TERROR DATE 6/23/2010 CONFIRMED! First Illuminati Warning Found & Decoded.

June 1, 2010 SJR– To those who think that Operation Blackjack, that comic series published by the London Telegraph last year, was just a sick joke; It may come as a shock to learn that an earlier warning has been discovered and decoded. There are those that believe that the Illuminati publish their plans in encrypted ways, because it is necessary by their ‘order’ to involve us in the blood sacrifice? Perhaps by exposing their evil plans they will choose not to execute them. Buried in the mysterious hexadecimal codes throughout the operation blackjack series, were several hidden messages. One of those messages indicated that the comic slide show was our FINAL WARNING. So, it stands to reason that if operation blackjack was the final warning, that there must have been another earlier warning that was missed. What follows is a very scary discovery and analysis of an “odd” terrorist article published in a Capitol City in West Africa that predates the so called, “operation blackjack spoof.” It all started when a researcher found a strange article titled, “Major terrorists head to court.” (1) This terror article was broken down into sections and decoded. The executive summary of the final decoded message is: Section A – The [nuclear] winds are on the agenda for 6/23/2010. Section B – S.O.S. the [nuclear] bombs will be hidden in the rooftop heating & cooling systems. Section C – Nine al-Qaeda pasties will be blamed for the attacks against the westerners. Section D – The radical patsies planned the attack for four years and came from three nations. Section E – This is an Emergency Action Message signed by a hidden Illuminati Marker. Section F – In 2010, mass repentance [faith resurgence] as an outcome of this spiritual dialogue. The actual decoding is very complex and may be posted in its entirety in a separate post. However, the following items were decoded and found contained within the terror article: * The number “33″ Illuminati marker of authentication. * The article claims that the terrorist shot tourist on December 24, 2007. * Then the article is decoded to warn of “dangerous winds” 912 days later, which happens to be June 23, 2010. [Note: Operation Blackjack indicates June 22, 2010 but hidden in its images is a code to add a day. Also, 6/23/10= 6+2+3+10 = 21 Blackjack!] * Then even spookier is the fact that 912 days after 6/23/10 is 12/21/12 = Doomsday! * The article talks about the FOUR who got killed and the ONE who got injured, and this was decoded to mean the event will kill: England, Canada, United States, and Mexico. The article hints that an attack on an Israeli Embassy will leave it wounded. Anyone reading the article may wonder how Section B was decoded. Take a good look at the names of the suspected terrorists. Their initials are: SOS, MOC, MOH. This was decoded as: SOS=HELP, MOC/MOH are very common acronyms for rooftop heating and cooling units. It makes sense that someone posing as a ‘repair man’ could hide suitcase nukes on rooftops in these units without rasing suspicions. Detonation from the top of tall buildings adds to the ‘damage’ radius and enhances visual effects to be used in the ‘shock’ and ‘awe’ media propaganda.

Footnotes: 1. Two screen shots of the article,

“Major terrorist head to court” can be found at: img188.imageshack.us…

The article starts on the second slide, and continues on the first. 2. DECODED LINEKS ADDED HERE AS THEY BECOME AVALIABLE:

Section – A

Section – B

Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread577707/pg1 posted by Gold_Bug member of Above Top Secret forum.

1 thought on “TERROR DATE 6/23/2010 CONFIRMED! First Illuminati Warning Found & Decoded.

  1. nothing but fear mongering, the dark guys with their petty toys only acquire their power from those who give it up. The power of love is the greatest force, be aware of where you allow your attention to go

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