Cell Phones

By Daniel J Towsey


Here’s some scary information you need to know about cell phones, and your privacy.

All conversations on digital cell phones are stored forever. They never erase the digital files. [As well as the GPS location of the cell phone or vehicle.]

The GPS pinpoints you to within a few feet. If you are being stalked or spied on. They send out agents that know where you are. The agents carry small hand held units that zero in on you.

Your cell phone is a listening device. They can listen to all your conversations within fifty feet of the phone whether the phone is on or not.

The software that permits them to take over your phone is not preinstalled. They install it by making a very quick call to

your phone. And the phone does not need to be on and it does not ring.

They also are able to read all your stored information such as telephone numbers in your phones memory.

They can even remotely turn on and ring your phone. They can and have changed the ring tone with a voice message. Such as ‘Answer your phone’ or anything else they want to say.

If your phone has a camera. They can see everything that the lenses is pointing at. anytime!

The digital files of your voice can be used to create a computerized conversation with your own voice. This can be used against you. Someone can actually make a call using your voice and speak to anyone you know. They would actually believe they are talking to you. They use a computer program to replace the callers voice as they speak.

Cell phone also can and do read any RFID chips that are near it. Many more items including clothing has RFID chips in them. With these chips they can even tell what you’re wearing and what color your clothes is.

They can even use your voice track to transmit microwave sound to you while you sleep. You would actually think they are your own thoughts. This can be done through any walls. I am not kidding. This technology was developed long ago. After all microwaves are sound wave.

Some cell phones have the option to be set to work in analog. Set it that way. It is well worth it. Even if phone does not work as well.

Ask when you get your phone if you can set it to analog.

Any calls made to your phone can not be traced. The calls well appear to come from your own house phone.

Also it does not matter that your phone is not listed.

One last thing. In North America, all cell phone systems are controlled by Israeli companies. All landlines are prewired for eavesdropping by the same companies.

And this is related, so I thought I would mention it here. If you have an anti-theft system on your vehicle. It probably has GPS too. And if it has Ontrac. They can listen in to all conversations while you are in your vehicle.

Oh I forgot to mention a very important thing. The telephone does not need to be turned on for them to do these things. Removing the battery is a good idea.

I am not guessing here. I know this is done from reading court transcripts from intelligence trials.

Source: http://danieltowsey.wordpress.com/2007/06/24/cell-phones/

Is Wikileaks REAL Or Fake? The Evidence Speaks For Itself

by Jeff Prager

I’ll make a very good argument that Wikileaks is a CIA “Limited Hang-Out.” You’ll have to Google that term if you’re unfamiliar with it. I don’t want to explain it here.

Here’s my argument (people have very short memories)

My 14 Step Program +Bonus to understanding Wikileaks:

1. Wikileaks proves Weapons Of Mass Destruction In Iraq. This should be a “Duh” moment but there’s more, of course.


2. The last Wikileak Leak, which I downloaded (I downloaded this one too) had Osama bin Laden appearing in the first 10 pages (the American readers limit when given hundreds of pages of boring shit) and alive and in charge of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan even though he’s very likely been dead for a long, long time.

3. If Julian Assange were truly a rogue we ALL KNOW the mainstream media would black him out and they would NOT report anything about anything that he’s revealed. Even more importantly, if these leaks were truly damaging to the US not ONE SINGLE media outlet would report them. Heck man, we can’t even get these people to report Building Seven. Geraldo did 5 minutes on it 10 YEARS AFTER the event.

4. Julian Assange accepts the official version of 911. If that isn’t an enormous Red Flag then I don’t know what is.

5. The overly-emphasized “CIA is after Assange” story in the media rings false. The CIA does not advertise its own agendas and missions, and the media rarely intrudes on their discretion. But here we have something like Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. What’s wrong with this picture?

6. The recent (last week) NYT profile of Assange was originally bylined by Eric Schmitt, then the names were changed. Assange has used Schmitt in the past to communicate. Schmitt is a senior writer on terrorism and national security for the NYT, and is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

7. Wikileaks reveals that 15,000 more died in Iraq then the US government actually admitted. WTF? The Iraq Coalition Casualty Count reports 43,000; the Iraq Body Count reports 94,000; the Brookings Institute reports 113,000; the Associated Press reports 34,000 and the World Health Organization reports 151,000. Try close to ONE MILLION, per the Lancet several years back. Do I trust the Lancet or some CIA plant? Well, I don’t trust the Lancet either and believe it was well over 1 million; but, I’d trust them over this yackadoodle any day of the week.

8. Puhleeze, these guys either aren’t too smart or they’re playing games because: The contact number on Wikileaks.org has a D.C. area code and is a Verizon cell phone number registered in Adelphi, Maryland. Intellus.com, a Web tracking service, connected the number to a ‘V.A. Reston.’ (give me a fucking break!) Twenty miles from Adelphi is Reston, VA., home to iDefense Labs, whose web site says it is a “comprehensive provider of security intelligence to governments.” The Washington, DC telephone number is also on the same exchange as the newly created “Iraq Study Group” (2005) and the Afghanistan Embassy Of Washington. The Iraq Study Group was designed by the Public Relations Firm hired by the US government to promote the Iraq War to us in the media.

9. The WikiLeaks document release reminds many of Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers. Remember, Ellsberg worked for Internal Security Affairs. He was a spook. Ellsberg himself has recently come out to say he thinks the CIA may be targeting Assange. Oh, please.

10. Instead of discussion about the revelations in the documents, and questions about why the media did not report this stuff years ago, the takeaway from the latest WikiLeaks release has been a) look, Iran was involved and b) Assange is an alleged rapist and he’s a Bad Guy!

11. The same people who would have us believe Osama Bin Laden is living in comfort in Pakistan ten years after undergoing dialysis in a Dubai hospital, now bring us globetrotting Julian Assange— every bit as cartoonish as OBL. The bigger the lie, the more likely people will believe it.

12. Funny how Assange and Ellsberg gave a press conference last Saturday at a hotel located a stone’s throw from MI6, where yesterday spy chief Sir John Sawyers gave the first public speech in MI6’s 101-year history, defending secrecy in the war against terror. Both press conferences were written up in the NYT by John F. Burns. It’s always interesting to learn a little about the guys who write these stories, right? Burns studied Russian at Harvard, Chinese at Cambridge, and later Islamic history at Cambridge. He served as bureau chief in Moscow 1981-84, and is currently London bureau chief. He is married to a woman who is currently the NYT Baghdad bureau chief.

13. The CIA DID NOT arrest Assange at the Press Conference outlinesd above. Why not? (MI6 didn’t arrest him either but these Keystone Kops are still looking for Osama. Right?).

14. And the single most important factor is that Americans are rubes and if you tell a BIG lie often enough, even if it looks like, smells like and sounds like a lie, they WILL believe it. Think 911 here folks. This is a 21st Century Document Dump 911. A Controlled Demolition of your brain, no thermate necessary. No cell phones, no planes.

Bonus: If it’s too good to be true it’s a lie.

It REALLY pisses me off that people can believe this junk AFTER the events of 911.

NSA Maryland