WikiLeaks' Explosive Publications Masterminded by US Administration?

WikiLeaks' Explosive Publications Masterminded by US Administration?

WikiLeaks’ Explosive Publications Masterminded by US Administration?

WikiLeaks has published a new portion of previously classified military documents. This time, the controversial website has exposed the memo produced by the CIA’s Red Cell think tank, which elaborates non-traditional approaches and shares alternative points of view to various issues. The document is titled “What if Foreigners See the United States as an ‘Exporter of Terrorism’?”

The memo sets out concerns about the participation of US citizens in terrorist activities. In this case, the document says, the United States may earn the reputation of the “exporter of terrorism,” which in its turn may complicate Washington’s struggle against extremism.

The CIA document went on to warn that if “the US were seen as an exporter of terrorism, foreign partners may be less willing to cooperate with the United States on extrajudicial activities, including detention, transfer, and interrogation of suspects in third party countries,” Russia Today says.

WikiLeaks became unexpectedly and globally famous a month ago, when its founder, Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, uploaded on the net 92,000 classified documents about NATO’s military actions against Talibs in 2004-2010. The documents proved that the activities conducted by the command of the alliance and its subordinates compromised the anti-terrorist struggle.


// The documents contained controversial and previously unknown details about the destruction of civilians in Afghanistan by NATO forces, dirty operations to kidnap Taliban suspects, etc. Perhaps, the most unpleasant aspect about the whole story is the fact that the documents prove that the US-fostered Pakistani special services have smirched themselves with their ties with the Taliban movement.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates stated that the publications caused serious damage to the work of special services, because Assange had supposedly exposed the list of Afghan agents cooperating with NATO forces. According to Gates, Talibs and al-Qaeda guerrillas studied the published documents meticulously and promised to behead the traitors.

Julian Assange refused to remove the documents from his website and promised to declassify even more secret documents. Assange reportedly has something big to expose the US State Department. It is not known when the State Department is going to be defamed, but the volume of the materials is expected to be impressive – at least 15,000 pages. The contents of the new documents may become even more explosive for the USA and its allies. Therefore, the CIA’s memo can be only the start for the second portion of controversial publications.

How did it become possible to make top secret documents public? Someone apparently dug them up from the Pentagon databases and archives. The question is – how was it possible from the technical point of view?

If Assange penetrated into the sanctuary of the US Department of Defense, it means that the Pentagon’s security system leaves much to be desired.

One may also assume that the it was the US administration that orchestrated the information leak to the media. It is not ruled out that the whole story is just a campaign to mislead the adversaries.

Sergey Balmasov

UN 'to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors'

A space ambassador could be appointed by the United Nations to act as the first point of contact for aliens trying to communicate with Earth.

Aliens who landed on earth and asked: 'Take me to your leader' would be directed to Mrs Othman

Aliens who landed on earth and asked: ‘Take me to your leader’ would be directed to Mrs Othman Photo: GETTY IMAGES

Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, is set to be tasked with co-ordinating humanity’s response if and when extraterrestrials make contact.

Aliens who landed on earth and asked: “Take me to your leader” would be directed to Mrs Othman.

She will set out the details of her proposed new role at a Royal Society conference in Buckinghamshire next week.

The 58-year-old is expected to tell delegates that the proposal has been prompted by the recent discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting other starts, which is thought to make the discovery of extraterrestrial life more probable than ever before.

Mrs Othman is currently head of the UN’s little known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa).

In a recent talk to fellow scientists, she said: “The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day human kind will received signals from extraterrestrials.

“When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.”

Professor Richard Crowther, an expert in space law at the UK space agency who leads delegations to the UN, said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ person”.

The plan to make Unoosa the co-ordinating body for dealing with alien encounters will be debated by UN scientific advisory committees and should eventually reach the body’s general assembly.

Opinion is divided about how future extraterrestrial visitors should be greeted. Under the Outer Space Treaty on 1967, which Unoosa oversees, UN members agreed to protect Earth against contamination by alien species by “sterilising” them.

Mrs Othman is understood to support a more tolerant approach.

But Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that alien interlopers should be treated with caution.

He said: “I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. The outcome for us would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”


Psychotronic Amplifiers

By Tim Rifat
June 10, 2003

Would it be possible to store psychic energy like electricity, was the question Soviet scientists asked themselves? With hard evidence from Kirlian photography and a wide variety of other electronic scanners designed to study the body’s biophysical field, which comprised: biomagnetic, bioelectric and bioplasmic components, the Soviet physicists were given experimental data needed for a new physics of the paranormal. Dr. A. Akimov, former director of the Soviets’ Centre for Non-traditional Technologies disclosed that Russian research had discovered a new class of physical fields and particles. They had also elucidated the effect they exerted on living and non-living organisms and inanimate objects. New names such as “spinor,” “torsionic,” and “microleptonnic,” were used to define these new classes of physical field. Scientists in the West, who have little appreciation of the remarkable advances made by the Soviets called them “scalar,” fields. In my book Remote Viewing, I examine the biophysical fields used for psychic spying, and begin to discuss just what these biophysical fields do. Russian psychotronic generators which stored “torsionic radiation,” were found to cause destruction of the brain’s neural network and the biophysical field around the brain that constitutes our mind and psyche – mind zappers were born.

The discovery that psychotronic generators could store biophysical energy, meant that Russian psychic viewers could link themselves to psychic amplifiers that boosted their paranormal powers to near miraculous heights. Psychotronic generators, devices which store Psi-energy, were discovered by a Czech called Robert Pavlita. It was found by Czech researchers that biophysical energy is the field effect behind psychokinesis and remote viewing. The psychotronic generator was discovered in ancient alchemical texts, Pavlita set about using modern technology to improve on this psychic battery effect. Psychotronic generators draw biophysical fields from a person, store this field and then can be used to carry out psychic effects. The Czechs found two types of psychotronic generator, cosmic generators of which the Egyptian pyramids comprise this form and the biological generators of which Wilhelm Reich, and his Orgone generator belong. Wilhelm Reich, a pupil of Sigmund Freud, found that boxes with alternate layers of wool, then steel wool, could store biophysical energy. His seminal work in the 1950s led the Soviet researchers into bettering these early biological psychotronic generators. In Psychic Discoveries: The Iron Curtain Lifted, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, the whole subject of psychotronic generators is covered in depth.

These generators can carry out three different effects depending on their type. The first type of Psychotronic generator, once charged, carry out the effect they were designed to do independent of outside agencies. The second type need to be continually charged and directed by human touch and gaze. The third class can be charged from plants and animals.

Soviet scientists looked into the uses of psychotronic generators to psychically amplify paranormal warfare experts such as Russian remote viewers. Work at the Metronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow studied Pavlita and his psychotronic generators. Remote viewers were hooked up to these psychotronic generators and research begun in earnest into ways of boosting the remote viewers’ powers. Psychotronically boosted Russian remote viewers were found to be capable of enhancing the telepathic knockout, refined versions of which are now called remote influencing. The telepathic knockout was developed to include remote influencing. The technique of remote influencing was developed from ‘Sleep-Wake hypnosis’ which was discovered by the Russians in the 1930s; it being the ability to hypnotise people from a distance. ‘Sleep-Wake Hypnosis’ allowed a hypnotist to transfer hypnotic commands telepathically to a subject, whether they were a few feet, or even a thousand mile away. Remote influencing is the basis of hypnosis. A Ukrainian, Albert Ignatenko demonstrated (on the Paranormal World of Paul McKenna, ITV UK) that he could raise or lower the pulse rate of people who were remote from him. This was a dramatic demonstration of remote influencing. This technique was developed from the methodology where Russian remote influencers were trained to stop the hearts of test animals. The ability to hypnotise people at a distance and plant suggestions in their brains enabled the Russians to remotely influence their enemies. Years of research along these lines led to the development of the remote killing ability, the power to make your enemy drop dead by telepathic means. Vladimir Zironosvky, taunted the West by stating on BBC television, that Russia had psychics who could remotely kill anyone up to a thousand kilometres away. Russian boasts that they could remotely kill anyone may indeed be based on fact!

Tim Rifat has turned this military technology, unknown in the West to peaceful purposes. Using methods unique to himself he converts quartz crystals to type one, two, and three psychotronic amplifiers. They amplify, produce and direct bioplasmic energy to modify quantum mechanical collapse, changing the course of events in the macroscopic world. Rather than hurt people, these remote influencing quartz psychotronic amplifiers increase the probability of love, money, luck… coming to the programmed user. The crystals tuned to psychic powers boost RV. The psychic protection crystal collapses all negative energy entities. The health crystal boosts the immune system and by killing the negative entities that feed on man may prolong lifespan

As no other non Russian expert exists in this field, these crystals are unique technology in the West, unavailable to any Nato military power. The crystal should be worn in close proximity to the user and never given to any one but the programmed user, as it is attuned to only the purchaser. It will not work for any one else.

To link up with the energies produced by the psychotronic amplifier at the end of a tiring day, place it over the lower neck. Then use this crystal for charging the body.

This device uses a multiphase set of fields which apart from altering events, inculcate a theta rhythm of around 7 to 8 Hz, the natural theta frequency of the planet being 7.82. This frequency is the Schumann Resonance, the doorway to the psychic world.

Switch the device on by visualising it broadcasting your amplified energy.

Place it on the cleft at the bottom of your neck over the thymus gland..

This device will naturally induce a theta state in the user as it alters reality to make love, money, luck etc more probable.

More on Psychotronic Crystals

© Tim Rifat, 2002

The Madness of the Ego

An Extraordinary Buddhist-Gnostic Parallel

Gnostic creation myth has been called “sci-fi theology” because of the way it presents theological material in fantastic, space-age imagery. The most striking science fictional figure in Gnostic cosmology is Yaldabaoth, the demiurge or false creator god. Gnostics such as Marcion identified Yaldabaoth with the male creator god of the Old Testament, Yahweh-Jehovah, and consequently denied that entity any role in the good direction of humanity. On the contrary, Yahweh-Yaldabaoth is a demented deity, a god who works against humanity. In the Gnostic revision of the Old Testament, it is clear that the monotheistic status demanded by Jehovah is due to the madness of the pseudo-god.

But what are we to make of this unique case of cosmic insanity?

Cosmic Accident

The Hypostasis of the Archons and other cosmological treatises describe how Yaldabaoth emerges from the chaos of elementary matter due to the impact of the Aeon Sophia in the “waters below” — the realm of the galactic arms outside the galactic core (Pleroma). Sophia’s plunge from the core produces an “abortion” or premature birth in the elementary realms. Normally, life-forms that appear in the star-worlds of the galactic arms are emanated from within the Pleroma, infused and informed by divine design before they manifest. But the Archons produced by Sophia’s impact arise without having been prefigured by the Pleromic gods. The “abortion” is a formless mess like a premature fetus with its organs incompletely formed, its faculties stunted.

Can Sophia’s plunge be considered as a cosmic accident? Perhaps, in a sense, it can. Accidents do happen in the cosmos at large. In the commentaries to the Gaia Mythos I have argued that Sophia’s Plunge may be a mythopoetic description of a power surge from the galactic core. Scientists have recently detected a tunnel-like channel in the galaxy, extending directly from the galactic core into the region of the encircling arms where the solar system is located. Such a power surge is central to Dr. Paul LaViolette’s theory of the galactic superwave or cosmic ray volley. LaViolette argues that, as “progeny stars” form around the galactic core, its gravity well deepens and its internal temperature and energy increase to a peak moment:

    The galactic core’s energy output eventually becomes so great that instabilities develop and cause it to explode. During this temporary active mode, its luminosity increases millions of times over, and it releases an intense volley of cosmic ray particles and high energy radiation that trvels radially outward in the form of an expanding shell called a galactic superwave. (Genesis of the Cosmos, p. 93)

Needless to say, this is an extremely violent event with massive lethal and catastrophic consequences — according to LaViolette’s vision, anyway. In my revision of Gnostic myth, I assume that the entire cosmos is alive, animated and animating. A galactic superwave, or power surge from the galactic core, might not be a lethal volley of cosmic rays, after all. It could be a surge of divine life-force, even an outpouring of immense tenderness, or a ripple of cosmic desire. This is certainly how Gnostic mythology describes Sophia’s plunge.

The astrophysical parallel to Gnostic myth is interesting, but it ought not lead us to think that myth needs scientific verification to be true, or to be valued as true. If there are periodic cosmic surges from the galactic core, we would do well to understand such phenomena in imaginative terms, and in psychological language, because that is how we can begin to see the complementarity of psyche and cosmos. At first sight, the narrative of the demiurge seems to be a on-off, isolated event, unlike anything else in world mythology. Many scholars have assumed that the figure of Yaldabaoth is totally anomalous, a freak mythologem found only among those bizarre fantastists, the Gnostics.

But it so happens there is an exact parallel to the Gnostic figure of the Demiurge. It is found in the sacred traditions of Buddhism.

Buddhist Genesis

This is perhaps the last place one would be inclined to look. Why? Because Buddhist teachings do not give much importance to the discrete genesis of the universe. Creation is not in the Buddhist syntax. All conditions that arise in the cosmos are just that: conditions arising. All present conditions, physical and psychological, far and near, inner and outer, arise from preceding ones, according to the law of “interdependent origination,” and that’s all there is to it. If the cosmos is in eternal becoming, it is a futile exercise to try to determine a discrete moment of creation. Moreover, Buddhism tends to emphasize the apparitional nature of all phenomena — this approach is called docetism in Gnostic textual analysis. Not only is the cosmos an eternal becoming, it is also the mere appearance of an eternal becoming! Where does the notion of creation fit into such a world-view?

Surprizing as it may seem, there do exist some indications of what may be called a Buddhist creation myth, a Buddhist counterpart to Genesis, if you will. The textual sources are various, and tend to be largely overlooked in the current atmosphere of Buddhist studies. What is most certainly a pre-Buddhist account of world-creation can be found in Pali sources such as the Dighanikaya, the Anuguttaranikaya, and the Vishuddhimagga, “The Path of Perfection.” Works in the Pali language belong to an elite subcategory of modern Buddhist studies, so it is not surprizing if these materials have been overlooked. But at least two Sanskrit texts, the Abhidharmakosha and the Shikshasamuccaya also contain elements of the Buddhist Genesis.

According to John Mrydhin Reynolds (Self-Liberation through Seeing in Naked Awareness) these ancient sources tell us that Gotama, the historical Buddha, explained to his followers that

    the humanity found on this planet earth once inhabited another planetary system. Ages ago when the sun of that world went nova and the planet was destroyed in the ensuing solar eruptions, the bulk of its inhabitants… were reborn on one of the higher planes of the Form World or Rupadhatu, a plane of existence known as Abhasvara or “clear light” (p. 99).

Here is a stunningly clear description of a physical event, a star going nova, combined with a metaphysical event, the transmigration of the inhabitants of a planet encircling that star to another plane of existence. The language in use reflects, in part, the current scientific syntax of LaViolette’s galactic superwave theory. Scientists know that novae are relatively common events, while the superwave is still largely theoretical. So much for the physical event.

As for the metaphysical event of planetary transmigration, a cosmic drama now unfolds. The humanity who inhabited the novaed system were transported to the Rupadhatu plane because of their arduous practice of the Dharma, the ancient sources say. There “they enjoyed inconceivable bliss and felicity for countless aeons” (Ibid.) But when those karmic conditions expired, another world, the current earth, was already forming, and some of the blissfull inhabitants of the Rupadhatu plane were attracted there and began to be reborn in that region, though not yet on the emergent planet itself. The intermediate realm where they incarnated was called Brahmaloka, “the Creator Zone.” (In Hindu myth and in Buddhist metapsychology, Brahma is the “creator god.”)

At first, the transmigrating beings (who are us) did not realize where they were or what was happening to them, exactly. The first one who really woke up and got a sense of being in this new realm immediately said, “I am the Creator.” The first entity spoke in this way because the conditions of consciousness in which it came to see itself were those of the Creator Zone, Brahmaloka. This entity, who was a manifestation of humanity, came to believe that “he” was actually the creator of the universe he beheld around him. He did not remember that he came from a previous world that had been destroyed, and he appeared as if born without any parents. In the absence of conflicting evidence, he fell into the delusion of being the sole creator of the emergent world he beheld. J. M. Reynolds comments

    In actuality the manifestation of this universe was due to the collective karma of all in that company, and his own individual manifestation, which as a case of apparitional birth, was due to his own great stock of meritorious karma coming into maturation at that time because the requisite secondary conditions were present. Nevertheless, he persisted in his delusion, in this idea that he was the actual Creator of the universe because he was the first born within the evolving solar system and saw no others there before him. But this belief was only his limitation and his obscuration, a primordial ignorance of his true origin. (Ibid. Italics added.)

All of which, I reckon, makes for some pretty fine science fiction in its own right. The point by point correlation of Buddhist and Gnostic elements here is fantastic. The “apparitional birth” of the delusional Creator parallels the “abortion” of the Sophia Mythos. The delusion of the self-proclaimed Creator is identical in both narratives. The Gnostic Demiurge is also “born within the evolving solar system” and “saw no others before him.” Yaldabaoth is the chief of the Archons, entities who are so named because they arise first, before the earth, humanity’s habitat, is formed. Archon is from the Greek archai, “origin, beginning, from the start.” It seems that the intermediate zone, the lower Rupadhatu, corresponds to the outer chaos of Gnostic myth. This is where the Demiurge arises, just appearing out of nothing: “a case of apparitional birth.” Yaldabaoth is blind (Coptic BILLE) and ignorant of his true origins. In the Buddhist narrative as in the Gnostic, the primordial ignorance of the Creator will contaminate the entire human race.

The parallels are striking and consistent, except on one point. Gnostic texts say nothing about the Demiurge having “his own great stock of meritorious karma.” However, they do describe how Yaldabaoth and the Archons are beneficiaries of the cosmic wisdom of Sophia, the goddess who produces them. The Gnostic Demiurge is an empty, clone-like entity, incapable of creating anything, and yet the clockwork wonder of the planetary system is created through him (and his minions) by the hidden powers imparted by Sophia. There is perhaps a parallel here, after all, but it is certainly strange to think of the Lord Archon as an entity having a store of good karma!

In mystical and shamanic traditions of Asia, the experience of egodeath and surrender to the streaming of the life-force is often depicted by violent and frightening images, such as the headless Kali. (Detail, Kali Chinnamasta, Nepalese thanka in Newari style, Bise Surge, Kathmandu, 1993. Plate 13 in Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas, Muller-Ebing and Ratsch.)

Cosmic Egotism

The Brahmaloka deity is delusional, but perhaps not as insane as Yaldabaoth is portrayed as being. In both cases, the core of the delusion is the sense of self, the belief in the existence of an abiding self. Reynolds says that the awakening entity’s illusion was “the first appearance of the ego or the belief in the real existence of a self, in our universe.” The ego-illusion is not the cause of the universe we behold, but that it is the main factor in our erroneous perception of the universe. This observation accords closely with the Gnostic theory of error.

The drama continues, for the rest of transmigrating humanity have not yet awakened to their life in the new world system. “Because he was the first among the Brahmas to be reborn out of Abhasvara, he became known as the Mahabrahma or God.” After existing in solitary splendor for many eons while “the solar system evolved” (Reynolds, throughout), Mahabrahma longed for subjects to witness his glory. At the very moment he felt this longing, the karma of the other, unawakened Brahmas ripened, and they emerged from their bardo stupor. Instantly, Mahabrahma declared to them, ” I am God, your Creator!” This was absurd, because these beings emerged due to their own karmic ripening and not to his bidding, or his creative conjuration. Mahabrahma now “organized these myriad beings who were appearing in the space about him into well-ordered celestial hierarchies.”

In the Gnostic narrative, Yaldabaoth, the Lord Archon, commands his clone-like minions to create a virtual display (stereoma) of hierarchial worlds that reflect the living fractal kaliedoscope of conscious, animated currents in the Pleroma, the galactic core. The Demiruge can only imitate, he cannot create or originate. The Gnostic texts are clearly sarcastic in describing the celestial hierarchies of the Archons, because for Gnostics all this celestial kitsch has nothing to do with the wonder of life that will unfold on earth, the realm where Sophia is embodied. Earth is where humanity emerges. It is the unique habitat of the Anthropos.

Gnostic teaching is unequivocal on the difference between the species produced by Sophia’s plunge and the human species. interestingly, the Buddhist narrative does not make any such distinction. It relates that Mahabrahma came to be surrounded by increasing numbers of reincarnating humans, transmigrants from the novaed world. These lesser Brahmas form his entourage, and they wholly believe he is the creator of the realm where they now find themselves. The Buddhist creation myth does specify any difference between the beings who arise around Mahabrahma and human beings. “Gradually, as time wore on, due to the presence of a series of secondary causes, some of these Brahmas entered into the cycle of material existence and began to be reborn on the surface of the newly evolved earth, first as animals and then later as human beings.” (p. 100)

The Buddhist narrative traces the transmigrating humanity from a novaed planet down to the earth we inhabit — a remarkable visionary sweep. Unlike the Gnostic parallel, it does not distinguish the human beings in the entourage of Mahabrahma from Archons, the clone-like legion of the Demiurge. The Buddhist account makes no pronouncement whatsoever on non-human entities in the solar system. The Gnostic narrative remains absolutely unique on that factor. Moreover, the Buddhist tradition assumes that the earth belongs to the solar system that emerges below the Rupadhatu plane, but Gnostic tradition considers that the earth does not really belong to the planetary system, but is merely captured in it.

These Gnostic-Buddhist correlations are extraordinary, as much in the ways they diverge as in the ways they converge.

There are more reflections on creationism and cosmic egotism, drawn from the works of the Nyingma sage, Long Chen Pa, in the concluding part of this essay. Stay tuned.

jll: August 23, 2005


Gnostic parallels in the writings of Carlos Castaneda.

by John Lash

from MetaHistory Website

The eleven books of Carlos Castaneda record his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian, Don Juan Matus, who plays Socratic mentor to Castaneda’s skeptical anthropologist.

Over more than twenty years, Castaneda learned the theory and practice of a new discipline proposed by his mischievous and demanding teacher. The art of the “new seers” involves revising ancient secrets of Toltec sorcery transmitted to Don Juan through a late lineage dating from the 18th century.

Sorcery” in this case means a path of experience that stands apart from the experiential habits of humanity (French sortir, “to leave, depart”).

Through a long process of trial and error, Castaneda manages to alter the parameters of perception and explore other worlds. In the process of his adventures, he encounters certain alien inorganic beings who present an obstacle or test for the shaman. In Magical Passes, Castaneda wrote:

“Human beings are on a journey of awareness, which has momentarily been interrupted by extraneous forces.”

Mud Shadows

In Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity (1998), Don Juan challenges Castaneda to reconcile man’s intelligence, demonstrated in so many achievements, with “the stupidity of his systems of beliefs… the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour.” Don Juan relates this blatant contradiction in human intelligence to what he calls “the topic of topics,” “the most serious topic in sorcery.” This topic is predation.

To the horrified astonishment of his apprentice, the elder sorcerer explains how the human mind has been infiltrated by an alien intelligence:

We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so…

Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.

According to Don Juan, the sorcerers of ancient Mexico called the predator, the flyer,

“because it leaps through the air… It is a big shadow, impenetrably black, a black shadow that jumps through the air.”

This description matches thousands of accounts of the bizarre jumping movements, sometimes sideways, executed by alien Greys who accost people at random. Fleeting black shadows are less often reported, but they play the major role in the long and detailed report of alien activity by John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies.

Gnostic writings contain descriptions of alien predators called Archons, Arkontai in Greek. The texts from Nag Hammadi describe them as heavy, elusive, shadowy creatures. The most common name for them is “beings of the likeness, shadow-creatures.” Could the Archons be compared to the “mud shadows” described by Don Juan?

This question raises the general issue of parallels between Don Juan’s Central American Toltec shamanism and the shamanism of the Mystery Schools of ancient Europe. Let’s consider some of these parallels.

First, there is the matter of the influence of the predators or flyers on humanity. In The Active Side of Infinity, Don Juan tells Castaneda that “the predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind.” This alarming statement suggests an immediate parallel to Gnostic teachings. Gnostics, who directed the Mystery Schools of the Near East in antiquity, taught that the true mind of human beings, nous authenticos, is part of the cosmic intelligence that pervades nature, but due to the intrusion of the Archons, this “native mind” or “native genius” can be subverted and even occupied by another mind.

They warned that the Archons invade the human psyche, they intrude mentally and psychologically, although they may also confront us physically as well. Their main impact, however, is in our mental syntax, in our paradigms and beliefs, exactly as Don Juan says of the flyers.

Don Juan tells Castaneda that the predator’s mind is “a cheap model: economy strength, one size fits all.” This description fits the hive-mentality of the Archons. Sorcerers call this uniform alien mind “the foreign installation, which exists in you and in every other human being.”

The foreign installation pulls us out of our syntax. It deranges our indigenous abilities to organize the world according to the language proper to our species. The role of correct syntax in the sorcerer’s mastery of intent is one of the central factors in the later teachings of Don Juan. The sorcerer’s concern for deviation of syntax, and consequent derouting of intent, parallels the importance of language and correct definition emphasized in Gnostic teaching.

Don Juan makes a number of statements pertinent to strategies against alien intrusion. He says that the sorcerers of ancient times “found out that if they taxed the flyers’ mind with inner silence, the foreign installation would flee, giving to any one of the practitioners involved in this maneouver the total certainty of the mind’s foreign origin.” In other words, the realization that another mind can operate in our minds only becomes fully clear and certain when the foreign mind has been exposed and expelled.

Only then do we understand how “the real mind that belongs to us, the sum total of our experience, after a lifetime of domination has been rendered shy, insecure and shifty.” The “real mind” of Castaneda can be equated to the nous authenticos of the Gnostics. The main effect of the flyers upon our mind is seen in mental conditioning, brainwashing.

This is also the main effect of Archontic intrusion.

Psychic Self-Defence

Gnostic texts describe direct, physical confrontations with Archons of two kinds, an embryonic or foetal type—hence, the Greys of modern UFO lore—and a reptilian type. The usual tactic of the Greys is first to stun and then infiltrate the mind of the human subject. In the First Apocalypse of James, the Gnostic master instructs a student in how to confront the Archons.

These predatory entities are said to “abduct souls by night,” a precise description of modern ET abductions. The adept in the Mysteries learns to repel the Archons with magical formulas (mantras) and magical passes or gestures of power (mudras). In some texts, the encounter with the Archons is structured according to the system of “planetary spheres.”

The adept who practices astral projection, lucid dreaming or “manipulations of the double” (as in Castaneda) is said to face the Archons in a kind of computer-game maze of seven levels, corresponding to the seven planets. At each level, the adept is unable to continue unless he confronts the “gatekeepers,” using magical passes and words.

For more on confronting Archons, see A Gnostic Catechism.

The archetypal format of the “journey through the planetary spheres” was well-known in antiquity, particularly in schools of Hermetics and Kaballa. In Tantra Vidya, O. M. Hinze compares the Gnostic ascent through the seven spheres with the raising of kundalini through the seven chakras in Indian yogic traditions. Don Juan does not use the seven-level scheme, but his description of the flyers can be fitted into that scheme. The correlation works especially well if we equate the “serpent worship” of certain Gnostic cults with Kundalini yoga practice, which may in turn be equated with “the fire from within” and the Plumed Serpent in several Castaneda books.

In short, the Toltec sorcerers would also have been adepts of Kundalini yoga, cultivating “the fire from within.” Their encounters with the flyers might not have been formalized into a seven-level test-game, but the same experiences are indicated in all three instances: Toltec, yogic, and Gnostic.

Gnostics believed that the force of Kundalini, or the ambient field generated by that force, served as protection from the Archons.

On the use of Kundalini to repel alien intrusion, see Kundalini and the Alien Force.

The human character-traits attributed by Don Juan to deviation by the foreign installation are identical to those ascribed to the Archons in Gnostic writings: envy (covetousness) and arrogance (egomania) are said to be their primary features, while their behaviour demonstrates that they are mindless drones (routinary), greedy for power over us and too cowardly to come out in the open and reveal themselves.

It would be misleading to make Don Juan’s revelations comply in a strict and literal way with Gnostic teachings, but these initial parallels are striking, and there is much more. Here is an outstanding instance where indigenous wisdom from the Americas tallies with the esoteric teachings of a long-lost spiritual tradition in the Near East. The Toltec-Gnostic parallel may seem remote and improbable at first sight.

But if we assume that shamanic experience is consistent and empirical (i.e., it can be tested by experience), it would not be surprising to find consistent reports in widely separate traditions.

The Foreign Installation

The idea of a foreign installation is extremely instructive. It immediately recalls metallic or crystalline implants said to be used by the Greys (and their human accomplices) to track human subjects. In another, less technological sense, it suggests an ideological virus implanted in our minds by non-human entities. According to the Gnostic critique of Christianity, salvationist ideology in its Judeo-Christian form (i.e., belief in a divine redeemer and a final apocalypse) is just such a virus. It is something implanted in the human mind by alien forces.

The Gnostic emphasis on Judeo-Christianity (which can now be extended to Islam) gives a strategic advantage in the detection of alien influences, because the patriarchal/Salvationist religions have dominated the historical narrative on our planet. This dominance is symptomatic of Archontic deviance, Gnostics said.

The alien mind penetrates into our story-telling activity, the narrative power so crucial for humanity to make its way in the cosmos. This is one of the ways, or the most effective way, that we are deviated from our proper course of evolution. For the human species, the capacity to achieve intent depends on developing plots, stories, narratives that can guide us from initial conception to final goal.

Human purpose is manifold, and so the manner in which we are being deviated is likely to be multifarious. In the immense complexity of intrusion, clarity and concentration are indispensable assets. In a startling remark, Don Juan asserts that “the flyers’ mind has no concentration whatsoever.” This remark recalls the Gnostic assertion that the Archons have no ennoia, no will of their own, no intentionality. Concentration might be defined as the coordination of attention and intention. To concentrate is to bring a certain depth of attention (Bythos) to intent (Ennoia).

In Gnostic teachings, Bythos and Ennoia are cosmic deities or principles of the Pleroma, the Wholeness, and they are also attributes of the human mind. They are symbolized as two spheres. To concentrate is to bring the two spheres together at a single, unifying point, a common center. We do this constantly when we focus our attention upon a certain intention or goal, but the Archons are incapable of anything like this because they have “no concentration whatsoever.”

They have no concentrating power, no innate faculty that would unite intention with attention. Human resistance to their intrusion depends on inner composure and mental discipline, the sobriety of the warrior.

Don Juan’s counsels on the warrior’s tests with the flyers seem to present a Toltec version of Gnostic strategies for resisting the Archons.

Common Points

Upon close examination, the teachings of Don Juan, developed in nine books by Carlos Castaneda from 1968 to 1998, contain numerous distinct parallels with Gnostic instruction. The new sorcery introduced by Castaneda is an extension and make-over of traditional knowledge of the “old seers” of the Toltec tradition of ancient Mexico. It differs from the old sorcery largely in its lack of concern for intricate power-games, feuds, sinister pacts with non-human powers, and control over others. Its aim is freedom for the spiritual warrior, rather than control over anyone or anything.

Both in Toltec and Gnostic terms, the ultimate liberation for humanity may come through facing the alien predators. They are not here to advance or assist us, but in confronting and overcoming them we may gain a vital boost toward another level of consciousness.

Some points of commonality between Gnosticism and the Toltec-derived neo-shamanism of Castaneda are:

  1. the Toltec exposure of an alien mind or foreign installation that makes us less and other than we humanly are: comparable to the Gnostic idea of a dehumanizing ideological virus implanted in our minds by the Alien/Archons.
  2. the importance for the sorcerer of mastering intent: comparable to Gnostic emphasis on ennoia, intentionality, which aligns us with the Gods and elevates us above the Archons.
  3. Castaneda’s emphasis on syntax (correct attributions, and the use of mental command signals for directing intent): comparable to Gnostic teaching on ennoia, mental clarity, and correct attribution (right use of definitions).
  4. the Toltec assertion that predation is “the topic of topics”: comparable to the Gnostic emphasis on the intrusion of the Archons. Facing intrusion is essential, because if we cannot see how we are deviated, we cannot find our true path in the cosmos.
  5. the work with lucid dreaming, astral travel, projection of the double, in Gnostic circles and the Mystery Schools: comparable to many episodes in Castaneda.
  6. the Toltec model of great bands of emanations that pervade the universe: comparable to the emanations or streamings from the Pleroma described in Mystery School revelation texts.
  7. the Toltec distinction between organic and inorganic beings: comparable to the distinction between humans and Archons in Gnostic cosmology.
  8. the Toltec exploration of other worlds and dimensions through the practice of non-ordinary awareness: comparable to age-old shamanic practices of the Mystery Schools.
  9. Don Juan’s description of the “luminous egg”: comparable to the oval of clear light in Gnostic revelation texts and the augoeides or “auric egg” of the Mysteries.
  10. the Toltec figure of the Eagle, a primary metaphor in Castaneda: comparable to the same figure in the Nag Hammadi Codices where the instructing voice of sacred mind, perhaps equivalent to Castaneda’s “voice of seeing,” states:
    • “I appeared in the form of an Eagle on the Tree of Knowledge, the primal knowing that arises in the pure light, that I might teach them and awaken them out of the depth of sleep” (The Apocryphon of John, 23.25-30).
  11. the organization of the sorcerer’s party into eight pairs of male and female sorcerers: comparable to the organization of the Mystery cells into sixteen members, eight of each sex. (Artifactual evidence: Orphic Serpent bowl, and Pietroasa bowl.)
  12. the cultivation of the fire from within, Kundalini, or the Plumed Serpent of the Toltecs: comparable to the Winged Serpent and divine Instructor of the Gnostics.
  13. the mechanism of the assemblage point.

It would take an entire book to develop these parallels at length. Three factors out of the ten are of particular importance. These factors are the luminous egg, the great bands of emanations, and the role of certain inorganic beings as allies.

The Assemblage Point

Among the many strange features in the teachings of Don Juan, the matter of the assemblage point is certainly one of the most baffling. In several books we are told that the luminous egg surrounding a human being is attached to the physical body by an odd mechanism called the assemblage point. The location of the point is high behind the right shoulder.

Apparently, at that point in the body, the luminous egg exerts a kind of pressure, forming a dimple or depression. As long as the force of the egg stays in the dimple, the assemblage point is stable and the human being perceives reality in a predetermined way. By shifting the assemblage point, sorcerers are able to change their perception of reality, or actually deconstruct and reconstruct reality at will.

Don Juan’s instructions regarding the assemblage point are as baffling as they are fascinating, and far from clear. The dynamics of sliding or shifting the mechanism are difficult to understand, and even harder to visualize. Moreover, it seems that the assemblage point is a weird item, not comparable to anything found in any other sources.

There is, however, a rare piece of testimony from the Mysteries that describes the assemblage point in exactly the manner found in Castaneda.

In The Subtle Body in Western Tradition, Gnostic scholar G. R. S. Mead cites the lost writings of Isadorus, the husband of Hypatia and one of the last Gnostics who taught at the Mystery School (the Museum) in Alexandria. Isadorus’ original work is lost, but it was paraphrased by another writer, Damascius, so a few faint indications of his teachings can be surmised. Isadorus is said to have described the augoeides, “golden aura,” comparable to the luminous egg of Castandea.

The nature and operation of the augoiedes, also called the auric egg, was one of the deepest secrets of the Mysteries. Apparently, a lost treatise of Isadorus stated that the augoeides surrounds the human being like an oval membrane, in such a way that the physical body floats in the oval. This is precisely how Castaneda describes the luminous egg. The Gnostic teacher also said that the luminous oval is connected or locked into the physical body at a point in the back, high up on the right shoulder blade.

Thus, one of the weirdest details in Castaneda’s writings is confirmed by a teacher of the Mysteries who lived in Alexandria the 5th century CE.

A Cosmic Test

In the classical scheme of the planetary system, there are seven planets, not including the Earth: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. (The sun is not of course a planet, but a star, the central body of the planetary system, and the moon is a satellite of the earth. In some ancient systems, these two bodies are excluded from the seven and replaced by the lunar nodes.)

This situation recalls Castaneda’s description of the organic and inorganic structure of the “great bands of emanation” that compose the universe.

If we set the earth apart from the other planets, the “seven inorganic bands” could well be correlated to the “seven planets,” known to be realms that do not support organic life as the Earth does. Gnostics taught that the earth does not belong to the planetary system, but is merely captured in it. They called the planetary system apart from earth the Hebdomad , the Sevenfold. This terminology may be compared to the Gnostic description of the realm of the Archons, who are inorganic beings. The “seven inorganic bands” in Castaneda’s scheme may be different language for the same model.

Gnostic seers located the habitat of the predatory Archons in the planetary system, exclusive of the Earth. The Archontic realm would then be assembled from the seven inorganic bands. Within the domain so assembled, the Archons would be on their own “turf.” Their presence in the world assembled around us, the biosphere ruled by the laws of organic chemistry, would be an intrusion. Nowhere does Castaneda indicate that the predatory entities come from these seven bands, but the conclusion is obvious. He does say explicitly that the flyers are inorganic beings, so the conclusion is not only obvious but consistent with his syntax, his system of description.

Don Juan specifies that sorcerers can and usually do initiate contact with inorganic beings. They do this by shifting the assemblage point and crossing into the unknown territory of other bands, or sliding into unknown regions of our own band.

A great deal of the activity described in Castaneda’s work consists of forays into the other worlds contingent to ours.

“Once the barrier is broken, inorganic beings change and become what seers call allies.”

These allies can be deviating or even deadly, but mastering them is one of the primary tasks of the new sorcery. There are numerous allies in the cosmos at large. According to many indigenous traditions, earth is visited by many kinds of other-dimensional beings who serve as allies and guides to humanity. The dark, shadowy predator would seem to be a unique category of inorganic beings who is perhaps not an ally at all, or else a particularly difficult ally to master.

Don Juan stressed the need to confront this inorganic being to experience “the total certainty of the mind’s foreign origin.” The “predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives” may certainly be equated to the Archons of Gnostic teachings. Don Juan describes Alien intrusion and its main consequence, behavioral modification, in a most vivid manner.

The old sorcerer also makes a striking comment on what might be gained from our encounter with these entities.

“The flyers are an essential part of the universe… and they must be taken as what they really are — awesome, monstrous. They are the means by which the universe tests us.”

The parallels between Gnostic materials and the new Toltec sorcery of Carlos Castaneda are striking and present sobering insights on the human condition, if nothing else.

What can we do about the topic of topics, predation?

“All we can do is discipline ourselves to the point where they will not touch us,” Don Juan advises.

Significantly, he says will not, not can not. He also says that the alien predators are the way the universe tests us, as just noted.

It follows that the intent to arrange our minds and lives so that the flyers/Archons are not willing to intrude on us is the capital exercise, the primary test in progress for humanity.
