A Real Life Truth Serum Emerges From Colombia.

When VBS initially asked me to go down to Colombia to dig into this Scopolamine story, I was pretty excited. I had only a vague understanding of the drug, but the idea of a substance that renders a person incapable of exercising free-will seemed liked a recipe for hilarity and the YouTube hall of fame. I even spent a little time brainstorming the various ways I could transport some of it back to the states and had a pretty good list going of different ways to utilize it on my buddies. The original plan was for me to sample the drug myself to really get an idea of the effect it had on folks. The producer and camera man had flew down to Bogota ahead of me to confirm some meetings and start laying down the groundwork. By the time I arrived a few days later, things had changed dramatically. Their first few days in the country had apparently been such a harrowing montage of freaked-out dealers and unimaginable horror stories about Scopolamine that we decided I was absolutely not going to be doing the drug. All elements of humor and novelty were rapidly stripped away during my first few days in town. After meeting only a couple people with firsthand experience, the story took a far darker turn than we ever could have imagined, and the Scopolamine pranks I had originally imagined pulling on my friends seemed beyond naive and absurd. By the time we were wrapping things up and preparing to leave the country, I couldn’’t wait to get as far away from Colombia and that drug as possible. Apologies for a fleeting moment of sincerity, but looking back, I’m pretty proud of the work we did down there. This story, and the people who tell it, truly deserve to be heard.

– VBS Correspondent Ryan Duffy

SaLuSa 7-April-2010

We look at you with love in our hearts and eyes, as you have excelled yourselves since the turn of the Millennium. It was seen that given more time, the Light would grow exponentially and safely carry you to Ascension. It was also realised that the dark Ones would increase their activities to hold you back, and you have had to deal with several major incidents in this century already. Each one such as 9/11 was meant to induce fear, based on false claims that you were under a terrorist attack. Consequently the reasons were found to exercise even greater controls over you than any previous occasion. You had a scenario where the battle between the dark and Light became intensified, and you were in danger of becoming overwhelmed. However, the dark Ones become overconfident and acted recklessly, and their true aims were beginning to be realised. At the midnight hour the Light suddenly broke through and penetrated the darkness upon the Earth, and ever since it has gathered momentum and is now an unstoppable force for good. You Dear Ones have won the day and progress ever nearer to Ascension, knowing that nothing can stop you achieving your goal.

Of course you have had help, but the impetus had to originally come from you before we could come to your aid. In your position you now have only to hold on to your focus to cross the winning line. The end of duality will bring a new beginning and you will firmly place your feet upon the path to Ascension. The dark Ones will continue with death and destruction believing that somehow they can alter your destiny. We tell you firmly that only the Creator has the authority and power to do so, and the manner in which the end will come has already been decreed. We will state over and over again that you are already victorious, and you will experience the most wonderful release from the darkness and all it holds. It will be swept aside in a wonderful show of Light and Love, and everything is set in place ready for your celebrations. Major changes are afoot and our allies are pushing for the first announcement, that will set the fall of the first domino. There will be no stopping the changes, and revelations that will clearly show you how your lives have been manipulated for hundreds of years by the Illuminati.

Naturally some of you are bemused by the thought that you have been fooled for so long, but the Illuminati formed a worldwide group whose tentacles stretched far and wide. That was largely achieved through the principal banking families exercising their power to control the world, by controlling the money supply. It expanded into powerful influences through companies in industries such as oil and pharmaceutical. The latter are still powerful but their days are numbered, and before long they will be forced to accept change. Also, with new sources of energy and new healing methods, their market will gradually cease to exist. All of these changes are just waiting to burst upon the scene, and their introduction has been carefully and meticulously planned. Once the details have been announced, we know that we will receive your total support, as it will clearly be seen how beneficial they will be.

As the old falls away it is understandable that you are concerned, because as yet you cannot see what will take its place. However, the fact that you see the demise of that which has proved inadequate and responsible for your present position means that you will not readily accept a resurrection of the same again. That is clearly desirable, as otherwise there would be a return to the old ways. It is planned to advance your civilisation so that there is a natural progression to Ascension. That which has been denied you will quickly come into your lives, and provide the answers to the problems that confront you now. We can address all issues so that you take a quantum leap into the New Age.

We share responsibility for your future just as much as you do, and together we will have no difficulty in getting you prepared for the wonderful and exciting times just ahead. Already you have had sufficient information to understand the nature of them. Clearing away the result of years of pollution is high on our list, and although the size of the task is extremely large, with our technology it will be dealt with in next to no time. The environment has to be restored as first measure to lift everyone’s living conditions. Then shall the basic needs of the poorer people be provided for in full measure. Contented people are happy people, and the joys of living will be there for you all to experience.

Once your material, needs have been satisfied, there will also be moves to reach you all with details of the path to Ascension. Since methods of communication will have been advanced to levels that can put anyone in touch with whomsoever they wish, no one will miss out on information necessary to them. As we have stated, the whole mission has been carefully planned with you in mind, as we quite clearly know your full needs. The world’s population is vast, yet to the Galactic Federation it presents no problems when you bear in mind we have millions of ships at our command. So although time continues to pass by quickly, there is no real problem as far as we are concerned.

We are here in love and peace, and wish you to view each other the same way and see how quickly attitudes change upon Earth. You have been led to believe that you have enemies waiting around every corner, but in reality they are your brothers and sisters who seek a similar life to yourself. When Man allows others to express themselves and fulfil their desires, no longer will there be a threat to their beliefs. You have learnt that it is futile to force your views and opinions upon others, as it is non-productive and can lead to wars. When the truth is known to you all about the purpose of your lives, you will take a far different view of each other than you have held previously.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who work for the Light, as you are the Ambassadors who came to Earth for the very purpose of uplifting others. You can feel well satisfied with your dedication to your roles at this time, as you have achieved what you set out to do. Many souls trapped in the dark have found their way out with your help, and more will do so.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Source: http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/April%202010/salusa__7april2010.htm

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

12 Batz, 14 Mac, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We come with many things to discuss with you. Our Earth allies are working with our liaison teams to prepare the world for the announcements that are to follow the deliveries of your prosperity funds. The major banks of your globe are awaiting the fate of the US Federal Reserve Bank because when this bank and its cohort in England collapse, the new global banking system can come on line in earnest. Until then, various methods are underway to force the recalcitrant banks out. All other components of this changeover are ready and waiting and under starter’s orders. China, Japan, and a host of other nations are completing the steps to prepare for the moment when the present US administration is replaced by the American caretaker regime. This new governance is to formally mark the start of a period of friendly cooperation among nations. Most of your survival stresses are to be alleviated once the present US government passes from the world scene. The dark cabal and its hubristic manipulation of the American and Soviet governments are primarily responsible for the past sixty years of discord. Your history is at a massive turning point. The dark cabal, which has been the de facto power behind the global scene, is on the verge of throwing in the towel, and its demise results inescapably in the full disclosure of our existence and of a veritable constellation of advanced technologies! At a stroke, you are to take a scientific leap of several centuries, and this demands a corresponding evolutionary jump on your part into higher realms of mind and heart. A new perception of yourselves and Creation must spring into being, generating a collective experience of Love, the higher emotions, and the potential that is full consciousness. You are embarking on something unique, and this something will challenge you and leave you ready for the wonders of full consciousness. Furthermore, Mother Earth is egging you on as there is little time left for you to dawdle. You are engaged upon a path of fantastic possibilities and unimaginable rewards. Until now, you have shown little of what you are capable of by way of mutual assistance but once you align with the Divine, Service becomes your highest calling!

Your society is shifting from a survival-based orientation to one of service and responsibility. Exciting research in the fields of psychology and medicine in general includes the study of creativity and the brain’s astonishing cognitive skills. This advancement springs directly from your rising consciousness, fueling the new focus on your intuitive cognitive abilities. Your scientists are reaching toward aspects that hint at full-consciousness faculties and that attest to a human potential which transcends the current bio-scientific paradigm. This calls for a new societal and scientific model that can embrace concepts that take you far beyond your conventional wisdom. In all spheres of endeavor, things are either in a state of chaos or actively indicating new ways of perceiving how your world really operates. The past millennia of “normal” are transiting into something completely different. You sit on the brink of this reality and are already sliding quickly onto a path which includes first contact!

Your world is in fact already fully entwined with us, and our job is now to move us both toward open first contact. However, due to recent developments, the seamlessness of the previous first-contact plan has been replaced by some possibly bumpy interactions. Your dark cabal had set up a scenario that we needed to neutralize, and this we have done. The ploys of your cabal to derail contact have failed! This has led us to intervene much more fully and quite a lot earlier than anticipated into your affairs, with our liaison teams working more closely with our Earth allies. This has also necessitated more frequent contact between your major governments and us. Your ranking military commanders have proven to be very helpful in explaining what is required for effective and legal regime change. Also, many academicians and members of your diplomatic corps have contributed valuable insights about effecting change. The key to change is a coherent stewardship supported on occasion by our technological superiority.

The dark cabal is an expert on how to manipulate and control you. Our earth-bound advisors have educated us fully in how this works and we intend to use this data to move your society from endlessly tottering on the brink of change to actually seeing the changes manifest. We incorporated our recently gleaned information into a proposal which we submitted to our heavenly advisors for approval. They recommended various modifications, and we are now implementing their suggestions and thereby altering what our Earth allies are doing. This new thrust emphasizes the rapid completion of all goals affecting the ascendance of the caretaker regimes. It is of paramount importance that these new governments begin to work together to set up the more equitable financial system, institute global debt forgiveness, and end the global UFO cover-up as well as the government-backed terrorism that plagues your world.

Once again our tasks have proliferated and we are now even more deeply involved in your affairs and working closely with Mother Earth. Our scientists are using the expertise of our Agarthan brethren to better understand what it is that Mother Earth now needs to have happen. You have a big responsibility to Mother Earth, and this divine service links you to Inner Earth and allows you to forge a wondrous bond with your Inner Earth cousins. We have watched their tremendous dedication to your home world, and they are very ready to mentor you and demonstrate how to transform your great Love for Mother Earth into action. This knowledge encompasses your Moon and the resurrection of Earth’s two former celestial companions. This subject brings us to a chapter of your untold history which we will leave to the Agarthans to tell.

Your solar system, like Earth, is using her increased activity to prepare for her shift into a fully conscious fifth-dimensional reality. The large outer gas planets are adjusting the electrogravitic fields that hold everything in balance. This huge field stretches around your solar system like an immense placenta and is now readying to birth your new reality. The many noncorporeal Beings who reside in your solar system are joyously waiting for the moment when you can easily communicate with one another. They have a truly inexhaustible knowledge of this system and all its planets, and can fill you in on how the trans-Martian planet Pax was destroyed and how it is to be reconstituted by the Elohim. This is a mere glimpse of the world that is to open up for you once your full consciousness is restored.

Recently our Galactic Federation medical teams have reported that many of you are having lower backaches, shoulder pains, and heart, liver, and kidney problems. These assorted maladies are due mainly to the bringing in of the diaphragm, new heart, and thymus chakras. These new centers are tied in to the awakening of various meridians that have been long dormant in you. These meridians are eventually to be integral to your body’s more extensive nervous system. One of Heaven’s first goals is to bring out of dormancy as much of your physical self as possible, and these aches and pains are part of getting you to a place where your final leap into full consciousness, with the help of your Inner Earth Light chambers, can easily happen.

Today, we carried on with our discussion about your reality and how it is being transformed. Everywhere, your world is experiencing the chaos that is a constituent of your present reality’s demise. Understandably you are frustrated and you wonder when and how this turmoil is to end. We are working with Heaven and our Earth allies to get this hugely complex operation done in a divine and timely manner. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Source: http://paoweb.com/sn040610.htm

Unexplained sheep attacks 'caused by aliens in UFOs', farmers claim

Farmers near Shrewsbury claim to have witnessed sheep being “lasered” by unidentified light from UFOs.

They have linked the unexplained incidents, where sheep’s brains and eyes were removed, to the mysterious orange lights in the sky.

They have found sheep with “neat holes” while their brains and other internal organs were removed. Other animals have lost eyes or had their flesh “carefully stripped away”, usually on the left side.

Phil Hoyle, 53, who has spent almost a decade investigating how the livestock have died, said the UFOs were found to have roamed a 50-mile “corridor” between Shrewsbury and Powys.

Mr Hoyle and 15 members of the Animal Pathology Field Unit, claimed they witnessed UFOs at work last month while working during the night at a Welsh hill farm near Radnor Forest.

“The technology involved in these attacks is frightening,” he told The Sun.

“These lights and spheres are clearly not ours.

“They are built by technology and intelligence that’s not from here.”

He added: “For a short while it looked more like a Star Wars battle.”

Next day he interviewed farmers and “all but one had some type of unusual disappearance of animals or deaths with strange injuries”, he told the paper.