy Therapies
2. Journal Of Theoretics
Also, take pictures of article with my name on it. Downloadable pdf “radiationcellularmetabolism”
3. Matti Pitkanen, Department of Physics, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Physics Division,
P.O. Box 9 Fin-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland Theoretical Physics – University of Helsinki
4. <!––> Download document on the brain cancer electrical field
5. See word document “Rifehistory”
6. FDA frequency document

Rife Frequency Generation – Alternative Cancer Therapy


This website informs you about the achievements of a remarkable San Diego scientist who, back in the 1930s, invented a powerful optical microscope in order to be able to see living bacteria, viruses and fungi (pathogens) that he suspected to be causing a range of illnesses. He found he could see the individual pathogens better by illuminating them with a light frequency that matched their own resonance frequency and causing them to glow. When he intensified the frequencies, he observed the pathogens either bursting or going inanimate.

This invention led to the development of a remarkable way of selectively destroying these bacteria and viruses by subjecting them to their own resonance frequency in a similar way to how a glass is shattered when a singer hits the right note!

What happenen to this great discovery! According to Barry Lynes in his book “The Cancer Cure That Worked”, it was surpressed by the FDA and AMA in the USA of the time (and still is). You will find some interesting accounts of what happened on this web site.

On the 9th March 2001, the British “Everyday Practicle Electronics” magazine released a special 11 page supplement on the story of Rife. We are proud to have obtained exclusive permission to release this very well reseached report here.

You will also find a highly interesting document where Rife was asked 137 questions about his inventions and work on behalf of John Crane’s defence lawyer in 1960. The answers to these questions, written by Rife himself, cannot be found in the official Court records (and were not allowed to be used in court) and were thought lost until very recently.

There is an ever increasing number of websites on the Internet that discuss the work of Royal Raymond Rife, including this one. Most of these sites discuss what he achieved and talk about his treatment methods from an experimental point of view, yet provide little scientific evidence of the effectivness of Rife therapy. The reason for this dilemma is that most of the people involved in Rife research, and creating the respective web sites, are based in the USA where the FDA and AMA are doing their best to prevent such verification and even suppress the use of Rife therapy.

On this site, we will be specifically providing information about scientific research that does exist and provide scientifically acceptable verification of how effective Rife and similar electronic therapies really can be.

Here in Europe, there is an ever increasing number of professional doctors and clinics that have been openly using the Rife methods to help their patients for several years now. This allows the Rife method to slowly gain a more professional name for itself as more and more people are helped as part of a professional treatment program complimenting mainstream and natural medicine.

Rife Placebo Study

In Australia, a research scientist called Geoff Baker has spent years of his life and millions of dollars on pro-fessionally researching the Rife method and developing a commercial (Rife/Crane) unit. He was directly responsible for a serious Placebo test, strictly following all scientifically accepted protocols, in order to show the effectiveness of this method in the treatment of arthritis, a disease that cripples a large number of people of all ages. This complete report (except for the patients addresses) is available to be read here exclusively on the Internet. It makes very interesting reading and shows clearly that this treatment can successfully reduce the pain and increase the quality of life of such arthritis sufferers. Although no claim is made that arthritis can be actually cured, the study does show that the patients are helped much more effectively in reducing pain and returning to an almost normal life.

Electromed PET pad device

Electromed PET Rife device made specifically for treating arthritis.

The Rife Forum

If you are looking for informed and serious discussion on the work of Royal Raymond Rife, the Rife Forum went online in 2002 and has grown to be the largest Rife related online community with over 4000 members.

We discuss the history, microscopes and resonance therapy, developed by Royal Raymond Rife, as well as their modern counterparts. The different types of devices (pad or plasma, etc.), upcoming events in our online calendar, technical issues, testimonials, merits of specific devices, etc.

We also have special areas for more general health related and even off topic discussions as well as an area for non-commercial buying and selling of equipment.

A premium area provides access to high quality documents, audio and video files for a modest subscription charge (used to pay for running the forum).

Using a modern (vBulletin) forum format, all topics are sorted into catagories making it easy to find the information you are looking for, or ask if not.

The Rife Forum

The Rife Wiki

Our latest project is a Rife-related online encyclopedia similar to Wikipedia.

The Rife Wiki is an encyclopedia about the microscope and resonance therapy, developed by Royal Raymond Rife, as well as their modern counterparts. The Rife Wiki compliments the various online resources already available on the work of the San Diego scientist: Royal Raymond Rife. On this Wiki, you can find or create pages relating to Rife history, microscopes and frequency therapy.

Topics on this Wiki can relate to any aspect of the history, technology and therapy’s originally developed by Royal Raymond Rife as well as thier modern counterparts – that is modern day microscopes and therapy devices either based on Rife’s work, or similar technologies. Entries can relate to treatment protocols for a specific disease, descriptions of individual devices, terms, etc.

Unlike Wikipedia, entries can only be made by registered members. The Wiki is currently under construction.

The Rife Wiki

Further Information

We are continuing to research and put together more interesting reports and articles and improve the usability of this site.

Please bookmark this site so that you can easily find it again.

We recommend that you subscribe to our RSS feed so that you can be automatically informed about the latest updates and news.

For online discussion of Royal Rife and the technology, please also join our Rife Forum and / or our Rife Yahoogroup (the two largest Rife discussion groups on the Internet) where you can exchange views and ideas with other like minded people.

There are many additional resources where you can obtain further information on Royal Rife. Our links page points you to recommended websites as well as the Rife Research Ring listed below.

You can write to us via our contact page, but please understand that are resources are limited and we cannot promise to answer every enquiry. We do appreciate your comments and suggestions to this site and we do read every mail.

Thank-you for visiting this new improved Rife Research, Europe web site. This website was previously named “Rife Information Forum, Europe” and it was decided to change that to avoid confusion with the “Rife Forum”.

Best wishes

Peter Walker

Disclaimer: The authors of this web site do not engage in the practice of medicine; we are not a medical authority, nor do we claim to have medical knowledge. In all cases we recommend that you consult your own physician regarding any course of treatment or medicine. Despite this, we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained here including having the contents checked by professional doctors that are familiar and experienced in the use of Rife therapy. We cannot of course accept any responsibility for any actions made based on what is read on this or other sites.

Source:  http://www.rife.de/

A real CURE for AIDS, Hepititis, Cancer, Herpes etc, for less than the price of a night out!

In 1992 Dr Stephen Kaali applied for a patent (#5,139,684 Kaali & Schwolsky 8-18-92) for his recently discovered cure for AIDS. [educate-yourself.org…]

This discovery by Kaali and Lyman in the Fall of 1990 at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, N.Y.C. in 1990 was the centerpiece of Dr. Bob Beck’s lectures on blood electrification. Kaali and Lyman re-discovered something that Dr. Robert O. Becker had also came upon in the 1970’s and 80’s in that direct current applied at very low voltage, delivered in the 50-100 microampere range effected amazing cellular response and achieved the de-activation of pathogenic organisms.

Bob Beck later went on to develop a non-invasive use of this technology using a simple $50 build-it-yourself ‘zapper’.

Beck claims to have cured hundreds of people at his own expense via local hospital co-operation whilst collecting copious amounts of confirmatory data.

Before the die-hard allopath zealots begin crying bogus, do a bit of background checking on Beck (and for that matter, Kaali and Becker too who both played for the home-team not the hippies lol ).

Beck was no slouch, having won many prestigious prizes for his work on neuro-entrainment devices (he developed the ‘black box’ that got Pete Townsend and many others off Heroine).

PhD in physics from the University of Southern California, Dr. Beck is better known as a researcher and inventor improving upon other’s inventions.

For what it’s worth, Beck was nominated for the Nobel Prize by a Mexican hospital for his work developing an AIDS cure.

Here’s one of Beck’s papers: Dr. Bob Beck on Blood Electrification for cleansing, parasite zapping, neutralization of HIV, etc. [www.elixa.com…]

This is a rare video, taken in 1996 at Ventura College. The video quality is awful, but the content makes up for it (2 hrs): video.google.com…

“You can have a 100% cure for AIDS … You can do it yourself, and it is cheap … You will never have a cold again … This is the best investment that you can make in your health … And we guarantee it … We have stacks of testimonials, hundreds of astounding spontaneous remissions, and we have medical records to prove it … It will work. Not maybe … It is the most valuable information that I have ever seen. It is the best that our science can offer today in the hospitals and clinics of America. [Interview with Dr. Beck, 1997].”

I was originally alerted to Beck on ATS by a poster on my DIY Cancer Treatment thread who claimed to have cured his own AIDS. I clicked the link he gave and then promptly forgot about it for a week or two, as I was inundated with alternative health info.

A week or two later, I took the time out to begin watching the video, then immediately found a source for Beck’s instruments (I just don’t have the luxury of time to build them myself).

Since then, I’ve read much more on Beck and listened to audio interviews with him. He never had a website (Beck claims he avoided the net in order to minimize the targetting of FDA, who arrived at his house one morning at 3am, guns drawn!), so all info must be dug out from alternative type websites.

I’m also half way through Robert O Becker’s book ‘The Body Electric’, which is absolutely fascinating work on electricity and cell regeneration. You can find this for free on Scribd.

A nice page on Beck here with more reports: cancertutor.com…

Beck dedicated the last decade of his life to working in the electo-medicine field. He kept all his discoveries OPEN-SOURCE, publishing detailed and complete plans on how to reproduce his results affordably at home. A true humanitarian?

Preferred electrifiers must generate a 3.9 Hz (not critical) biphasic sharp-rise-time square wave, +/- 27 volt peak adjustable output, 50% duty cycle, capable of delivering several milliamperes into a low resistance load at skin surface (+/- 2000 ohm impedance) which after losses in tissue resistance delivers the necessary 50 to 100 microamperes through flowing blood.

This suppressed medical discovery is proving to neutralize or eliminate all parasites and their mycotoxins, fungi, viruses, microbes, germs, pathogens, bacteria, or any other foreign invaders in blood without drugs.

There are no known side effects to healthy cells, tissue, or fluids. Elimination of blood pathogens can be verified by examining blood under dark field/phase contrast microscopy.

I am shocked that ATS has very little discussion about this man, who appears to have made one of the greatest contributions to human health. There’s also a mouth-watering conspiracy issue in it too: plenty of documented data and fairly obvious mainstream suppression.(See Science News, March 30, 1991, page 207; and Longevity, December 1992 page 14.)

I am currently now using the ‘Beck Protocol’ on myself (I’m fairly healthy, but a few niggling issues that I’d like to handle) and feel after a week already far more energy and have lost about 3kg in weight (Beck himself claims to have lost 130 pounds without changing his diet or exercise routine, and postulates the reason for this in the above linked video). I’ve experienced the odd Herxheimer reaction (detox) so am convinced something is going on. The issues I wanted to deal with are already abating.

My mum began the protocol a few days ago, as we had to first finish our herbal cleansing of liver and kidneys. Beck advises against using any herbal or allopathic medication whilst on the protocol, due to the effect of ‘electroporation’ enhancing the ‘accessability’ of the cells by up to 30x. He did find, however, that drinking ozonated water and colloidal/ionic silver massively increased the effectiveness of the protocol.

Obviously, we will not be able to draw conclusions about the Beck Protocol on my mum’s cancer, as we are using several alternative cure methodologies, so who knows which one will have made the most difference at the end of the day. Mum (who already looks 100x better by the way) is booked in for a sigmoidoscopy at the end of July, so I will post the results of the current state of her bowel tumor on the DIY Cancer thread at the appropriate time.

Whatever the case, I am fully confident Beck’s contribution to the health of humanity is deserved of much more attention than it is getting. If you are currently suffering from ANY form of pathogen caused disease or illness, from the common cold to Epstein Bar, from Hepititis B or C to AIDS, I highly recommend you check out Bob Beck’s work.

Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread585556/pg1 posted by RogerT a member of the ATS forum.